
19-letter words containing m, o, v, e, l

  • niccolo machiavelli — Niccolò di Bernardo [neek-kaw-law dee ber-nahr-daw] /ˌnik kɔˈlɔ di bɛrˈnɑr dɔ/ (Show IPA), 1469–1527, Italian statesman, political philosopher, and author.
  • nominative absolute — a construction consisting in English of a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun in the nominative case followed by a predicate lacking a finite verb, used as a loose modifier of the whole sentence, as the play done in The play done, the audience left the theater.
  • non-volatile memory — non-volatile storage
  • north valley stream — a town on W Long Island, in SE New York.
  • novell data systems — (company)   A small computer hardware company building CP/M Z80-based systems. They later went on to become Novell, Inc. and develop Novell Netware.
  • oak-leaved geranium — a geranium, Pelargonium quercifolium, of southern Africa, having oaklike leaves with purple veins and sparse clusters of purple flowers with darker markings.
  • over-commercialized — to make commercial in character, methods, or spirit.
  • over-sentimentality — the quality or state of being sentimental or excessively sentimental.
  • palomar observatory — an astronomical observatory situated on Palomar Mountain in S California, having a 200-inch (508-cm) reflecting telescope and a 48-inch (122-cm) Schmidt telescope.
  • relative complement — the set of elements contained in a given set that are not elements of another specified set.
  • removable cartridge — a hard disk enclosed in a case that can be removed from the disk drive, having more storage than floppy disks.
  • removable hard disk — (storage)   A type of magnetic disk, or possibly magneto-optical disk which is not permanently attached to the disk drive (not a fixed disk) but which can be taken out and replaced, allowing many disks to be used in the same drive. The term "removable disk" would seem to be applicable to floppy disks but is generally reserved for hard disks in suitable cartridges such as those made by Syquest, Iomega and others. Removable disk packs were common on minicomputers such as the PDP-11 in use in the 1970s except that the drives were the size of washing machines and the disk packs as big as car wheels. Removable disks became popular on microcomputers in the 1990s as a cheap way of expanding disk space, transporting large amounts of data between computers and storing backups. Large, cheap fixed hard disks and USB memory sticks have made removable disks less attractive.
  • republic of vietnam — the name (from 1955–75) for South Vietnam, as an independent republic, following the division of the country in 1954 into North Vietnam and South Vietnam
  • semipalmated plover — a New World plover, Charadrius semipalmatus, having a black ring around the chest and semipalmate feet, inhabiting beaches and salt marshes.
  • seven hills of rome — the hills on which the ancient city of Rome was built: the Palatine, Capitoline, Quirinal, Caelian, Aventine, Esquiline, and Viminal
  • simple closed curve — a curve that is closed and that has no loops or points missing; a curve for which there exists a homeomorphism mapping it to a circle.
  • stanislavski method — method (def 5).
  • supreme de volaille — suprême (def 2).
  • the labour movement — a movement campaigning for the interests of working people, for example for better working conditions, better treatment from employers, etc
  • thermoelectromotive — designating or of the electromotive force produced by a thermocouple
  • ticket-of-leave man — (formerly in Britain) a convict who had a permit to leave prison, after serving only part of his sentence, with certain restrictions placed on him
  • torricellian vacuum — the vacuum at the top of a Torricellian tube
  • valencian community — region comprising three provinces of E Spain: 8,998 sq mi (23,305 sq km); pop. 4,029,000; cap. Valencia
  • velocity microphone — a microphone in which the output varies according to the instantaneous velocity of the air molecules in the incident sound waves.
  • velocity modulation — the modulation in velocity of a beam of electrons or ions caused by passing the beam through a high-frequency electric field, as in a cavity resonator
  • versa module europa — (hardware)   (VME) A flexible open-ended bus system which makes use of the Eurocard standard. VME was introduced in 1981 by Motorola, Philips, Thompson, and Mostek. It was intended to be a flexible environment supporting a variety of computing intensive tasks, and has become a rather popular protocol in the computer industry. It is defined by the IEEE standard 1014-1987.
  • victor emmanuel iii — 1869–1947, king of Italy 1900–46.
  • vigilance committee — an unauthorized committee of citizens organized for the maintenance of order and the summary punishment of crime in the absence of regular or efficient courts.
  • vitamin b (complex) — a group of unrelated water-soluble vitamins found in liver, yeast, etc., including: a) vitamin B1 (see thiamine) b) vitamin B2 (see riboflavin) c) vitamin B6 (see pyridoxine) d) nicotinic acid e) pantothenic acid f) biotin g) inositol h) para-aminobenzoic acid i) choline j) folic acid k) vitamin B12 a complex vitamin, C63H90N14O14PCo, containing trivalent cobalt, essential for the normal maturation of erythrocytes, and for normal growth and neurological function, and used esp. in treating pernicious anemia and as an animal feed supplement
  • volumetric analysis — determination of the concentration, by volume, of a substance in a solution, as by titration.
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