
18-letter words containing m, i, l, t, a, e

  • chemical potential — a thermodynamic function of a substance in a system that is the partial differential of the Gibbs function of the system with respect to the number of moles of the substance
  • chinese watermelon — a tropical Asian vine, Benincasa hispida, of the gourd family, having a brown, hairy stem, large, solitary, yellow flowers, and white, melonlike fruit.
  • chromolithographer — One engaged in chromolithography.
  • circulating medium — currency serving as a medium of exchange
  • circulatory system — the system concerned with the transport of blood and lymph, consisting of the heart, blood vessels, lymph vessels, etc
  • citizen journalism — the involvement of non-professionals in reporting news, esp in blogs and other websites
  • coffee-table music — unadventurous music
  • collision diameter — the distance between the centers of two colliding molecules when at their closest point of approach.
  • commedia dell'arte — a form of popular comedy developed in Italy during the 16th to 18th centuries, with stock characters such as Punchinello, Harlequin, and Columbine, in situations improvised from a plot outline
  • commendation medal — a U.S. military decoration awarded for meritorious achievement or service
  • commercial attache — an attaché in an embassy or legation representing the commercial interests of his or her country.
  • committed facility — an agreement by a bank to provide a customer with funds up to a specified limit at a specified rate of interest
  • communication line — a line carrying communications
  • community language — a language spoken by members of a minority group or community within a majority language context
  • compartmentalizing — Present participle of compartmentalize.
  • complementarianism — The doctrine that genders in a society should have complementary roles.
  • complexity measure — (algorithm)   A quantity describing the complexity of a computation.
  • conceptual realism — the doctrine that universals have real and independent existence.
  • container terminal — a transport terminal that handles containerized cargo
  • continental margin — the offshore zone, consisting of the continental shelf, slope, and rise, that separates the dry-land portion of a continent from the deep ocean floor.
  • continental system — French system.
  • counterculturalism — The counterculture movement or lifestyle.
  • crystal microphone — a microphone that uses a piezoelectric crystal to convert sound energy into electrical energy
  • cumulative scoring — a method of scoring in which the score of a partnership is taken as the sum of their scores on all hands played.
  • customer relations — Customer relations are the relationships that a business has with its customers and the way in which it treats them.
  • daytime television — television broadcasts that are shown during the daytime rather than in the evening
  • decompartmentalize — to remove excessive compartmentalization from (an organization)
  • definitive plumage — the plumage of a bird that, once attained, does not change significantly in color or pattern for the rest of the bird's life.
  • demand liabilities — the assets of a financial institution that are demandable by depositors
  • demilitarized zone — an area from which military presence or function has been removed
  • dia de los muertos — Day of the Dead.
  • diamondback turtle — any edible North American terrapin of the genus Malaclemys, esp M. terrapin, occurring in brackish and tidal waters and having diamond-shaped markings on the shell: family Emydidae
  • dicalcium silicate — a component of cement, 2CaO⋅SiO 2 , also used to neutralize acid soils.
  • dietary supplement — a substance taken in addition to what you eat in order to promote health
  • digital humanities — (used with a singular verb) the study of literature, philosophy, etc., as facilitated by computer technology or digital media: Digital humanities uses data analysis to find patterns in large bodies of text. the set of methodologies used in such scholarship.
  • digital multimeter — (electronics)   (DMM) A peice of test equipment used for measuring voltage, current, resistance, and possibly other electircal quantities and displaying the value in number form.
  • dimensionalisation — Alternative spelling of dimensionalization.
  • dimensionalization — The process of dimensionalizing.
  • dimethyltryptamine — a hallucinogenic drug, C 12 H 16 N 2 , with an action of short duration. Abbreviation: DMT.
  • diplomatic service — diplomatic corps
  • diplomatic shuttle — a series of diplomatic visits to other states made by an official, such as an ambassador or envoy
  • domestic appliance — a machine used for household tasks, for example, a washing machine, refrigerator, etc.
  • double achievement — a representation of the arms of a husband beside those of his wife such that a difference of rank between them is shown.
  • dramatic monologue — a poetic form in which a single character, addressing a silent auditor at a critical moment, reveals himself or herself and the dramatic situation.
  • ecma international — (body)   (Formerly European Computer Manufacturers Association) An industry association founded in 1961 and dedicated to the standardisation of information and communication systems. ECMA edits standards and technical reports. All ECMA publications are available free of charge. The best known ECMA standard is ECMA 262, defining the scripting language ECMAScript.
  • electrocardiograms — Plural form of electrocardiogram.
  • electrocorticogram — a record of brain waves obtained by placing electrodes directly on the surface of the exposed cerebral cortex
  • electronic mailbox — a device used to store electronic mail
  • electroretinograms — Plural form of electroretinogram.
  • emotional literacy — the ability to deal with one's emotions and recognize their causes
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