
19-letter words containing m, o, n, a, i, e

  • cape-disappointmentCape, a cape in SW Washington state, projecting into the Pacific Ocean on the N of the mouth of the Columbia River.
  • catalytic reforming — Catalytic reforming is a process that converts petroleum refinery naphthas to high-octane blending components.
  • cathodoluminescence — luminescence caused by irradiation with electrons (cathode rays)
  • champagne socialist — a professed socialist who enjoys an extravagant lifestyle
  • champion of england — a hereditary official at British coronations, representing the king (King's Champion) or the queen (Queen's Champion) who is being crowned, and having originally the function of challenging to mortal combat any person disputing the right of the new sovereign to rule.
  • chassis dynamometer — A chassis dynamometer is a piece of test equipment fitted with rollers for the wheels of a vehicle, that is capable of providing drive input and measuring output such as power and torque at the wheels.
  • chemical castration — the use of drugs to reduce libido
  • chemical processing — Chemical processing is a way of making changes to chemical compounds.
  • christian democracy — the beliefs, principles, practices, or programme of a Christian Democratic party
  • christmas pantomime — pantomime (def 5).
  • cinematographically — a motion-picture projector.
  • circulation manager — the senior manager responsible for the distribution of a newspaper
  • claims investigator — A claims investigator is a person who is employed by an insurance company to obtain information necessary to evaluate a claim.
  • classical economics — a system or school of economic thought developed by Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham, Thomas Malthus, and David Ricardo, advocating minimum governmental intervention, free enterprise, and free trade, considering labor the source of wealth and dealing with problems concerning overpopulation.
  • columnar epithelium — epithelium consisting of one or more layers of elongated cells of cylindrical or prismatic shape.
  • combination therapy — a therapy that combines two or more drugs, or two or more treatments
  • command interpreter — (operating system)   A program which reads textual commands from the user or from a file and executes them. Some commands may be executed directly within the interpreter itself (e.g. setting variables or control constructs), others may cause it to load and execute other files. When an IBM PC is booted BIOS loads and runs the MS-DOS command interpreter into memory from file COMMAND.COM found on a floppy disk or hard disk drive. The commands that COMMAND.COM recognizes (e.g. COPY, DIR, PRN) are called internal commands, in contrast to external commands which are executable files.
  • command line option — (software)   (Or "option", "flag", "switch", "option switch") An argument to a command that modifies its function rather than providing data. Options generally start with "-" in Unix or "/" in MS-DOS. This is usually followed by a single letter or occasionally a digit. More recently, GNU software adopted the --longoptionname style, usually in addition to traditional, single-character, -x style equivalents. Some commands require each option to be a separate argument, introduced by a new "-" or "/", others allow multiple option letters to be concatenated into a single argument with a single "-" or "/", e.g. "ls -al". A few Unix commands (e.g. ar, tar) allow the "-" to be omitted. Some options may or must be followed by a value, e.g. "cc prog.c -o prog", sometimes with and sometimes without an intervening space.
  • commercially-minded — knowledgeable about business; interested in making money
  • comminuted fracture — a fracture in which the bone is splintered or fragmented
  • commission merchant — a person who buys or sells goods for others on a commission basis
  • common de-nominator — Mathematics. a number that is a multiple of all the denominators of a set of fractions.
  • common iliac artery — iliac artery (def 1).
  • common-iliac-artery — Also called common iliac artery. either of two large arteries that conduct blood to the pelvis and the legs.
  • common-law marriage — a marriage deemed to exist after a couple have cohabited for several years
  • commonsense realism — naive realism.
  • communications zone — the area behind the combat zone
  • communist manifesto — a political pamphlet written by Marx and Engels in 1848: a fundamental statement of Marxist principles
  • community education — the provision of a wide range of educational and special interest courses and activities by a local authority
  • community policeman — a police officer assigned to a particular area
  • community programme — (in Britain) a former government scheme to provide temporary work for people unemployed for over a year
  • community relations — the particular state of affairs in an area where potentially conflicting ethnic, religious, cultural, political, or linguistic groups live together
  • compassionate leave — Compassionate leave is time away from your work that your employer allows you for personal reasons, especially when a member of your family dies or is seriously ill.
  • complement fixation — the fixing of complement into the product of an antigen-antibody reaction: used as an infection indicator in certain serologic tests that measure the presence or absence of free, active complement
  • complexity analysis — In sructured program design, a quality-control operation that counts the number of "compares" in the logic implementing a function; a value of less than 10 is considered acceptable.
  • complimentary close — the part of a letter that by convention immediately precedes the signature, as “Very truly yours,” “Cordially,” or “Sincerely yours.”.
  • computer dictionary — Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
  • computer simulation — an event, process, or scenario that is created on a computer
  • concertina movement — a principle of table construction in which hinged sections of the frame, ordinarily folded inward out of sight, can be pulled into line with the parts of the frame ordinarily seen to permit the addition of leaves.
  • confederate jasmine — star jasmine.
  • confocal microscope — a light microscope with an optical system designed to reject background from matter outside the focal plane and therefore allowing images of different sections of a specimen to be obtained
  • consumer resistance — the unwillingness of consumers to adopt a particular product, service, or change
  • contemplative order — a religious order whose members are devoted to prayer rather than works.
  • continental climate — a climate characterized by hot summers, cold winters, and little rainfall, typical of the interior of a continent
  • conventional memory — (storage)   The first 640 kilobytes of an IBM PC's memory. Prior to EMS, XMS, and HMA, real mode application could use only this part of the memory.
  • conventional wisdom — The conventional wisdom about something is the generally accepted view of it.
  • cooccurrence matrix — (mathematics)   Given a position operator P(i,j), let A be a nxn matrix whose element A[i][j] is the number of times that points with grey level (intensity) g[i] occur, in the position specified by P, relative to points with grey level g[j]. Let C be the nxn matrix that is produced by dividing A with the total number of point pairs that satisfy P. C[i][j] is a measure of the joint probability that a pair of points satisfying P will have values g[i], g[j]. C is called a cooccurrence matrix defined by P. Examples for the operator P are: "i above j", "i one position to the right and two below j", etc.
  • coordinate geometry — analytic geometry.
  • coordination number — the number of coordinated species surrounding the central atom in a complex or crystal
  • corporal punishment — Corporal punishment is the punishment of people by hitting them.
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