
13-letter words containing m, o, g, y

  • monogenically — In a monogenic manner.
  • monoglyceride — an ester obtained from glycerol by the esterification of one hydroxyl group with a fatty acid.
  • monogynoecial — (of a fruit) developing from a single pistil.
  • monopolylogue — a theatrical entertainment in which the same performer plays several parts or characters.
  • morgan le fay — the fairy sister of King Arthur.
  • morning glory — any of various plants, especially of the genera Ipomoea and Convolvulus, as I. purpurea, a twining plant having cordate leaves and funnel-shaped flowers of various colors, often opening only in the morning.
  • morning-glory — any of various plants, especially of the genera Ipomoea and Convolvulus, as I. purpurea, a twining plant having cordate leaves and funnel-shaped flowers of various colors, often opening only in the morning.
  • multicategory — (mathematics) A generalization of the concept of category that allows morphisms of multiple arity.
  • mycetophagous — That feeds on fungi.
  • mycologically — In terms of, or by means of, mycology.
  • myocardiogram — the graphic record produced by a myocardiograph.
  • myringoplasty — (surgery) The closure of the perforation of pars tensa of the tympanic membrane.
  • mythographies — Plural form of mythography.
  • mythologising — Present participle of mythologise.
  • mythologizing — Present participle of mythologize.
  • non-ambiguity — doubtfulness or uncertainty of meaning or intention: to speak with ambiguity; an ambiguity of manner.
  • non-complying — failure or refusal to comply, as with a law, regulation, or term of a contract.
  • non-emergency — a sudden, urgent, usually unexpected occurrence or occasion requiring immediate action.
  • normoglycemic — (medicine) Having the normal amount of glucose in the blood.
  • numismatology — Numismatics.
  • olympic games — international sports event
  • ophthalmology — the branch of medical science dealing with the anatomy, functions, and diseases of the eye.
  • oregon myrtle — California laurel
  • oxyhemoglobin — the oxygen-carrying pigment of red blood cells that gives them their red color and serves to convey oxygen to the tissues: occurs in reduced form (deoxyhemoglobin) in venous blood and in combination with oxygen (oxyhemoglobin) in arterial blood. Symbol: Hb.
  • phantasmagory — phantasmagoria.
  • pharmacognosy — materia medica (def 2).
  • pharyngectomy — excision of part or all of the pharynx.
  • phenomenology — the study of phenomena.
  • phrygian mode — an authentic church mode represented on the white keys of a keyboard instrument by an ascending scale from E to E.
  • physiognomies — the face or countenance, especially when considered as an index to the character: a fierce physiognomy.
  • physostigmine — an alkaloid, C 1 5 H 2 1 N 3 O 2 , used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease to raise the level of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and also as a miotic in glaucoma.
  • plethysmogram — the recording of a plethysmograph.
  • plough monday — the first Monday after Epiphany, which in N and E England used to be celebrated with a procession of ploughmen drawing a plough from house to house
  • policy-making — Policy-making is the making of policies.
  • polygamophile — a person who approves of or countenances polygamy, especially as practiced by others.
  • polysomnogram — a record of a person's sleep pattern, breathing, heart activity, and limb movements during sleep. Abbreviation: PSG.
  • polysyllogism — an argument made up of a chain of syllogisms, the conclusion of each being a premise of the one following, until the last one.
  • postemergency — of, relating to, or occurring in the period after an emergency
  • primary group — a group of individuals living in close, intimate, and personal relationship.
  • q-methodology — a statistical methodology used by psychologists to identify alternative world-views, opinions, interpretations, etc, in terms of statistically independent patterns of response recognized by clustering together individuals whose orderings of items, typically attitude statements, are similar
  • r-methodology — any statistical methodology in psychology that is contrasted with Q-methodology
  • remythologize — to mythologize anew, to make a new mythological system out of (an existing one)
  • retromingency — urinating backward because of bodily configuration: The lion is a retromingent animal.
  • salpingectomy — excision of the Fallopian tube.
  • salpingostomy — the formation of an artificial opening into a Fallopian tube.
  • sedimentology — the study of sedimentary rocks.
  • siege economy — an economy in which the export of capital is limited and import controls are imposed
  • sigmoidectomy — surgical removal of the sigmoid colon
  • sigmoidoscopy — an examination by means of a sigmoidoscope.
  • solomon gundy — a dish of salted marinated herring in vinegar and spices
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