
17-letter words containing m, i, l, o, c

  • gunboat diplomacy — diplomatic relations involving the use or threat of military force, especially by a powerful nation against a weaker one.
  • haematocrystallin — Alternative form of hematocrystallin.
  • hamiltonian cycle — Hamiltonian problem
  • harmonic analysis — the calculation of Fourier series and their generalization.
  • harmonic interval — an intervening period of time: an interval of 50 years.
  • hemiglossectomies — Plural form of hemiglossectomy.
  • hippocampal gyrus — a convolution on the inner surface of the temporal lobe of the cerebrum, bordering the hippocampus.
  • histamine blocker — any of various substances that act at a specific receptor site to block certain actions of histamine.
  • historical method — the process of establishing general facts and principles through attention to chronology and to the evolution or historical course of what is being studied.
  • ho chi minh trail — a network of jungle paths winding from North Vietnam through Laos and Cambodia into South Vietnam, used as a military route by North Vietnam to supply the Vietcong during the Vietnam War.
  • holistic medicine — incorporating the concept of holism, or the idea that the whole is more than merely the sum of its parts, in theory or practice: holistic psychology.
  • homeland security — national defence
  • homolytic fission — the dissociation of a molecule into two neutral fragments
  • homovanillic acid — the end product of dopamine metabolism, C 9 H 10 O 4 , found in human urine.
  • hypocholesteremia — an abnormally low amount of cholesterol in the blood.
  • hypodermic needle — a hollow needle used to inject solutions subcutaneously.
  • hypovolemic shock — a type of shock caused by reduced blood volume, as from massive bleeding or dehydration.
  • ice-cream parlour — a place where people go to eat ice cream
  • ideogrammatically — In terms of, or by means of, ideograms.
  • immunofluorescent — Of, pertaining to, or using immunofluorescence.
  • implicit function — See at implicit (def 4).
  • inclusion complex — a solid solution in which molecules of one compound occupy places in the crystal lattice of another compound. Compare adduct (def 2).
  • income inequality — a situation in which there is great disparity in income within a society
  • incommunicability — incapable of being communicated, imparted, shared, etc.
  • incompatibilities — not compatible; unable to exist together in harmony: She asked for a divorce because they were utterly incompatible.
  • incomplete flower — a flower without one or more of the normal parts, as carpels, sepals, petals, pistils, or stamens.
  • incomprehensively — In an incomprehensive manner.
  • incompressibility — The quality of being incompressible, of not compressing under pressure.
  • injection molding — a method of forming thermoplastic or thermoset plastic, metal, or ceramic material by injection into a closed mold.
  • intercolumniation — the space between two adjacent columns, usually the clear space between the lower parts of the shafts.
  • intersectionalism — The study of minorities within minorities, or intersections between minorities; specifically, the study of the interactions of multiple systems of oppression or discrimination.
  • isomorphism class — (mathematics)   A collection of all the objects isomorphic to a given object. Talking about the isomorphism class (of a poset, say) ensures that we will only consider its properties as a poset, and will not consider other incidental properties it happens to have.
  • joachim du bellay — Joachim [French zhaw-a-keem] /French ʒɔ aˈkim/ (Show IPA), Bellay, Joachim du.
  • jumping-off place — a place for use as a starting point: Paris was the jumping-off place for our tour of Europe.
  • kyoto common lisp — (language)   (KCL) An implementation of Common Lisp by T. Yuasa <[email protected]> and M. Hagiya <[email protected]>, written in C to run under Unix-like operating systems. KCL is compiled to ANSI C. It conforms to Common Lisp as described in Guy Steele's book and is available under a licence agreement. E-mail: <[email protected]> (bug reports). Mailing list: [email protected], [email protected]
  • lame-duck session — (formerly) the December to March session of those members of the U.S. Congress who were defeated for reelection the previous November.
  • larmor precession — the precession of charged particles, as electrons, placed in a magnetic field, the frequency of the precession (Larmor frequency) being equal to the electronic charge times the strength of the magnetic field divided by 4π times the mass.
  • law of trichotomy — the property that for natural numbers a and b , either a is less than b , a equals b , or a is greater than b .
  • liberal democracy — a democracy based on the recognition of individual rights and freedoms, in which decisions from direct or representative processes prevail in many policy areas
  • liberal democrats — (in Britain) a political party with centrist policies; established in 1988 as the Social and Liberal Democrats when the Liberal Party merged with the Social Democratic Party; renamed Liberal Democrats in 1989
  • limestone lettuce — a variety of lettuce derived from Bibb lettuce.
  • line of scrimmage — an imaginary line parallel to the goal lines that passes from one sideline to the other through the point of the football closest to the goal line of each team.
  • lithium carbonate — a colorless crystalline compound, Li 2 CO 3 , slightly soluble in water: used in ceramic and porcelain glazes, pharmaceuticals, and luminescent paints.
  • load displacement — the weight, in long tons, of a cargo vessel loaded so that the summer load line touches the surface of the water.
  • local examination — any of various examinations, such as the GCSE, set by university boards and conducted in local centres, schools, etc
  • loco primo citato — loc. primo cit.
  • locomotive driver — an engine driver
  • locomotive engine — a self-propelled engine driven by steam, electricity, or diesel power and used for drawing trains along railway tracks
  • logic programming — (artificial intelligence, programming, language)   A declarative, relational style of programming based on first-order logic. The original logic programming language was Prolog. The concept is based on Horn clauses. The programmer writes a "database" of "facts", e.g. wet(water). ("water is wet") and "rules", e.g. mortal(X) :- human(X). ("X is mortal is implied by X is human"). Facts and rules are collectively known as "clauses". The user supplies a "goal" which the system attempts to prove using "resolution" or "backward chaining". This involves matching the current goal against each fact or the left hand side of each rule using "unification". If the goal matches a fact, the goal succeeds; if it matches a rule then the process recurses, taking each sub-goal on the right hand side of the rule as the current goal. If all sub-goals succeed then the rule succeeds. Each time a possible clause is chosen, a "choice point" is created on a stack. If subsequent resolution fails then control eventually returns to the choice point and subsequent clauses are tried. This is known as "backtracking". Clauses may contain logic variables which take on any value necessary to make the fact or the left hand side of the rule match a goal. Unification binds these variables to the corresponding subterms of the goal. Such bindings are associated with the choice point at which the clause was chosen and are undone when backtracking reaches that choice point. The user is informed of the success or failure of his first goal and if it succeeds and contains variables he is told what values of those variables caused it to succeed. He can then ask for alternative solutions.
  • lombrosian school — a school of criminology, promulgating the theories and employing the methods developed by Lombroso.
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