
13-letter words containing m, o, n, c, a

  • miscoordinate — of the same order or degree; equal in rank or importance.
  • misgovernance — to govern or manage badly.
  • misobservance — a failure to observe thoroughly or properly
  • mitochondrial — (cytology) Of, or relating to mitochondria.
  • modifications — Plural form of modification.
  • mole fraction — the ratio of the number of moles of a given component of a mixture to the total number of moles of all the components.
  • mollification — to soften in feeling or temper, as a person; pacify; appease.
  • monarchianism — any of several doctrines of the Christian church in the 2nd and 3rd centuries a.d., emphasizing the unity of God by maintaining that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are three manifestations or aspects of God.
  • monarchically — In a monarchic or monarchical fashion.
  • money-changer — a person whose business is the exchange of currency, usually of different countries, at a fixed or official rate.
  • moneychangers — Plural form of moneychanger.
  • monkey jacket — a short, close-fitting jacket or coat, formerly worn by sailors.
  • monoaminergic — (of a neuron or neural pathway) transmitting messages by means of a monoamine
  • monochromated — Fitted with a monochromator.
  • monochromatic — of or having one color.
  • monochromator — a spectroscope with a slit that can be moved across the spectrum for viewing individual spectral bands.
  • monoclonality — Biology, Biotechnology. the state or condition of having one specific type of antibody.
  • monodactylous — having only one digit or claw.
  • monogenically — In a monogenic manner.
  • monogrammatic — a design consisting of two or more alphabetic letters combined or interlaced, commonly one's initials, often printed on stationery, embroidered on clothing, etc.
  • monogynoecial — (of a fruit) developing from a single pistil.
  • monomolecular — noting or pertaining to a thickness of one molecule.
  • mononucleated — having a single nucleus
  • monosyllabics — Plural form of monosyllabic.
  • monotonically — of, relating to, or uttered in a monotone: a monotonic delivery of a lecture.
  • monstre sacré — a venerable or popular public figure who is considered above criticism or attack despite eccentricity, controversy, etc.
  • monte cassino — a monastery at Cassino, Italy: founded a.d. c530 by St. Benedict and destroyed by Allied bombings in 1944.
  • montefiascone — a town in central Italy: wine-growing area.
  • monterey jack — a mild, light-yellow, semisoft cheese
  • montes claros — a city in E Brazil.
  • mood enhancer — something, esp a drug, that has the effect of lifting a person's mood
  • morning watch — the watch from 4 a.m. until 8 a.m.
  • morris dancer — A morris dancer is a person who takes part in morris dancing.
  • mortification — a feeling of humiliation or shame, as through some injury to one's pride or self-respect.
  • mosaic vision — a type of vision hypothesized for the insect compound eye, in which the image is formed by hundreds of separate ommatidia.
  • mucocutaneous — Of or pertaining to the mucous membranes and the skin.
  • multilocation — the state or power of being in more than two places at the same time.
  • mummification — to make (a dead body) into a mummy, as by embalming and drying.
  • mundification — the act of cleansing a wound
  • mystification — to perplex (a person) by playing upon the person's credulity; bewilder purposely.
  • mythicization — to turn into, treat, or explain as a myth.
  • mythification — to create a myth about (a person, place, tradition, etc.); cause to become a myth.
  • nanochemistry — (chemistry) The synthesis, analysis and characterization of chemical compounds at the nanoscale.
  • nanocomposite — Denoting a composite material that has a grain size measured in nanometers.
  • necklace bomb — a bomb consisting of linked charges hung around a victim's neck, used by terrorists or in hostage situations
  • necromantical — Alternative form of necromantic.
  • nematological — of or pertaining to nematology
  • neocapitalism — a politico-economic theory combining elements of capitalism and socialism
  • neoclassicism — (often initial capital letter) Architecture. the trend or movement prevailing in the architecture of Europe, America, and various European colonies at various periods during the late 18th and early 19th centuries, characterized by the introduction and widespread use of Greek orders and decorative motifs, the subordination of detail to simple, strongly geometric overall compositions, the presence of light colors or shades, frequent shallowness of relief in ornamental treatment of façades, and the absence of textural effects.
  • neoplasticism — the theory and practice of the de Stijl school, chiefly characterized by an emphasis on the formal structure of a work of art, and restriction of spatial or linear relations to vertical and horizontal movements as well as restriction of the artist's palette to black, white, and the primary colors.
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