
12-letter words containing m, u, s, o, l

  • poststimulus — of, relating to, or occurring in the period following the administering of a stimulus
  • primulaceous — belonging to the plant family Primulaceae.
  • pseudocoelom — the body cavity of certain invertebrate metazoan animals between the body wall and the intestine, which is not lined with a mesodermal epithelium.
  • quasi-normal — conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
  • sales volume — quantity of goods sold
  • salmon trout — a European trout, Salmo trutta.
  • salutatorium — a porch or room in a monastery or church serving as a meeting or almsgiving place for monks or priests and the laity.
  • samuel loverSamuel, 1797–1868, Irish novelist, painter, and songwriter.
  • samuel morse — Jedidiah [jed-i-dahy-uh] /ˌdʒɛd ɪˈdaɪ ə/ (Show IPA), 1761–1826, U.S. geographer and Congregational clergyman (father of Samuel F. B. Morse).
  • scapulomancy — divination of the future by observation of the cracking of a mammal's scapula that has been heated by a fire or hot instrument.
  • semi-popular — regarded with favor, approval, or affection by people in general: a popular preacher.
  • semiglobular — possessing the form of half a globe; hemispheric.
  • semilustrous — partially or somewhat lustrous
  • short column — a column whose relative dimensions ensure that when it is overloaded it fails by crushing, rather than buckling
  • silver mound — a perennial Japanese herb, Artemisia schmidtiana, having silver-green leaves forming a moundlike shape.
  • simple group — a group that has no normal subgroup except the group itself and the identity.
  • simultaneous — existing, occurring, or operating at the same time; concurrent: simultaneous movements; simultaneous translation.
  • sixth column — the persons residing in a country at war who are devoted to aiding the fifth column in its activities, especially by lowering morale, spreading rumors, etc.
  • slumpflation — a situation in which economic depression is combined with increasing inflation
  • smilacaceous — of, relating to, or belonging to the Smilacaceae, a temperate and tropical family of monocotyledonous flowering plants, most of which are climbing shrubs with prickly stems: includes smilax
  • sodium light — the light produced by a sodium lamp
  • somatopleure — the double layer formed by the association of the upper layer of the lateral plate of mesoderm with the overlying ectoderm, functioning in the formation of the body wall and amnion.
  • somnambulant — to walk during sleep; sleepwalk.
  • somnambulate — to walk during sleep; sleepwalk.
  • somnambulism — sleepwalking.
  • somnambulist — sleepwalking.
  • somniloquism — sleep-talking
  • somniloquize — to talk in one's sleep
  • sporangiolum — a small sporangium
  • src modula-3 — Version 2.11 compiler(->C), run-time, library, documentation The goal of Modula-3 is to be as simple and safe as it can be while meeting the needs of modern systems programmers. Instead of exploring new features, we studied the features of the Modula family of languages that have proven themselves in practice and tried to simplify them into a harmonious language. We found that most of the successful features were aimed at one of two main goals: greater robustness, and a simpler, more systematic type system. Modula-3 retains one of Modula-2's most successful features, the provision for explicit interfaces between modules. It adds objects and classes, exception handling, garbage collection, lightweight processes (or threads), and the isolation of unsafe features. conformance: implements the language defined in SPwM3. ports: i386/AIX 68020/DomainOS Acorn/RISCiX MIPS/Ultrix 68020/HP-UX RS/6000/AIX IBMRT/4.3 68000/NEXTSTEP i860/SVR4 SPARC/SunOS 68020/SunOS sun386/SunOS Multimax/4.3 VAX/Ultrix Mailing list: comp.lang.modula3 E-mail: Bill Kalsow <[email protected]> From DEC/SRC, Palo Alto, CA. "Modula-3 Report (revised)" Luca Cardelli et al.
  • stereocilium — any of the long, flexible microvilli that superficially resemble cilia and occur as a brush border or series of tufts on the surface of various epithelial tissues.
  • stormfulness — the quality or state of being stormful
  • subabdominal — below or beneath the abdomen
  • submolecular — of or relating to or caused by molecules: molecular structure.
  • suboperculum — a bone in fishes behind the operculum or gill covering
  • sulphonamide — any of a class of organic compounds that are amides of sulphonic acids containing the group –SO2NH2 or a group derived from this. An important class of sulphonamides are the sulfa drugs
  • superpolymer — a superior polymer
  • surmountable — to mount upon; get on the top of; mount upon and cross over: to surmount a hill.
  • swamp locust — water locust.
  • synclinorium — a regional structure of general synclinal form that includes a series of smaller folds.
  • synonymously — having the character of synonyms or a synonym; equivalent in meaning; expressing or implying the same idea.
  • teleostomous — relating or belonging to the Teleostomi
  • theoclymenus — (in the Odyssey) a seer who foretold the return of Odysseus and the death of Penelope's suitors.
  • tremendously — extraordinarily great in size, amount, or intensity: a tremendous ocean liner; tremendous talent.
  • tumultuously — full of tumult or riotousness; marked by disturbance and uproar: a tumultuous celebration.
  • uncle tomism — a policy of relationship between whites and blacks involving a benevolent but patronizing attitude on the part of the whites and a willingly submissive attitude on the part of the blacks.
  • uncomeliness — the quality or condition of being uncomely
  • uncomposable — not fit for composition
  • unglamourous — full of glamour; charmingly or fascinatingly attractive, especially in a mysterious or magical way.
  • unhandsomely — unattractively
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