
19-letter words containing m, u, e, s

  • contemporaneousness — The state or characteristic of being contemporaneous.
  • continuous spectrum — a spectrum that contains or appears to contain all wavelengths but not spectrum lines over a wide portion of its range. The emission spectrum of incandescent solids is continuous; bremsstrahlung spectra consisting of a large number of lines may appear continuous
  • corporal punishment — Corporal punishment is the punishment of people by hitting them.
  • corrosive sublimate — mercuric chloride
  • counterdemonstrator — Someone who demonstrates in opposition to another demonstration that is happening nearby at the same time.
  • county commissioner — a member of an elected governing board in the counties of certain states of the U.S.
  • course requirements — the qualifications that are required for acceptance onto a degree course
  • court of st james's — the official name of the royal court of Britain
  • culler-fried system — A system for interactive mathematics.
  • cultivated mushroom — an edible mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) with a pale cap and stalk: the most common food mushroom
  • cultural relativism — a concept that cultural norms and values derive their meaning within a specific social context. Also called cultural relativism. Compare ethnocentrism (def 2).
  • cultural-relativism — a concept that cultural norms and values derive their meaning within a specific social context. Also called cultural relativism. Compare ethnocentrism (def 2).
  • current transformer — A current transformer is a transformer that is designed to give an accurate current ratio for the purpose of measurement and control.
  • customer experience — Customer experience is what customers feel while shopping, affected by such factors as how a store is laid out, the level of service they receive, and how easy it is to find products.
  • customer preference — Customer preference is what type of product an individual customer likes and dislikes.
  • customs declaration — a form declaring the nature and value of goods, etc, for customs purposes
  • customs regulations — the regulations relating to customs in a particular country
  • desargues's theorem — the theorem that if two triangles are so related that the lines joining corresponding vertices meet in a point, then the extended corresponding lines of the two triangles meet in three points, all on the same line.
  • diminishing returns — any rate of profit, production, benefits, etc., that beyond a certain point fails to increase proportionately with added investment, effort, or skill.
  • disambiguation page — a page on a website that lists various websites or web pages that have or could have the same title. The user is able to select from the list that page, site etc that he or she actually wants
  • discriminated union — (theory)   The discriminated union of two sets A and B is A + B = {(inA, a) | a in A} U {(inB, b)| b in B} where inA and inB are arbitrary tags which specify which summand an element originates from. A type (especially an algebraic data type) might be described as a discriminated union if it is a sum type whose objects consist of a tag to say which part of the union they belong to and a value of the corresponding type.
  • discussion document — a document that puts forward some ideas or opinions that might form the basis of a discussion of a particular topic
  • distributed systems — distributed system
  • distribution system — The distribution system is the part of an electric system after the transmission system that is dedicated to delivering electric energy to an end user.
  • dollard-des-ormeaux — a town in S Quebec, in E Canada: suburb of Montreal.
  • dutchman's-breeches — a plant, Dicentra cucullaria, of the fumitory family, having long clusters of pale-yellow, two-spurred flowers.
  • eat someone's lunch — to take into the mouth and swallow for nourishment; chew and swallow (food).
  • elastomeric closure — An elastomeric closure is a component that closes a piece of packaging. An elastomeric closure is made from a material that is able to resume its original shape when it is removed from the packaging and may be in direct contact with the drug enclosed in the pack.
  • electroluminescence — Luminescence produced electrically, especially in a phosphor by the application of a voltage.
  • endowment assurance — a form of life insurance that provides for the payment of a specified sum directly to the policyholder at a designated date or to his beneficiary should he die before this date
  • endowment insurance — Endowment insurance is a type of life insurance that pays a particular sum directly to the policyholder at a stated date, or to a beneficiary if the policyholder dies before this date.
  • european commission — the executive body of the European Union formed in 1967, which initiates action in the EU and mediates between member governments
  • eusebius (pamphili) — a.d. 264?-340; Gr. ecclesiastical historian
  • feather-duster worm — any tube-dwelling polychaete worm of the families Sabellidae and Serpulidae, the numerous species having a crown of feathery tentacles used in feeding and respiration.
  • female circumcision — clitoridectomy.
  • first degree murder — the most serious category of murder
  • first-degree murder — Law. the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law. In the U.S., special statutory definitions include murder committed with malice aforethought, characterized by deliberation or premeditation or occurring during the commission of another serious crime, as robbery or arson (first-degree murder) and murder by intent but without deliberation or premeditation (second-degree murder)
  • flannelmouth sucker — a sucker, Catostomus latipinnis, of the Colorado River and its tributaries.
  • frameshift mutation — a mutation caused by frameshift.
  • gastrocolic omentum — the peritoneal fold attached to the stomach and the colon and hanging over the small intestine.
  • giraldus cambrensis — literary name of Gerald de Barri. ?1146–?1223, Welsh chronicler and churchman, noted for his accounts of his travels in Ireland and Wales
  • green mountain boys — the members of the armed bands of Vermont organized in 1770 to oppose New York's territorial claims. Under Ethan Allen they won fame in the War of American Independence
  • guillaume de lorris — 13th-century French poet who wrote the first 4058 lines of the allegorical romance, the Roman de la rose, continued by Jean de Meung
  • handlebar moustache — a man's moustache having long, curved ends that resemble the handlebars of a bicycle.
  • hate someone's guts — to hate someone intensely
  • heat of sublimation — the heat absorbed by one gram or unit mass of a substance in the process of changing, at a constant temperature and pressure, from a solid to a gaseous state. Compare sublime (def 10).
  • hemidemisemiquavers — Plural form of hemidemisemiquaver.
  • hermes trismegistus — a name variously ascribed by Neoplatonists and others to an Egyptian priest or to the Egyptian god Thoth, to some extent identified with the Grecian Hermes: various mystical, religious, philosophical, astrological, and alchemical writings were ascribed to him.
  • high-pressure steam — High-pressure steam is steam which is at or above 75 pounds per square inch gauge pressure.
  • homme moyen sensuel — an average man, with average tastes and appetites
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