
14-letter words containing m, u, e, s

  • sense of humor — finding things funny
  • sequestrectomy — the removal of dead spicules or portions, especially of bone.
  • serious-minded — characterized by seriousness of intention, purpose, thought, etc.; earnest.
  • serum globulin — the blood serum component consisting of proteins with a larger molecular weight than serum albumin
  • serum sickness — a generalized allergic reaction to a foreign serum or drug, characterized by fever, skin rash, enlarged lymph nodes, and painful joints.
  • service module — (often initial capital letters) U.S. Aerospace. the section of an Apollo spacecraft containing the principal propulsion system, electrical system, water, and other supplies.
  • sesquipedalism — given to using long words.
  • simaroubaceous — belonging to the Simaroubaceae, the quassia family of plants.
  • simple measure — rhythm characterized by two or three beats or pulses to a measure.
  • simpson's rule — a method for approximating the value of a definite integral by approximating, with parabolic arcs, the area under the curve defined by the integrand.
  • simultaneously — existing, occurring, or operating at the same time; concurrent: simultaneous movements; simultaneous translation.
  • single premium — a single payment that covers the entire cost of an insurance policy.
  • slide mountain — a mountain in SE New York: highest peak of the Catskill Mountains. 4204 feet (1280 meters).
  • slum clearance — the removal for rehousing, by the state, of those people who previously lived in slum areas, to prepare the area for demolition and rebuilding
  • smokeless fuel — fuel which burns without producing smoke
  • smoker's cough — a chronic cough caused by smoking.
  • smooth-tongued — fluent or convincing in speech; glib.
  • snow-in-summer — a mat-forming garden plant, Cerastium tomentosum, of the pink family, native to Italy, having white flowers and numerous narrow, white, woolly leaves in large patches, growing in sand.
  • sodium bromide — a white, crystalline, hygroscopic, water-soluble solid, NaBr, used chiefly in photography as a developer, and in medicine as a sedative.
  • sodium citrate — a white, crystalline or granular, water-soluble, odorless solid, Na 3 C 6 H 5 O 7 ⋅2H 2 O, having a cool, saline taste: used in photography, in soft drinks, and in medicine chiefly to prevent the coagulation of blood.
  • sodium cyanide — a white, crystalline, deliquescent, water-soluble, poisonous powder, NaCN, prepared by heating sodium amide with charcoal: used chiefly in casehardening alloys, in the leaching and flotation of ore, and in electroplating.
  • sodium lactate — a water-soluble, hygroscopic salt, C 3 H 5 NaO 3 , used in solution in medicine to treat metabolic acidosis, usually by injection.
  • sodium nitrate — a crystalline, water-soluble compound, NaNO 3 , that occurs naturally as soda niter: used in fertilizers, explosives, and glass, and as a color fixative in processed meats.
  • sodium nitrite — Chemistry. a yellowish or white crystalline compound, NaNO 2 , soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol and ether: used in the manufacture of dyes and as a color fixative.
  • sodium sulfate — a white, crystalline, water-soluble solid, Na 2 SO 4 , used chiefly in the manufacture of dyes, soaps, detergents, glass, and ceramic glazes.
  • sodium sulfide — a yellow or brick-red, crystalline, deliquescent, water-soluble solid, Na 2 S, used chiefly in the manufacture of dyes, soaps, and rubber, as a depilatory for leather, and in the flotation of powdered lead and copper ores.
  • sodium sulfite — a white, crystalline, water-soluble solid, Na 2 SO 3 , used chiefly as a food preservative, as a bleaching agent, and as a developer in photography.
  • somali current — a current of the Indian Ocean, flowing northward along the coast of Somalia in summer and southwestward the rest of the year.
  • somerset house — a building in London, in the Strand, built (1776–86) by Sir William Chambers; formerly housed the General Register Office of births, marriages, and deaths: contains (from 1990) the art collections of the Courtauld Institute
  • something's up — something is amiss
  • son et lumiere — sound-and-light show.
  • source program — an original computer program written by a programmer that is converted into the equivalent object program, written in machine language, by the compiler or assembler
  • south american — a continent in the S part of the Western Hemisphere. About 6,900,000 sq. mi. (17,871,000 sq. km).
  • south el monte — a town in SW California.
  • southern yemen — a former name of Yemen (def 1).
  • spark spectrum — a spectrum formed from the light produced by an electric spark, characteristic of the gas or vapor through which the spark passes.
  • spectator pump — a woman's spectator shoe, closed at the front and back, usually having a medium or medium-high heel.
  • speculum metal — any of several bronze alloys with a high tin content, often containing other materials, as silver, brass, lead, zinc, or arsenic, used for making mirrors and reflectors.
  • spermatogenous — producing spermatozoa.
  • spermatogonium — one of the undifferentiated germ cells giving rise to spermatocytes.
  • sphaeristerium — an ancient Roman handball court.
  • spruce budworm — the larva of a common tortricid moth, Choristoneura fumiferana, that is a destructive pest primarily of spruce and balsam fir in the northern and northeastern U.S. and in Canada.
  • square measure — a system of units for the measurement of surfaces or areas.
  • stadium jacket — an insulated, parkalike jacket that reaches to the mid thigh or the knees and often has a drawstring around the bottom edge, worn outdoors in cold weather.
  • start-up money — money that is spent on setting up a new business or other project
  • stigmatiferous — (of a plant) having a stigma
  • stomachfulness — the quality of being stomachful
  • stone mountain — a massive, dome-shaped granite outcrop in NW Georgia, near Atlanta: sculptures of Confederate heroes: 825 feet (252 meters) high.
  • stream capture — piracy (def 3).
  • striped muscle — a type of contractile tissue that is marked by transverse striations; it is concerned with moving skeletal parts to which it is usually attached
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