
13-letter words containing n, i, a, c

  • contextualize — to state the social, grammatical, or other context of; put into context
  • continentally — of or of the nature of a continent.
  • continuations — continuation passing style
  • continuatives — Plural form of continuative.
  • contortionate — tortuous; contortive
  • contrabandism — the practice of trading contraband goods
  • contrabandist — a person who trades in contraband goods; smuggler
  • contrabassist — Someone who plays the contrabass.
  • contracepting — to prevent the conception of (offspring).
  • contraception — Contraception refers to methods of preventing pregnancy.
  • contraceptive — A contraceptive method or device is a method or a device which a woman uses to prevent herself from becoming pregnant.
  • contractility — capable of contracting or causing contraction.
  • contractional — of, relating to, or produced by contraction
  • contradicting — Present participle of contradict.
  • contradiction — If you describe an aspect of a situation as a contradiction, you mean that it is completely different from other aspects, and so makes the situation confused or difficult to understand.
  • contradictive — tending or inclined to contradict; involving contradiction; contradictory.
  • contradictory — If two or more facts, ideas, or statements are contradictory, they state or imply that opposite things are true.
  • contrafactive — Denoting a verb that assigns to its object (normally a clausal object) the status of not being true, e.g., pretend and wish.
  • contragestion — a form of contraception that can be used after fertilization of the ovum, preventing gestation
  • contragestive — able to prevent gestation
  • contragravity — (scifi) antigravity.
  • contraorbital — of or relating to flight in the orbit of, but in a direction contrary to, a given rocket, ballistic missile, satellite, etc.
  • contrapuntist — a composer skilled in counterpoint
  • contrarianism — Beliefs and practices of a contrarian.
  • contrarieties — Plural form of contrariety.
  • contrastingly — to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences; note the opposite natures, purposes, etc., of: Contrast the political rights of Romans and Greeks.
  • contrastively — tending to contrast; contrasting. contrastive colors.
  • contravariant — (category theory, of a functor) which reverses composition.
  • contravention — an act of contravening; action counter to something; violation or opposition.
  • contraversial — Misspelling of controversial.
  • contraversion — A turning to the opposite side; antistrophe.
  • contre-partie — (in buhlwork) an inlay composed of a design in tortoise shell on a background of brass.
  • contributable — to give (money, time, knowledge, assistance, etc.) to a common supply, fund, etc., as for charitable purposes.
  • contristation — the act of contristing
  • controversial — If you describe something or someone as controversial, you mean that they are the subject of intense public argument, disagreement, or disapproval.
  • convalidation — In Roman Catholic canon law, the making of a putative marriage valid following the removal of some impediment.
  • conventionary — (of a form of tenure) fixed by convention as opposed to custom
  • conversations — Plural form of conversation.
  • conversazione — a social gathering for discussion of the arts, literature, etc
  • convertiplane — an aircraft that can land and take off vertically by temporarily directing its propulsive thrust downwards
  • convocational — Of or pertaining to a convocation.
  • convulsionary — of or affected with convulsion.
  • conway's life — Conway's Game of Life
  • cooling board — a plank for laying out a corpse.
  • coordinations — the act or state of coordinating or of being coordinated.
  • copartnership — a partnership or association between two equals, esp in a business enterprise
  • copy negative — master (def 21).
  • coral springs — city in SE Fla.: pop. 118,000
  • coralligenous — producing coral
  • core analysis — Core analysis is the process of studying a sample of rock in a laboratory.
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