
13-letter words containing n, e, d, t

  • show-and-tell — an activity for young children, especially in school, in which each participant produces an object of unusual interest and tells something about it.
  • side entrance — an entrance at the side of a building
  • side-stepping — to step to one side.
  • sidesplitting — convulsively uproarious: sidesplitting laughter.
  • sight reading — the act or skill of performing unfamiliar written music, or of translating something written in a foreign language, readily on sight, without previous study
  • single thread — the execution of an entire task from beginning to end without interruption
  • single-masted — (of a boat) having a single mast
  • sitting judge — a presiding judge; a judge in office
  • skateboarding — a device for riding upon, usually while standing, consisting of a short, oblong piece of wood, plastic, or aluminum mounted on large roller-skate wheels, used on smooth surfaces and requiring better balance of the rider than the ordinary roller skate does.
  • skip distance — the minimum distance along the earth's surface between the position of a short-wave transmitter and the region where its signal is received after one reflection from the ionosphere.
  • slave trading — trafficking in people
  • slimming diet — a diet with the aim of losing weight
  • slotted spoon — a large spoon whose bowl has several slots or holes for draining liquid from food being ladled.
  • solidungulate — having a single, undivided hoof on each foot, as a horse.
  • sound blaster — (hardware)   The best known family of sound cards for the IBM PC from Creative Labs.
  • sound effects — any sounds artificially produced, reproduced from a recording, etc, to create a theatrical effect, such as the bringing together of two halves of a hollow coconut shell to simulate a horse's gallop; used in plays, films, etc
  • southern toad — a common toad, Bufo terrestris, of the southeastern U.S., having prominent knoblike crests on its head.
  • speed skating — ice skating as a form of racing, usually on an oval course and against other competitors or the clock.
  • split spindle — a turned piece halved lengthwise for use as applied ornament, as on a chest or cupboard, or as part of a chair back or the like.
  • spot reducing — the usually futile effort to exercise one part of the body, as the thighs, in hopes of reducing the amount of fat stored in that area.
  • spotted hyena — a long-legged carnivorous doglike mammal native to Africa and S Asia (Crocuta crocuta)
  • spotted skunk — either of two small, nocturnal skunks of the genus Spilogale, distinguished by a white forehead patch and a luxuriant coat of broken stripes and spots, including S. putorius of temperate North America and S. pygmaea of Mexico.
  • spread option — spread (def 25b).
  • sprint medley — a medley relay in which the first member of a team runs 440 yards, the second and third members run 220 yards each, and the fourth member runs 880 yards.
  • stader splint — a splint consisting of an adjustable metal rod with a steel pin at either end for insertion in the bone above and below a fracture.
  • stained glass — glass that has been colored, enameled, painted, or stained, especially by having pigments baked onto its surface or by having various metallic oxides fused into it, as used in church windows, decorative lampshades, etc.
  • stand accused — If someone stands accused of something, they have been accused of it.
  • standard cell — a primary electric cell, as the Weston cell, that produces an accurately known constant voltage: used in scientific measurements.
  • standard rose — a rose which has a long stem
  • standard time — the civil time officially adopted for a country or region, usually the civil time of some specific meridian lying within the region. The standard time zones in the U.S. (Atlantic time, Eastern time, Central time, Mountain time, Pacific time, Yukon time, Alaska-Hawaii time, and Bering time) use the civil times of the 60th, 75th, 90th, 105th, 120th, 135th, 150th, and 165th meridians respectively, the difference of time between one zone and the next being exactly one hour.
  • standard-bred — pertaining to a horse of the Standardbred breed.
  • standing joke — If something is a standing joke among a group of people, they often make jokes about it.
  • standing wave — a wave in a medium in which each point on the axis of the wave has an associated constant amplitude ranging from zero at the nodes to a maximum at the antinodes.
  • standover man — a person who extorts money by intimidation
  • stannic oxide — a white, amorphous, water-insoluble powder, SnO 2 , used chiefly in the manufacture of ceramic glazes and glass, and of polishing powders for metal, glass, and marble.
  • star-spangled — spangled with stars.
  • state of aden — Aden (def 2).
  • state of mind — mental condition, mood
  • staten island — an island facing New York Bay.
  • steadfastness — fixed in direction; steadily directed: a steadfast gaze.
  • steady-handed — having steady hands; having self-control; calm.
  • steganopodous — belonging to the Stegandopodes or having all four toes webbed together
  • steroidogenic — of or pertaining to steroidogenesis
  • stockbreeding — the breeding and raising of livestock for marketing or exhibition.
  • stone-hearted — stony-hearted.
  • stony-hearted — hardhearted.
  • stressed skin — a composite plywood material used especially in the construction of light aircraft
  • stringer bead — a small, usually round object of glass, wood, stone, or the like with a hole through it, often strung with others of its kind in necklaces, rosaries, etc.
  • striped hyena — a hyena, Hyaena hyaena, of northern Africa, Arabia, and India, having a grayish coat with distinct blackish stripes.
  • stripped down — having only essential features; lacking any special appointments or accessories.
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