
19-letter words containing n, a, r, c

  • lean over backwards — to make a special effort, esp in order to please
  • least recently used — (operating systems) (LRU) A rule used in a paging system which selects a page to be paged out if it has been used (read or written) less recently than any other page. The same rule may also be used in a cache to select which cache entry to flush. This rule is based on temporal locality - the observation that, in general, the page (or cache entry) which has not been accessed for longest is least likely to be accessed in the near future.
  • leisure occupations — activities which you enjoy and which you perform in your free time
  • liability insurance — insurance covering the insured against losses arising from injury or damage to another person or property.
  • library of congress — one of the major library collections in the world, located in Washington, D.C., and functioning in some ways as the national library of the U.S. although not officially designated as such: established by Congress in 1800 for service to its members, but now also serving government agencies, other libraries, and the public.
  • licensing agreement — an agreement that sets out the fees and terms of use for something available only under licence
  • lift the curtain on — to begin
  • line of demarcation — a separation between things deemed to be distinct
  • linear independence — (in linear algebra) the property of a set of elements in a vector space in which none of the vectors can be written as a linear combination of the others.
  • local area terminal — (protocol)   (LAT) A DECnet-related, non-routable network protocol.
  • logical unit number — (storage)   (LUN) A 3-bit identifier used on a SCSI bus to distinguish between up to eight devices (logical units) with the same SCSI ID.
  • lyon office of arms — Heralds' Office.
  • macaroni and cheese — pasta with cheese sauce
  • machine instruction — (programming)   The smallest element of a machine code program.
  • machine translation — changing language of a text by computer
  • magnesium carbonate — a white powder, MgCO 3 , insoluble in water and alcohol, soluble in acids, used in dentifrices and cosmetics, in medicine as an antacid, and as a refractory material.
  • magnetic hysteresis — hysteresis in a ferromagnetic material; the lag in the response of magnetic induction to changes of magnetic intensity.
  • magnetic north pole — the point on Earth to where a compass needle points, and which is situated near the geographic North Pole. However, with time, the exact location can vary.
  • magnetic tape drive — (storage)   (Or "tape drive") A peripheral device that reads and writes magnetic tape.
  • magnetohydrodynamic — Of or pertaining to magnetohydrodynamics.
  • magnetomotive force — a scalar quantity that is a measure of the sources of magnetic flux in a magnetic circuit. Abbreviation: mmf.
  • major seventh chord — a chord much used in modern music, esp jazz and pop, consisting of a major triad with an added major seventh above the root
  • make oneself scarce — insufficient to satisfy the need or demand; not abundant: Meat and butter were scarce during the war.
  • malleable cast iron — white cast iron that has been malleablized.
  • manchester autocode — (language, history)   The predecessor of Mercury Autocode.
  • manchester encoding — (communications, protocol)   A method of transmitting bits which enables the receiver to easily synchronise with the sender. A simple way of signalling bits might be to transmit a high voltage for some period for a 1-bit and a low voltage for a 0 bit: Bits Sent: 1 1 0 0 Signal: High ___ Low |___ Time: -> . . . . . However, when several identical bits are sent in succession, this provides no information to the receiver about when each bit starts and stops. Manchester encoding splits each bit period into two, and ensures that there is always a transition between the signal levels in the middle of each bit. This allows the receiver to synchronise with the sender. In normal Manchester encoding, a 1-bit is transmitted with a high voltage in the first period, and a low voltage in the second, and vice verse for the 0 bit: Bits Sent: 1 1 0 0 Signal: High Low || |_| || Time: -> . ' . ' . ' . ' . In Differential Manchester encoding, a 1-bit is indicated by making the first half of the signal equal to the last half of the previous bit's signal and a 0-bit is indicated by making the first half of the signal opposite to the last half of the previous bit's signal. That is, a zero bit is indicated by a transition at the beginning of the bit. Like normal Manchester encoding, there is always a transition in the middle of the transmission of the bit. Differential Manchester Encoding Bits Sent: 1 1 0 0 Signal: High __ Low |_| || || Time: -> . ' . ' . ' . ' . With each bit period half as long, twice as much bandwidth is required when using either of the Manchester encoding schemes.
  • manufacturing plant — factory
  • maraschino cherries — cherries in a syrup flavored with maraschino or, now usually, imitation maraschino
  • maratha confederacy — a loose league of states in central and western India, c1750–1818.
  • mary mcleod bethune — Mary McLeod [muh-kloud] /məˈklaʊd/ (Show IPA), 1875–1955, U.S. educator and civil-rights leader.
  • mary wollstonecraftMary (Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin) 1759–97, English author and feminist (mother of Mary Shelley).
  • maternity allowance — (in the British National Insurance scheme) a payment made to a pregnant woman who usually works but does not qualify for statutory maternity pay, normally from 11 weeks before confinement for a period of 18 weeks
  • matthias i corvinus — ?1440–90, king of Hungary (1458–90): built up the most powerful kingdom in Central Europe. A patron of Renaissance art, he founded the Corvina library, one of the finest in Europe
  • mccarran-walter act — the Immigration and Nationality Act enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1952 that removed racial barriers to immigration and empowered the Department of Justice to deport immigrants or naturalized citizens engaging in subversive activities.
  • means of production — resources: equipment, workers
  • mechanical-engineer — the branch of engineering dealing with the design and production of machinery.
  • megabits per second — (unit)   (Mbps, Mb/s) Millions of bits per second. A unit of data rate. 1 Mb/s = 1,000,000 bits per second (not 1,048,576). E.g. Ethernet can carry 10 Mbps.
  • melodic minor scale — minor scale (def 2).
  • mercator projection — a conformal projection on which any rhumb line is represented as a straight line, used chiefly in navigation, though the scale varies with latitude and areal size and the shapes of large areas are greatly distorted.
  • meter-candle-second — a unit of light-exposure equivalent to one lux for one second.
  • metropolitan county — (in England) any of the six conurbations established as administrative units in the new local government system in 1974; the metropolitan county councils were abolished in 1986
  • microelectronically — by microcircuits
  • miniature schnauzer — one of a German breed of sturdily built terriers resembling a smaller version of the standard schnauzer, having a wiry, pepper-and-salt, black, or black-and-silver coat, a rectangular head, bushy whiskers, and a docked tail, and originally developed as a farm dog but now raised primarily as a pet.
  • minimum iron fabric — cloth used to make clothes that require little ironing
  • mischaracterization — The act of characterizing something in an inaccurate or misleading way.
  • molecular astronomy — the branch of astronomy dealing with the study of molecules in space.
  • mordvinian republic — a constituent republic of W central Russia, in the middle Volga basin. Capital: Saransk. Pop: 888 700 (2002). Area: 26 200 sq km (10 110 sq miles)
  • moses-in-the-cradle — a plant, Rhoeo spathacea, native to the West Indies and Central America, having leaves with purple undersides and white flowers enclosed in a boat-shaped envelope formed by two bracts.
  • motivation research — the application of the knowledge and techniques of the social sciences, especially psychology and sociology, to understanding consumer attitudes and behavior: used as a guide in advertising and marketing.
  • muhammadan calendar — Muslim calendar.
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