
14-letter words containing n, e, o, p, l, a

  • sable antelope — a large antelope, Hippotragus niger, of Africa, with long, saberlike horns and, in the male, a black coat: an endangered species.
  • sample section — a section of sth, intended as representative of the whole
  • san pedro sula — a city in NW Honduras.
  • self-appointed — chosen by oneself to act in a certain capacity or to fulfill a certain function, especially pompously or self-righteously: a self-appointed guardian of the public's morals.
  • self-important — having or showing an exaggerated opinion of one's own importance; pompously conceited or haughty.
  • self-operating — automatic.
  • self-parodying — given to or involving self-parody
  • semipolar bond — type of chemical bond
  • shortleaf pine — a pine, Pinus echinata, of the southern U.S., having short, flexible leaves.
  • spanish omelet — an omelet served with a sauce of tomatoes, onions, and green peppers.
  • speaking clock — a telephone service that gives a precise verbal statement of the correct time
  • specialisation — the act of specializing, or pursuing a particular line of study or work: Medical students with high student loans often feel driven into specialization.
  • specialization — the act of specializing, or pursuing a particular line of study or work: Medical students with high student loans often feel driven into specialization.
  • spironolactone — a steroid, C 2 4 H 3 2 O 4 S, used in combination with other drugs as a diuretic and antihypertensive.
  • splash erosion — erosion caused by the impact of falling raindrops.
  • stegocephalian — an extinct, pre-Jurassic amphibian
  • stopping place — a place where vehicles may stop temporarily
  • sub-peritoneal — the serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity and investing its viscera.
  • sulfinpyrazone — a substance, C 2 3 H 2 0 N 2 O 3 S, used in the treatment of chronic gout.
  • sulphonmethane — a colourless crystalline compound used medicinally as a hypnotic. Formula: C7H16O4S2
  • super-rational — beyond the scope or range of reason; intuitional.
  • superelevation — bank1 (def 6).
  • superinflation — hyperinflation.
  • superovulation — to produce more than the normal number of ova at one time, as through hormone treatment.
  • telephone bank — an array of telephones used in large-scale telephoning operations, as for a political campaign.
  • telephone call — contact by phone
  • telephonically — of, relating to, or happening by means of a telephone system.
  • terminal point — the final destination or station of a bus or rail journey
  • the capitoline — the most important of the Seven Hills of Rome. The temple of Jupiter was on the southern summit and the ancient citadel on the northern summit
  • the palaeocene — the Palaeocene epoch or rock series
  • the palaeogene — the Palaeogene period or system
  • the paranormal — paranormal happenings generally
  • tortoise plant — elephant's-foot.
  • transcorporeal — of the nature of the physical body; bodily.
  • tripersonalism — the doctrine of three persons making up the Trinity
  • tripersonalist — someone who believes in the Trinity
  • tripersonality — the state or condition of being tripersonal; existence in three persons, as the Godhead.
  • ultracompetent — extremely competent
  • ultraprecision — extreme accuracy or precision
  • unaccomplished — not accomplished; incomplete or not carried out: Many tasks remain unaccomplished.
  • unapproachable — not capable of being approached; remote; unreachable: an unapproachable spot; an unapproachable person.
  • uncontemplated — to look at or view with continued attention; observe or study thoughtfully: to contemplate the stars.
  • undecomposable — indecomposable or unable to be decomposed
  • underpopulated — having a population lower than is normal or desirable.
  • unmetaphorical — not used, viewed, or intended as a metaphor
  • unpersonalized — to have marked with one's initials, name, or monogram: to personalize stationery.
  • unpoeticalness — the quality, state, or characteristic of being unpoetic
  • unprofessional — not professional; not pertaining to or characteristic of a profession.
  • unprogrammable — not able to be programmed
  • unsaponifiable — to convert (a fat) into soap by treating with an alkali.
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