
13-letter words containing n, i, a, c

  • card-carrying — A card-carrying member of a particular group or political party is an official member of that group or party, rather than someone who supports it.
  • cardiganshire — a former county of W Wales: became part of Dyfed in 1974; reinstated as Ceredigion in 1996
  • cardinal fish — a small brightly coloured fish found in shallow tropical seas, of the family Apogonidae, the male of which often broods eggs in its mouth
  • cardinal sign — any of the four astrological signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, that begin at the equinoxes and solstices, thus marking the beginning of the seasons: characterized by the attribute of strong initiative.
  • cardinalitial — relating to a cardinal or cardinalship
  • cardinalities — Plural form of cardinality.
  • cardioversion — restoring the rhythm of the heart to normal by applying direct-current electrical shock.
  • carias andino — Tiburcio [tee-voor-syaw] /tiˈvur syɔ/ (Show IPA), 1876–1968, Honduran lawyer, soldier, and statesman: president 1933–49.
  • caribbean sea — an almost landlocked sea, part of the Atlantic Ocean, bounded by the Caribbean islands, Central America, and the N coast of South America. Area: 2 718 200 sq km (1 049 500 sq miles)
  • caribou inuit — a member of any of the Inuit peoples who formerly inhabited the Barren Lands of N Canada
  • carillonneurs — Plural form of carillonneur.
  • cariogenicity — conducive to the production or promotion of dental caries: the cariogenic factors in sweets.
  • carnegie hall — a famous concert hall in New York (opened 1891); endowed by Andrew Carnegie
  • carnegie unit — a standardized unit of measurement for evaluating courses in secondary schools in terms of college entrance requirements, representing one year's study in any subject, that subject having been taught for a minimum of 120 classroom hours to qualify.
  • carnification — the conversion of tissue into flesh or a fleshlike substance, as of lung tissue into fibrous tissue as a result of pneumonia.
  • carnivalesque — characteristic of, suitable for, or like a carnival
  • carnivorously — In a carnivorous manner.
  • carnot engine — an engine using a Carnot cycle of operations.
  • carolina lily — a bulbous lily, Lilium michauxii, of the southeastern U.S., having large, spotted, orange-red flowers with recurved petals.
  • carolina rail — sora.
  • carolina wren — a large wren, Thryothorus ludovicianus, of the U.S., having a musical call.
  • carotid sinus — specialized nerve end organs producing a slight dilatation of the carotid artery where it branches into the external and internal carotid arteries, responding to changes in blood pressure by mediating changes in the heartbeat rate.
  • carpet knight — a soldier who spends his life away from battle; idler
  • carpetbagging — relating to carpetbaggers or to the practice of carpetbaggers
  • carrantuohill — a mountain in SW Republic of Ireland, in Macgillicuddy's Reeks in Kerry: the highest peak in Ireland. Height: 1041 m (3414 ft)
  • carrie nation — Carry or Carrie (Amelia Moore) 1846–1911, U.S. temperance leader.
  • cartelization — The act of cartelizing.
  • cartilaginous — of or like cartilage; gristly
  • cartiliginous — Alternative form of cartilaginous.
  • carton-pierre — papier-mâché decorated in imitation of wood, stone, or metal, and chiefly used for ornamental statuary or decorative motifs.
  • cartoon strip — A cartoon strip is a series of drawings that tells a story.
  • cartridge pen — a pen having a removable ink reservoir that is replaced when empty
  • carve a niche — If you carve a niche for yourself, you organize your work to create a secure position.
  • carving knife — A carving knife is a long sharp knife that is used to cut cooked meat.
  • case in point — a specific, appropriate, or relevant instance or example
  • cased edition — a hardback book sold in a protective box that is open at one edge so that you can see the spine of the book
  • casehardening — Present participle of caseharden.
  • cash dealings — transactions that are carried out using cash
  • cash discount — a discount granted to a purchaser who pays before a stipulated date
  • cash holdings — the assets that you hold in ready cash, as opposed to property, shares, bonds, etc
  • casing hanger — A casing hanger is the part of a wellhead that supports the casing string.
  • casing string — A casing string is a series of lengths of steel pipe which are fitted together and put into a well.
  • cassivelaunus — 1st century bc, British chieftain, king of the Catuvellauni tribe, who organized resistance to Caesar's invasion of Britain (54 bc)
  • castellations — Defensive or decorative parapets with regularly spaced notches; battlements.
  • caster action — the tendency, caused by the design of the mounting, of a wheel to turn into its plane of rotation
  • casting couch — a couch on which a casting director is said to seduce women seeking a part in a film or play
  • casting wheel — a wheel having on its circumference molds for receiving molten metal.
  • casualisation — (economics) The process by which employment shifts from a preponderance of full-time and permanent or contract positions to higher levels of casual positions.
  • casualization — the altering of working practices so that regular workers are re-employed on a casual or short-term basis
  • catatonically — in a catatonic or exceedingly rigid manner
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