
16-letter words containing m, o, n, t, a, r

  • matron of honour — a married woman serving as chief attendant to a bride
  • mechanochemistry — the field of chemistry that deals with the direct conversion of chemical into mechanical energy.
  • mechanoreception — The action of a mechanoreceptor.
  • mechanoreceptive — Responsive to mechanical stimuli such as sound and touch.
  • mechanoreceptors — Plural form of mechanoreceptor.
  • media atropatene — an ancient region in NW Iran, formerly a part of Media.
  • meet one's maker — to die
  • megacorporations — Plural form of megacorporation.
  • megaphanerophyte — any tree with a height over 30 metres
  • melodic interval — an intervening period of time: an interval of 50 years.
  • memoria technica — a method or device for assisting the memory
  • menometrorrhagia — (pathology) Excessive uterine bleeding occurring outside of the normal menstrual period.
  • menstrual period — the bleeding from the womb that occurs approximately monthly in nonpregnant women of reproductive age
  • mercator sailing — sailing according to rhumb lines, which appear as straight lines on a Mercator chart.
  • merchant account — A merchant account is a type of bank account that allows a company to accept credit cards.
  • metallofullerene — (chemistry) A fullerene containing an enclosed metal atom.
  • metamorphization — Process or action of metamorphizing.
  • metamorphosising — Present participle of metamorphosise.
  • methyl parathion — a synthetic pesticide, C 8 H 1 0 NO 5 PS, used in the control of mites and various insects, as aphids, boll weevils, and cutworms.
  • microangiopathic — Of, pertaining to or accompanied by microangiopathy.
  • microcirculation — the movement of blood through the arterioles, capillaries, and venules.
  • microcrystalline — minutely crystalline; composed of microscopic crystals.
  • microencapsulate — (transitive) To embed by means of microencapsulation.
  • micromanipulator — A device, used for micromanipulation, consisting of microscopic needles and instruments viewed through a microscope.
  • microminiaturize — (especially of electronic equipment) to make extremely small; subject to microminiaturization.
  • micropropagation — the propagation of plants from tissue cultures, often from single cells.
  • microtransmitter — a small electronic device which transmits television or radio signals
  • military honours — ceremonies performed by troops in honour of royalty, at the burial of an officer, etc
  • mind over matter — You can use the expression mind over matter to describe situations in which a person seems to be able to control events, physical objects, or the condition of their own body using their mind.
  • mineral deposits — amounts of minerals that occur naturally in particular areas
  • minerva software — A company producing software for the Acorn Archimedes.
  • miniature poodle — a breed of poodle, bred to be much smaller than standard poodles
  • minority carrier — the entity responsible for carrying the lesser part of the current in a semiconductor
  • mint is not trac — (text, tool)   (MINT) A version of TRAC used as the extension language in the Freemacs editor.
  • misanthropically — In a misanthropic manner.
  • misappropriating — Present participle of misappropriate.
  • misappropriation — to put to a wrong use.
  • misconfiguration — An incorrect or inappropriate configuration.
  • mispronunciation — (uncountable) The act of mispronouncing.
  • mission-critical — essential for a project to launch
  • mistranscription — the act or process of transcribing.
  • molybdate orange — a pigment consisting of a solid solution of sulfate, molybdate, and chromate compounds of lead.
  • monochromaticity — of or having one color.
  • monotransitivity — (grammar) The state or quality of being monotransitive.
  • montague grammar — a model-theoretic semantic theory for natural language that seeks to encompass indexical expressions and opaque contexts within an extensional theory by constructing set-theoretic representations of the intension of an expression in terms of functions of possible worlds
  • montpelier maple — a maple, Acer monspessulanum, that is native to southern Europe and Northwest Africa
  • moral rearmament — a worldwide movement initiated by Frank Buchman in 1938 as a successor to the Oxford Group, and maintaining that the practice of high morality in public and private life is the key to world betterment. Abbreviation: MRA.
  • mortgage company — business providing loans to property buyers
  • mortgage payment — instalment paid on a housebuyer's loan
  • mothering sunday — Laetare Sunday.
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