
13-letter words containing m, i, s, u

  • housewarmings — Plural form of housewarming.
  • humanitarians — Plural form of humanitarian.
  • hydromedusoid — a jellyfish or something resembling a jellyfish that lives in water
  • hyperurbanism — a pronunciation or grammatical form or usage produced by a speaker of one dialect according to an analogical rule formed by comparison of the speaker's own usage with that of another, more prestigious, dialect and often applied in an inappropriate context, especially in an effort to avoid sounding countrified, rural, or provincial, as in the pronunciation of the word two (to̅o̅) as (tyo̅o̅).
  • if you ask me — You can say 'if you ask me' to emphasize that you are stating your personal opinion.
  • ignominiously — marked by or attended with ignominy; discreditable; humiliating: an ignominious retreat.
  • illuminations — Plural form of illumination.
  • illustrissimo — most illustrious (esp as belonging to the Italian aristocracy)
  • immune system — a diffuse, complex network of interacting cells, cell products, and cell-forming tissues that protects the body from pathogens and other foreign substances, destroys infected and malignant cells, and removes cellular debris: the system includes the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes and lymph tissue, stem cells, white blood cells, antibodies, and lymphokines.
  • immunisations — Plural form of immunisation.
  • immunizations — Plural form of immunization.
  • immunochemist — A chemist whose speciality is immunochemistry.
  • immunogenesis — the production of an immune response
  • immunosorbent — an insoluble surface to which a specific antibody is attached for the purpose of removing the corresponding antigen from a solution or suspension.
  • immutableness — The state of being immutable; unchangeableness.
  • impactfulness — The quality of being impactful.
  • impecuniosity — having little or no money; penniless; poor.
  • impecuniously — In an impecunious manner.
  • imperiousness — domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial; overbearing: an imperious manner; an imperious person.
  • impetuosities — Plural form of impetuosity.
  • impetuousness — of, relating to, or characterized by sudden or rash action, emotion, etc.; impulsive: an impetuous decision; an impetuous person.
  • importunities — Plural form of importunity.
  • impostumation — an abscess or swelling filled with pus
  • impulsiveness — actuated or swayed by emotional or involuntary impulses: an impulsive child.
  • imputrescible — not liable to decomposition or putrefaction; incorruptible: a tanning process to make skins imputrescible.
  • inclusion map — a map of a set to itself in which each element of a given subset of the set is mapped to itself.
  • incombustible — not combustible; incapable of being burned; fireproof.
  • income source — something that provides a regular supply of money, such as employment, investments, a pension etc
  • indian summer — a period of mild, dry weather, usually accompanied by a hazy atmosphere, occurring usually in late October or early November and following a period of colder weather.
  • individualism — a social theory advocating the liberty, rights, or independent action of the individual.
  • industrialism — an economic organization of society built largely on mechanized industry rather than agriculture, craftsmanship, or commerce.
  • inhomogeneous — lack of homogeneity.
  • inner sanctum — sanctum (def 2).
  • instrumentals — Plural form of instrumental.
  • instrumenting — Present participle of instrument.
  • intermuscular — of or relating to muscle or the muscles: muscular strain.
  • interstimulus — being, or relating to, the interval between the occurrence of two stimuli in a psychological experiment
  • intramuscular — located or occurring within a muscle.
  • isoamyl group — the univalent group C 5 H 11 .
  • jejunostomies — Plural form of jejunostomy.
  • judgmentalism — Judgmental behaviour or attitude.
  • jumping genes — transposon.
  • jumping mouse — any of several primitive, mouselike rodents of the family Zapodidae, having long hind legs, common in the woodlands of Europe, Asia, and North America.
  • jus canonicum — canon law.
  • just a minute — wait, stop
  • justin martyrSaint, a.d. c100–163? early church historian and philosopher.
  • kim young sam — born 1927, president of South Korea 1993–98.
  • kuskokwim bay — an inlet of the Bering Sea in Alaska. Length: about 160 km (100 miles)
  • lambeosaurine — Any crested hadrosaurid dinosaur of the subfamily Lambeosaurinae.
  • lapsus calami — a slip of the pen.
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