
14-letter words containing m, y, i, a

  • normoglycaemia — the condition of having a normal blood sugar level
  • normoglycaemic — Alt form normoglycemic.
  • nuclear family — a social unit composed of two parents and one or more children.
  • numeric keypad — a separate section on some computer keyboards, grouping together numeric keys and those for mathematical or other special functions in an arrangement like that of a calculator.
  • numismatically — Of or relating to coins or currency.
  • nymphomaniacal — a woman who has abnormally excessive and uncontrollable sexual desire.
  • oligocythaemia — a condition in which a person lacks red blood cells
  • one-way mirror — a sheet of glass that can be seen through from one side and is a mirror on the other, used especially for observation of criminal suspects by law-enforcement officials or witnesses.
  • optimistically — disposed to take a favorable view of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.
  • overfamiliarly — In an overfamiliar way.
  • oxyhaemoglobin — the bright red product formed when oxygen from the lungs combines with haemoglobin in the blood
  • oxymoronically — in an oxymoronic way
  • oyster farming — the activity of cultivating oysters for food or pearls
  • paleolimnology — the study of ancient lakes from their sediments and fossils.
  • pantomimically — in the manner of a pantomime character or performance
  • parametrically — in terms of a parameter
  • paroemiography — the writing or collecting of proverbs
  • parsimoniously — characterized by or showing parsimony; frugal or stingy.
  • parsley family — the plant family Umbelliferae (or Apiaceae), characterized by herbaceous plants having alternate, usually compound leaves, hollow stems, numerous small flowers borne in umbels, and dry, seedlike, often aromatic fruit, and including anise, caraway, carrot, celery, dill, parsley, parsnip, and Queen Anne's lace, as well as poisonous plants such as cowbane and water hemlock.
  • pentadactylism — the state of having five digits on each limb
  • performability — the quality of being performable
  • petty criminal — someone who commits petty crime or a petty crime
  • phallic symbol — any object, as a cigar or skyscraper, that may broadly resemble or represent the penis, especially such an object that symbolizes power, as an automobile.
  • plastic memory — the tendency of certain plastics after being deformed to resume their original form when heated
  • pneumatic tyre — a rubber tyre filled with air under pressure, used esp on motor vehicles
  • pneumodynamics — Physics. pneumatics.
  • police academy — a school for training police officers
  • polyacrylamide — a white, solid, water-soluble polymer of acrylamide, used in secondary oil recovery, as a thickening agent, a flocculant, and an absorbent, and to separate macromolecules of different molecular weights.
  • polymerization — the act or process of forming a polymer or polymeric compound.
  • prayer meeting — a meeting chiefly for prayer.
  • praying mantis — mantis.
  • premeditatedly — done deliberately; planned in advance: a premeditated murder.
  • presymptomatic — relating to or describing a symptom that occurs before the typical symptoms of a disease
  • primacy effect — the process whereby the first few items on a list are learnt more rapidly than the middle items
  • primal therapy — a form of psychotherapy in which the patient is encouraged to relive traumatic events, often screaming or crying, in order to achieve catharsis and a breakdown of psychological defenses.
  • primary accent — the principal or strongest stress of a word.
  • primary colour — Primary colours are basic colours that can be mixed together to produce other colours. They are usually considered to be red, yellow, blue, and sometimes green.
  • primary growth — growth in vascular plants, especially an increase in length, that results from cell division and differentiation of an apical meristem.
  • primary letter — a lowercase character having neither a descender nor an ascender, as a, c, e, i, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x, z.
  • primary mirror — the mirror that collects and focuses the incoming light in a reflecting telescope
  • primary phloem — phloem derived directly from the growth of an apical meristem.
  • primary school — a school usually covering the first three or four years of elementary school and sometimes kindergarten.
  • primary source — first or highest in rank or importance; chief; principal: his primary goals in life.
  • primary stress — primary accent.
  • primary tissue — any tissue resulting directly from differentiation of an apical meristem.
  • proxy marriage — a marriage performed between one of the two contracting parties and a proxy who has been authorized to represent the other.
  • psycho-somatic — of or relating to a physical disorder that is caused by or notably influenced by emotional factors.
  • psychochemical — pertaining to chemicals or drugs that affect the mind or behavior.
  • psychodynamics — Psychology. any clinical approach to personality, as Freud's, that sees personality as the result of a dynamic interplay of conscious and unconscious factors.
  • psychosomatics — the study of psychosomatic conditions
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