
15-letter words containing n, a, d, p

  • pseudopregnancy — Pathology, Veterinary Pathology. false pregnancy.
  • psychodiagnosis — a psychological examination using psychodiagnostic techniques.
  • pure and simple — sheer, utter
  • pure land sects — Mahayana Buddhist sects venerating the Buddha as the compassionate saviour
  • put a damper on — To put a damper on something means to have an effect on it which stops it being as enjoyable or as successful as it should be.
  • pyramid selling — Pyramid selling is a method of selling in which one person buys a supply of a particular product direct from the manufacturer and then sells it to a number of other people at an increased price. These people sell it on to others in a similar way, but eventually the final buyers are only able to sell the product for less than they paid for it.
  • pyrimidine base — any of a number of similar compounds having a basic structure that is derived from pyrimidine, including cytosine, thymine, and uracil, which are constituents of nucleic acids
  • quadripartition — A division into four parts.
  • quadruplication — one of four copies or identical items, especially copies of typewritten material.
  • quarter pounder — A quarter pounder is a hamburger that weighs four ounces before it is cooked. Four ounces is a quarter of a pound.
  • quasi-dependent — relying on someone or something else for aid, support, etc.
  • rack-and-pinion — of or relating to a mechanism in which a rack engages a pinion: rack-and-pinion steering.
  • radio telephone — A radio telephone is a telephone which carries sound by sending radio signals rather than by using wires. Radio telephones are often used in cars.
  • radio-telephone — a telephone in which sound or speech is transmitted by means of radio waves instead of through wires or cables.
  • radioprotection — protection against radiation
  • random sampling — a method of selecting a sample (random sample) from a statistical population in such a way that every possible sample that could be selected has a predetermined probability of being selected.
  • remand prisoner — a prisoner who is sent back into custody (or sometimes admitted to bail) to await trial or continuation of their trial
  • rendering plant — a factory where waste products and livestock carcasses are converted into industrial fats and oils (such as tallow, used to make soap) and other products (such as fertilizer)
  • repeat offender — A repeat offender is someone who commits the same sort of crime more than once.
  • rheinland-pfalz — German name of Rhineland-Palatinate.
  • room-and-pillar — noting a means of extracting coal or other minerals from underground deposits by first cutting out rooms, then robbing the pillars between them; pillar-and-breast.
  • rudyard kipling — (Joseph) Rudyard [ruhd-yerd] /ˈrʌd yərd/ (Show IPA), 1865–1936, English author: Nobel Prize 1907.
  • salt and pepper — pepper-and-salt.
  • salt-and-pepper — pepper-and-salt.
  • secondary group — a group of people with whom one's contacts are detached and impersonal.
  • serpentine jade — a green variety of serpentine used as a gem: not a true jade.
  • shopping arcade — a place where a number of shops are connected together under one roof
  • shoulder weapon — a firearm that is fired while being held in the hands with the butt of the weapon braced against the shoulder.
  • simplicidentate — belonging or pertaining to the Simplicidentata, formerly regarded as a suborder or division of rodents having only one pair of upper incisor teeth.
  • slap and tickle — sexual play
  • social spending — the money that is spent on welfare payments
  • sostenuto pedal — a pedal on a grand piano that raises the dampers, allowing the tone to be sustained for those strings struck at the time the pedal is depressed.
  • spanish needles — (used with a singular or plural verb) a composite plant, Bidens bipinnata, having achenes with downwardly barbed awns.
  • spawning ground — a place where fish deposit their eggs for fertilization
  • special edition — newspaper, magazine: extra issue
  • special student — a student who is not seeking a degree but enrols in a course, esp to gain academic credits
  • speed indicator — an instrument for counting the number of revolutions of a gasoline engine.
  • spheroidization — the conversion of grains into spheroids
  • spit and polish — great care in maintaining smart appearance and crisp efficiency: The commander was concerned more with spit and polish than with the company's morale.
  • spotted cowbane — a North American water hemlock, Cicuta maculata, of the parsley family, having a purple-mottled stem, white flowers, and deadly poisonous, tuberlike roots.
  • spratly islands — a widely-scattered group of uninhabited islets and reefs in the S South China Sea, the subject of territorial claims wholly or in part by six neighbouring nations
  • spread sampling — the selection of a corpus for statistical analysis by selecting a number of short passages at random throughout the work and considering their aggregation
  • sprinkler dance — a celebratory dance in which participants extend one arm and shake it to imitate the action of a rotating water sprinkler
  • stamping ground — a habitual or favorite haunt.
  • stand-up comedy — telling jokes to an audience
  • steamed pudding — a traditional pudding containing fat, sugar, eggs, flour, and other ingredients, which is steamed
  • step-and-repeat — noting or pertaining to a process by which successive photo-offset plates are produced automatically or semiautomatically with great precision: used especially in making plates for multicolor printing.
  • superabundantly — very or too abundantly
  • superindividual — greater than the individual
  • superordination — Logic. the relation between a universal proposition and a particular proposition of the same quality containing the same terms in the same order.
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