
10-letter words containing n, e, p, t

  • opinionate — (transitive, intransitive) To have or express as an opinion; to opine.
  • optionable — the power or right of choosing.
  • orange-tip — a European butterfly, Anthocharis cardamines, having whitish wings with orange-tipped forewings: family Pieridae
  • orthopneic — difficult or painful breathing except in an erect sitting or standing position.
  • orthopnoea — difficult or painful breathing except in an erect sitting or standing position.
  • osteopenia — Reduced bone mass of lesser severity than osteoporosis.
  • outleaping — Present participle of outleap.
  • outpatient — a patient who receives treatment at a hospital, as in an emergency room or clinic, but is not hospitalized.
  • outpointed — Simple past tense and past participle of outpoint.
  • overpotent — excessively potent or powerful
  • painstaker — a painstaking person
  • paintiness — the quality of being painty
  • palagonite — a yellow basaltic glass
  • palatinatethe. either of two historic regions of Germany that constituted an electorate of the Holy Roman Empire: one (Lower Palatinate, or Rhine Palatinate, ) is now part of Rhineland-Palatinate and the other (Upper Palatinate, ) is now part of Bavaria.
  • palestrina — Giovanni Pierluigi da [jaw-vahn-nee pyer-loo-ee-jee dah] /dʒɔˈvɑn ni ˌpyɛr luˈi dʒi dɑ/ (Show IPA), 1526?–94, Italian composer.
  • pallescent — becoming paler in colour with increasing age
  • palliament — a long robe
  • palmerstonHenry John Temple, 3rd Viscount, 1784–1865, British statesman: prime minister 1855–58, 1859–65.
  • paltriness — ridiculously or insultingly small: a paltry sum.
  • panatheism — the belief that because there is no God, nothing can properly be termed sacred or holy.
  • pancreatic — of or affecting the pancreas
  • pancreatin — Biochemistry. a substance containing the pancreatic enzymes, trypsin, amylase, and lipase.
  • pancreato- — pancreas
  • pandectist — a German law student who followed the Pandects of Justinian
  • pandermite — a white, marble-like mineral
  • pandurated — fiddle-shaped
  • panegyrist — a person who panegyrizes; eulogist.
  • paniculate — arranged in panicles.
  • pantagruel — (in Rabelais' Pantagruel) the huge son of Gargantua, represented as dealing with serious matters in a spirit of broad and somewhat cynical good humor.
  • pantalonespantaloons, a man's close-fitting garment for the hips and legs, worn especially in the 19th century, but varying in form from period to period; trousers.
  • pantheonic — a domed circular temple at Rome, erected a.d. 120–124 by Hadrian, used as a church since a.d.
  • pantheress — a female panther
  • pantherine — resembling a panther in manner or appearance
  • pantomimed — the art or technique of conveying emotions, actions, feelings, etc., by gestures without speech.
  • pantoscope — a panoramic camera
  • pantothere — any animal of the extinct order Pantotheria that lived during the late Mesozoic Era, believed to be the ancestor of the marsupial and placental mammals.
  • pantsuited — wearing a pantsuit
  • panzerotto — a baked turnover with a folded, sealed pocket containing tomato, cheese, and sometimes other fillings
  • paper-thin — extremely thin: a paper-thin razor blade.
  • papiamento — a creolized language based on Spanish and spoken on Curaçao.
  • paraenetic — of or relating to moral and ethical instruction or paraenesis
  • paragonite — a mica, similar in composition and appearance to muscovite but containing sodium instead of potassium.
  • paramagnet — a body or substance that, placed in a magnetic field, possesses magnetization in direct proportion to the field strength; a substance in which the magnetic moments of the atoms are not aligned.
  • parcel net — a large bag made of netting attached inside (the boot or trunk of) a car and used to store loose items, such as groceries, sports equipment, or parcels, etc
  • parentally — of or relating to a parent.
  • parenteral — taken into the body in a manner other than through the digestive canal.
  • parenthood — the state, position, or relation of a parent.
  • parentless — a father or a mother.
  • parentlike — a father or a mother.
  • pargetting — the act of a person who pargets.
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