
15-letter words containing m, o, t, u

  • microtunnelling — a technique used to excavate tunnels mechanically for the laying of pipes
  • miniaturisation — Alternative spelling of miniaturization.
  • miniaturization — to make in extremely small size in order to keep volume or weight to a minimum: to miniaturize electronic equipment.
  • misarticulation — an act or the process of articulating: the articulation of a form; the articulation of a new thought.
  • miscalculations — Plural form of miscalculation.
  • miscommunicated — Simple past tense and past participle of miscommunicate.
  • misconstruction — wrong construction; misinterpretation: to put a misconstruction upon an action.
  • misdistribution — Incorrect or unfair distribution.
  • modulo operator — (mathematics)   (mod) The operator that returns the remainder after integer division of its first argument by its second. Written as "%" in C and some other languages. Where the second argument is a power of two, the result can be calculated much more quickly using bitwise and with the appropriate bit-mask.
  • mohawk hair cut — a member of a tribe of the most easterly of the Iroquois Five Nations, formerly resident along the Mohawk River, New York.
  • moment of truth — the moment in a bullfight at which the matador is about to make the kill.
  • monoculturalism — The practice of actively preserving a culture to the exclusion of external influences.
  • mononucleotides — Plural form of mononucleotide.
  • monosubstituted — containing one substituent.
  • monounsaturated — of or noting a class of fats that lack a hydrogen bond at one point on the carbon chain and that are associated with a low cholesterol content of the blood.
  • montes riphaeus — a mountain range in the third quadrant of the visible face of the moon.
  • monumentalizing — Present participle of monumentalize.
  • moral turpitude — conduct that is regarded as immoral.
  • moreton bay bug — a flattish edible shellfish, Thenus orientalis, of Northern Australian waters
  • mortiferousness — deadliness
  • most honourable — a courtesy title applied to marquesses and members of the Privy Council and the Order of the Bath
  • most up-to-date — in accordance with the latest or newest ideas, standards, techniques, styles, etc.; modern.
  • mother language — a language from which another language is descended; parent language.
  • mother superior — the head of a Christian religious community for women.
  • motor insurance — insurance for a motor vehicle such as a car, which provides protection against loss in the event of an accident, theft, etc
  • motorcycle club — a club of motorcycle enthusiasts
  • motoring public — the population that drive road vehicles
  • mount blackburn — a mountain in SE Alaska, the highest peak in the Wrangell Mountains. Height: 5037 m (16 523 ft)
  • mount cook lily — a large white buttercup, Ranunculus lyallii, of the South Island alpine country of New Zealand
  • mount of olives — a hill to the east of Jerusalem: in New Testament times the village Bethany (Mark 11:11) was on its eastern slope and Gethsemane on its western one
  • mount parnassus — a mountain in central Greece, in NW Boeotia: in ancient times sacred to Dionysus, Apollo, and the Muses, with the Castalian Spring and Delphi on its slopes. Height: 2457 m (8061 ft)
  • mount suribachi — a volcanic hill in the Volcano Islands, on Iwo Jima: site of a US victory (1945) over the Japanese in World War II
  • mount vancouver — a mountain on the border between Canada and Alaska, in the St Elias Mountains. Height: 4785 m (15 700 ft)
  • mountain beaver — a burrowing rodent, Aplodontia rufa, of W North America: family Aplodontidae
  • mountain laurel — any of various ericaceous shrubs or trees of the genus Kalmia, esp K. latifolia of E North America, which has leathery poisonous leaves and clusters of pink or white flowers
  • mountain rescue — search and rescue conducted on a mountain, for example of someone who has fallen, got lost, etc
  • mountainousness — The quality of being mountainous.
  • mouthwateringly — In a mouthwatering manner.
  • mules operation — the surgical removal of folds of skin in the breech of a sheep to reduce blowfly strike
  • multi-binprolog — (language)   A multi-threaded Linda-style parallel extension to BinProlog for Solaris 2.3. Version: 3.30.
  • multidivisional — Of or pertaining to more than one division.
  • multiflora rose — a climbing or trailing rose, Rosa multiflora, of Japan and Korea, having hooked prickles and fragrant, dense clusters of flowers.
  • multifunctional — of or relating to a function or functions: functional difficulties in the administration.
  • multihomed host — A host which has more than one connection to a network. The host may send and receive data over any of the links but will not route traffic for other nodes.
  • multilocational — found or operating in several locations
  • multinationally — a large corporation with operations and subsidiaries in several countries.
  • multinucleolate — having two or more nucleoli
  • multiphase flow — Multiphase flow is a type of flow that involves more than one fluid, for example a liquid and a gas, or two liquids that do not mix.
  • multiple choice — question: with several options
  • multiple factor — polygene.
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