
24-letter words containing n, a, r, c

  • a chip on one's shoulder — If you say that someone has a chip on their shoulder, you think that they feel inferior or that they believe they have been treated unfairly.
  • a contradiction in terms — If you say that something is a contradiction in terms, you mean that it is described as having a quality that it cannot have.
  • a licence to print money — If you describe a commercial activity as a licence to print money, you mean that it allows people to gain a lot of money with little effort or responsibility.
  • a manufacturing language — (language, robotics)   (AML) A high-level language developed by IBM in the 1980s for industrial robots.
  • a mixed bunch of flowers — a bunch of flowers of different, complementary, kinds
  • a streetcar named desire — a play (1947) by Tennessee Williams.
  • accelerated depreciation — a method by which a company depreciates a fixed asset in such a way that the amount of depreciation is higher at the start of that asset's life
  • acceleration coefficient — the ratio of change in capital investment to the change in consumer spending.
  • adaptable user interface — (tool, product)   (AUI, Oracle Toolkit) A toolkit from Oracle allowing applications to be written which will be portable between different windowing systems. AUI provides one call level interface along with a resource manager and editor across a range of "standard" GUIs, including Macintosh, Microsoft Windows and the X Window System.
  • advance purchase booking — Advance purchase booking is an arrangement that allows you to book and pay for a hotel room before you arrive, usually at a discounted rate.
  • aeronautical engineering — the branch of engineering concerned with the design, production, and maintenance of aircraft
  • affirming the consequent — the fallacy of inferring the antecedent of a conditional sentence, given the truth of the conditional and its consequent, as if John is six feet tall, he's more than five feet: he's more than five feet so he's six feet
  • agricultural engineering — the branch of engineering involved with the design of farm machinery, with soil management, land development, and mechanization and automation of livestock farming, and with the efficient planting, harvesting, storage, and processing of farm commodities.
  • almost periodic function — a function that repeats its values approximately at almost equally spaced intervals of its domain.
  • alternating bit protocol — (networking)   (ABP) A simple data link layer protocol that retransmits lost or corrupted messages. Messages are sent from transmitter A to receiver B. Assume that the channel from A to B is initialised and that there are no messages in transit. Each message contains a data part, a checksum, and a one-bit sequence number, i.e. a value that is 0 or 1. When A sends a message, it sends it continuously, with the same sequence number, until it receives an acknowledgment (ACK) from B that contains the same sequence number. When that happens, A complements (flips) the sequence number and starts transmitting the next message. When B receives a message from A, it checks the checksum. If the message is not corrupted B sends back an ACK with the same sequence number. If it is the first message with that sequence number then it is sent for processing. Subsequent messages with the same sequence bit are simply acknowledged. If the message is corrupted B sends back an negative/error acknowledgment (NAK). This is optional, as A will continue transmitting until it receives the correct ACK. A treats corrupted ACK messages, and NAK messages in the same way. The simplest behaviour is to ignore them all and continue transmitting.
  • amantadine hydrochloride — a white, crystalline drug, C10H17N·HCl, used to prevent and treat certain forms of influenza and to treat parkinsonism
  • american indian movement — a militant movement or grouping of American Indians, organized in 1968 to combat discrimination, injustice, etc
  • american revised version — a revision of the Bible, based chiefly on the Revised Version of the Bible, published in the U.S. in 1901.
  • ammonium chromic sulfate — chrome alum (def 1).
  • animal rights campaigner — a person who campaigns for the rights of animals to be protected from exploitation and abuse by humans
  • antimicrobial resistance — the ability of an organism to resist the actions of the class of drugs that destroys or inhibits the growth of disease-causing microbes
  • appropriations committee — a committee dealing with appropriations
  • arts and crafts movement — a movement, originating in England c1860 as a reaction against poor-quality mass-produced goods, that sought to revive earlier standards of workmanship and design, conceiving of decoration and craftsmanship as a single entity to be applied to the handcrafted production of both utilitarian and decorative objects, and that produced furniture, textiles, wallpaper, jewelry, and other items, often decorated with floral motifs.
  • as far as i am concerned — You can say 'as far as I'm concerned' to indicate that you are giving your own opinion.
  • atanasoff-berry computer — (computer)   (ABC) An early design for a binary calculator, one of the predecessors of the digital computer. The ABC was partially constructed between 1937 and 1942 by Dr. John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry at Iowa State College. As well as binary arithmetic, it incorporated regenerative memory, parallel processing, and separation of memory and computing functions. The electronic parts were mounted on a rotating drum, making it hybrid electronic/electromechanical. It was designed to handle only a single type of mathematical problem and was not automated. The results of a single calculation cycle had to be retrieved by a human operator, and fed back into the machine with all new instructions, to perform complex operations. It lacked any serious form of logical control or conditional statements. Atanasoff's patent application was denied because he never have a completed, working product. Ideas from the ABC were used in the design of ENIAC (1943-1946).
  • atomic energy commission — (in the US) a federal board established in 1946 to administer and develop domestic atomic energy programmes
  • auto-erotic asphyxiation — asphyxia caused by intentionally strangling oneself while masturbating in order to intensify the orgasm through reduced oxygen flow to the brain.
  • automated teller machine — a computerized cash dispenser
  • automated-teller machine — an electronic banking machine that dispenses cash, accepts deposits, and performs other services when a customer inserts a plastic card and pushes the proper coded buttons. Abbreviation: ATM.
  • automatic-teller machine — automated-teller machine.
  • autonomic nervous system — the section of the nervous system of vertebrates that controls the involuntary actions of the smooth muscles, heart, and glands. It has two divisions: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic
  • bacillus calmette-guerin — a weakened strain of the tubercle bacillus, Mycobacterium bovis, used in the preparation of BCG vaccine.
  • backup domain controller — (networking)   (BDC) A server in a network of Microsoft Windows computers that maintains a copy of the SAM database and handles access requests that the Primary Domain Controller (PDC) doesn't respond to. There may be zero or more BDCs in a network. They increase reliability and reduce load on the PDC.
  • bad command or file name — (operating system)   The error message printed by MS DOS when it can't find a program or command to execute due to a typing error, incorrect PATH variable, or misplaced or missing executable.
  • be called within the bar — to be appointed as a Queen's Counsel
  • beta-adrenergic receptor — a site on a cell, as of the heart, that, upon interaction with epinephrine or norepinephrine, controls heartbeat and heart contractability, vasodilation, smooth muscle inhibition, and other physiological processes.
  • black english vernacular — Black English (def 1). Abbreviation: BEV.
  • black vernacular english — Black English (def 1). Abbreviation: BEV.
  • black-english-vernacular — Also called African American Vernacular English, African American English, Afro-American English, Black English Vernacular, Black Vernacular English.a dialect of American English characterized by pronunciations, syntactic structures, and vocabulary associated with and used by some North American black people and exhibiting a wide variety and range of forms varying in the extent to which they differ from standard English.
  • bradley fighting vehicle — a 25-ton, tracked U.S. armored personnel carrier of the 1980s, designed to carry nine soldiers into battle and armed with a 25mm rapid-fire cannon, a machine gun, and an antitank missile launcher.
  • bread-and-butter pickles — a sweet pickle relish made of sliced cucumbers, onions, and, often, bell peppers with mustard seed, turmeric, etc.
  • browning automatic rifle — an air-cooled, fully automatic rifle capable of firing 200 to 350 rounds per minute. Abbreviation: BAR.
  • caeremoniale episcoporum — the liturgical book, used by bishops, containing regulations and prescriptions that are authoritative in matters not covered in the missal or other service books.
  • californian spangled cat — a breed of short-haired cat with a spotted coat, bred in California to resemble a leopard in appearance
  • canonical encoding rules — (protocol, standard)   (CER) A restricted variant of BER for producing unequivocal transfer syntax for data structures described by ASN.1. Whereas BER gives choices as to how data values may be encoded, CER and DER select just one encoding from those allowed by the basic encoding rules, eliminating all of the options. They are useful when the encodings must be preserved, e.g. in security exchanges. CER and DER differ in the set of restrictions that they place on the encoder. The basic difference between CER and DER is that DER uses definitive length form and CER uses indefinite length form. Documents: ITU-T X.690, ISO 8825-1. See also PER.
  • carbamylchloride choline — carbachol.
  • carcinoembryonic antigen — a glycoprotein found in serum, urine, etc. that is associated with various types of tumors: monitoring its levels is useful in treating cancer patients
  • carry coals to newcastle1st Duke of, Pelham-Holles, Thomas.
  • cast pearls before swine — to present something of great interest or value to someone incapable of appreciating it
  • cellular multiprocessing — (architecture, parallel)   (CMP) The partitioning of processors into separate computing environments running different operating systems. The term cellular multiprocessing appears to have been coined by Unisys, who are developing a system where computers communicate as clustered machines through a high speed bus, rather than through communication protocols such as TCP/IP. The Unisys system is based on Intel processors, initially the Pentium II Xeon and moving on to the 64-bit Merced processors later in 1999. It will be scalable from four up to 32 processors, which can be clustered or partitioned in various ways. For example a sixteen processor system could be configured as four Windows NT systems (each functioning as a four-processor symmetric multiprocessing system), or an 8-way NT and 8-way Unix system. Supported operating systems will be Windows NT, SCO's Unixware 7.0, Unisys' SVR4 Unix and possibly the OS2200 and MCP-AS mainframe operating systems (with the assistance of Unisys' own dedicated chipset).

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