
16-letter words containing n, a, r, c

  • antilles current — a warm ocean current flowing NW along the N coast of the Greater Antilles and joining the Florida Current off the SW coast of Florida.
  • antipornographic — Opposing pornography.
  • antirecessionary — used to counteract or offest the economic effects of a recession: the president's antirecessionary program.
  • appearance money — Appearance money is money paid to a famous person such as a sports star or film star for taking part in a public event.
  • appliance garage — a kitchen compartment or cabinet designed for housing frequently used small electric appliances.
  • application form — a form to be filled in when applying for job, grant etc
  • appreciativeness — The state or quality of being appreciative.
  • approachableness — capable of being approached; accessible.
  • arachidonic acid — a fatty acid occurring in animal cells: the metabolic precursor of several groups of biologically active substances, including prostaglandins
  • aratus of sicyon — 271–213 b.c, Greek general: leader of the Achaean League.
  • archaeoastronomy — the scientific study of the beliefs and practices concerning astronomy that existed in ancient and prehistoric civilizations
  • archaeomagnetism — an archaeological technique for dating certain clay objects by measuring the extent to which they have been magnetized by the earth's magnetic field
  • archconservative — consistently holding extremely conservative views: publisher of the city's archconservative newspaper.
  • armchair banking — the management of one's bank account or accounts using a computer, telephone, or television in the home or via the postal system
  • around the clock — continuing without pause or interruption: an around-the-clock guard on the prisoner.
  • around-the-clock — all day and all night
  • arsenic trioxide — a white poisonous powder used in the manufacture of glass and as an insecticide, rat poison, and weedkiller. Formula: As2O3
  • arthus' reaction — a severe, local immune reaction to the injection of an antigen in a sensitized host.
  • artificial crown — the enamel-covered part of a tooth above the gum
  • artistic license — (legal)   The open source license applicable to Perl.
  • as distinct from — If you say that you are talking about one thing as distinct from another, you are indicating exactly which thing you mean.
  • ascending rhythm — rising rhythm.
  • asparaginic acid — aspartic acid.
  • association area — any of the regions of the cerebral cortex of the brain connected by numerous nerve fibers to all parts of both cerebral hemispheres and coordinating such higher activities as learning and reasoning.
  • aston dark space — the dark region between the cathode and the cathode glow in a vacuum tube, occurring when the pressure is low.
  • athanasian creed — a profession of faith widely used in the Western Church which, although formerly attributed to Athanasius, probably originated in Gaul between 381 and 428 ad
  • atlantic charter — the joint declaration issued by F. D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill on Aug 14, 1941, consisting of eight principles to guide a postwar settlement
  • atlantic croaker — a person or thing that croaks.
  • atrioventricular — of, relating to, or affecting both the atria and the ventricles of the heart
  • attendance order — (in Britain) an order issued by a court requiring a young offender to attend a specified place at specified times in order to carry out unpaid work, usually as an alternative to being fined
  • attorney-in-fact — a person authorized by power of attorney to act on the authorizer's behalf outside a court of law.
  • audience chamber — a room where a monarch or head of state conducts formal interviews
  • audience figures — the number of people regularly watching a television programme or listening to a radio programme
  • audio conference — a meeting that is conducted by the use of audio telecommunications
  • australian crawl — a stroke in which the feet are kicked like paddles while the arms reach forward and pull back through the water
  • autoethnographic — Using ethnographic techniques to describe one's own life, or events in which one is a participant.
  • autofluorescence — (biology, microscopy) Self-induced fluorescence.
  • automatrix, inc. — (company)   The company which produced CAM-PC. Address: Ballston Spa, NY, USA.
  • axminster carpet — a type of patterned carpet with a cut pile
  • azodicarbonamide — (chemistry) An organic chemical, a yellow to orange red, odorless, crystalline powder, used in food industry as a food additive, a flour bleaching agent and improving agent and in foaming plastics.
  • babe-in-a-cradle — a tall orchid, Epiblema grandiflorum, of SW Australia with lilac to mauve flowers
  • back-propagation — (Or "backpropagation") A learning algorithm for modifying a feed-forward neural network which minimises a continuous "error function" or "objective function." Back-propagation is a "gradient descent" method of training in that it uses gradient information to modify the network weights to decrease the value of the error function on subsequent tests of the inputs. Other gradient-based methods from numerical analysis can be used to train networks more efficiently. Back-propagation makes use of a mathematical trick when the network is simulated on a digital computer, yielding in just two traversals of the network (once forward, and once back) both the difference between the desired and actual output, and the derivatives of this difference with respect to the connection weights.
  • background check — an investigation into a person's origins and previous history
  • background music — music of any kind that is played while some other activity is going on, so that people do not actively attend to it
  • background noise — any type of noise that is not the sound that you are specifically listening to or monitoring
  • background paper — a report or other piece of writing that is intended to provide contextual and historical information that will help people understand a particular topic or situation
  • backus-naur form — (language, grammar)   (BNF, originally "Backus Normal Form") A formal metasyntax used to express context-free grammars. Backus Normal Form was renamed Backus-Naur Form at the suggestion of Donald Knuth. BNF is one of the most commonly used metasyntactic notations for specifying the syntax of programming languages, command sets, and the like. It is widely used for language descriptions but seldom documented anywhere (how do you document a metasyntax?), so that it must usually be learned by osmosis (but see RFC 2234). Consider this BNF for a US postal address: ::= ::= | "." ::= [] | ::= [] ::= "," This translates into English as: "A postal-address consists of a name-part, followed by a street-address part, followed by a zip-code part. A personal-part consists of either a first name or an initial followed by a dot. A name-part consists of either: a personal-part followed by a last name followed by an optional "jr-part" (Jr., Sr., or dynastic number) and end-of-line, or a personal part followed by a name part (this rule illustrates the use of recursion in BNFs, covering the case of people who use multiple first and middle names and/or initials). A street address consists of an optional apartment specifier, followed by a street number, followed by a street name. A zip-part consists of a town-name, followed by a comma, followed by a state code, followed by a ZIP-code followed by an end-of-line." Note that many things (such as the format of a personal-part, apartment specifier, or ZIP-code) are left unspecified. These lexical details are presumed to be obvious from context or specified somewhere nearby. There are many variants and extensions of BNF, possibly containing some or all of the regexp wild cards such as "*" or "+". EBNF is a common one. In fact the example above isn't the pure form invented for the ALGOL 60 report. "[]" was introduced a few years later in IBM's PL/I definition but is now universally recognised. ABNF is another extension.
  • backward-looking — If you describe someone or something as backward-looking, you disapprove of their attitudes, ideas, or actions because they are based on old-fashioned opinions or methods.
  • bacterial canker — a disease of plants, characterized by cankers and usually by exudation of gum, caused by bacteria, as of the genera Pseudomonas and Corynebacterium.
  • bacterioplankton — (biology) The bacterial component of marine plankton.
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