
10-letter words containing n, i, f, t

  • leafleting — a small flat or folded sheet of printed matter, as an advertisement or notice, usually intended for free distribution.
  • left brain — the left hemisphere of the human brain, which is believed to control linear and analytical thinking, decision-making, and language
  • leftwinger — (Sometimes pejorative) A person who is radically liberal politically; one whose political viewpoint is leftwing.
  • let in for — to involve (oneself or another) in (something more than is expected)
  • life plant — air plant (def 2).
  • loan-shift — change or extension of the meaning of a word through the influence of a foreign word, as in the application in English of the meaning “profession” to the word calling through the influence of Latin vocātio.
  • magnificat — (italics) the hymn of the Virgin Mary in Luke, 1:46–55, beginning “My soul doth magnify the Lord,” used as a canticle at evensong or vespers.
  • main shaft — the principal shaft of a motor, transmission, etc. (distinguished from jackshaft).
  • maleficent — doing evil or harm; harmfully malicious: maleficent destroyers of reputations.
  • manifested — readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain: a manifest error.
  • manifester — readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain: a manifest error.
  • manifestly — readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain: a manifest error.
  • manifestos — Plural form of manifesto.
  • metrifying — Present participle of metrify.
  • mineshafts — Plural form of mineshaft.
  • misfitting — something that fits badly, as a garment that is too large or too small.
  • misfortune — adverse fortune; bad luck.
  • mortifying — to humiliate or shame, as by injury to one's pride or self-respect.
  • mount fuji — an extinct volcano in central Japan, in S central Honshu: the highest mountain in Japan, famous for its symmetrical snow-capped cone. Height: 3776 m (12 388 ft)
  • muffin top — a crisp, flat muffin that resembles the top portion of a typical muffin.
  • munificent — extremely liberal in giving; very generous.
  • muttonfish — ocean pout.
  • mystifying — to perplex (a person) by playing upon the person's credulity; bewilder purposely.
  • neofascist — any of various political movements or beliefs inspired by or reminiscent of fascism or Nazism.
  • net profit — the actual profit made on a business transaction, sale, etc., or during a specific period of business activity, after deducting all costs from gross receipts.
  • netsurfing — Netsurfing is the activity of looking at different sites on the Internet, especially when you are not looking for anything in particular.
  • nettlefish — jellyfish.
  • nidificate — to build a nest.
  • night life — entertainment at night
  • night safe — a safe built into the outside wall of a bank, in which customers can deposit money at times when the bank is closed
  • nightshift — Alternative spelling of night shift.
  • nitrifiers — a person or thing that nitrifies.
  • nitrifying — Describing certain bacteria that oxidize ammonia to nitrite and nitrate in the soil.
  • nitrofuran — A class of drug, derived from furan, used to inhibit bacterial growth.
  • non-finite — A non-finite clause is a clause which is based on an infinitive or a participle and has no tense. Compare finite.
  • non-profit — A non-profit organization is one which is not run with the aim of making a profit.
  • nonfiction — the branch of literature comprising works of narrative prose dealing with or offering opinions or conjectures upon facts and reality, including biography, history, and the essay (opposed to fiction and distinguished from poetry and drama).
  • nonprofits — Plural form of nonprofit.
  • nootka fir — (in the Pacific Northwest) Douglas fir.
  • northfield — a town in SE Minnesota.
  • notifiable — to inform (someone) or give notice to: to notify the police of a crime.
  • offputting — (uncommon) Alternative form of off-putting.
  • offsetting — something that counterbalances, counteracts, or compensates for something else; compensating equivalent.
  • oftentimes — often.
  • omnificent — creating all things; having unlimited powers of creation.
  • outfitting — an assemblage of articles that equip a person for a particular task, role, trade, etc.: an explorer's outfit.
  • outflowing — Flowing out.
  • pathfinder — a historical novel (1840) by James Fenimore Cooper.
  • patient of — capable of bearing (fatigue, thirst, etc.)
  • perfection — the state or quality of being or becoming perfect.
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