
11-letter words containing n, e, u, r, o

  • pure merino — a free settler rather than a convict
  • pure reason — reason based on a priori principles and providing a unifying ground for the perception of the phenomenal world.
  • pyrobitumen — any of the dark, solid hydrocarbons including peat, coal, and bituminous shale.
  • quantometer — a spectroscopic instrument for measuring the percentage of different metals present in a sample
  • quaternions — Plural form of quaternion.
  • questionary — a questionnaire.
  • questioners — Plural form of questioner.
  • quinhydrone — a dark green, crystalline, slightly water-soluble solid, C 1 2 H 1 0 O 4 , used in solution, together with a platinum wire, as an electrode (quinhy·drone elec·trode)
  • quinternion — five gathered sheets folded in two for binding together.
  • radiolucent — almost entirely transparent to radiation; almost entirely invisible in x-ray photographs and under fluoroscopy.
  • ranch house — the house of the owner of a ranch, usually of one story and with a low-pitched roof.
  • re-announce — to make known publicly or officially; proclaim; give notice of: to announce a special sale.
  • readjourned — to suspend the meeting of (a club, legislature, committee, etc.) to a future time, another place, or indefinitely: to adjourn the court.
  • reannounced — to make known publicly or officially; proclaim; give notice of: to announce a special sale.
  • reconducted — personal behavior; way of acting; bearing or deportment.
  • reconfigure — to change the shape or formation of; remodel; restructure.
  • reconstruct — to construct again; rebuild; make over.
  • recountment — the act or process of recounting or reciting something
  • red puccoon — bloodroot; a plant yielding a red dye
  • rediffusion — act of diffusing; state of being diffused.
  • reductional — of, characterized by, or relating to reduction
  • reeducation — to educate again, as for new purposes.
  • refuctoring — (humour, programming)   Taking a well-designed piece of code and, through a series of small, reversible changes, making it completely unmaintainable by anyone except yourself. The term is a humourous play on the term refactoring and was coined by Jason Gorman in a pub in 2002. Refuctoring techniques include: Using Pig Latin as a naming convention. Stating The Bleeding Obvious - writing comments that paraphrase the code (e.g., "declare an integer called I with an initial value of zero"). Module Gravity Well - adding all new code to the biggest module. Unique Modeling Language - inventing your own visual notation. Treasure Hunt - Writing code consisting mostly of references to other code and documents that reference other documents. Rainy Day Module - writing spare code just in case somebody needs it later.
  • reinduction — the act of inducing, bringing about, or causing: induction of the hypnotic state.
  • reinoculate — to inoculate again
  • reintroduce — to present (a person) to another so as to make acquainted.
  • rejuvenator — to make young again; restore to youthful vigor, appearance, etc.: That vacation has certainly rejuvenated him.
  • reluctation — opposition, struggle, resistance
  • remunerator — to pay, recompense, or reward for work, trouble, etc.
  • reoccurring — to happen; take place; come to pass: When did the accident occur?
  • repudiation — the act of repudiating.
  • requisition — the act of requiring or demanding.
  • restitution — reparation made by giving an equivalent or compensation for loss, damage, or injury caused; indemnification.
  • retribution — requital according to merits or deserts, especially for evil.
  • rev counter — A rev counter is an instrument in a car or an aeroplane which shows the speed of the engine.
  • revaluation — to make a new or revised valuation of; revalue.
  • rhamnaceous — belonging to the Rhamnaceae, the buckthorn family of plants.
  • ribonucleic — an acid derived from ribose
  • rinthereout — a vagrant or homeless person
  • road-runner — either of two large terrestrial cuckoos of the genus Geococcyx of arid regions of the western U.S., Mexico, and Central America, especially G. californianus (greater roadrunner)
  • rock gunnel — any small eellike blenny of the family Pholididae (Pholidae), especially Pholis gunnellus (rock gunnel) common in shallow waters of the North Atlantic.
  • roentgenium — a superheavy, synthetic radioactive element with a very short half-life. Symbol: Rg; atomic number: 111.
  • root nodule — a swelling on the root of a leguminous plant, such as the pea or clover, that contains bacteria of the genus Rhizobium, capable of nitrogen fixation
  • rouen lilac — a shrub, Syringa chinensis, of France, having clusters of fragrant, lilac-purple flowers.
  • rough lemon — a variety of lemon that has orange-yellow, rough-skinned fruit and is used as a rootstock for the cultivation of other citrus fruits.
  • round angle — perigon.
  • round dance — a dance performed by couples and characterized by circular or revolving movement, as the waltz.
  • round steak — a steak cut from directly above the hind leg of beef.
  • round table — conference, meeting
  • round tower — a freestanding circular stone belfry built in Ireland from the 10th century beside a monastery and used as a place of refuge
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