
15-letter words containing m, i, l, o, c

  • epistemological — Of or pertaining to epistemology or theory of knowledge, as a field of study.
  • ethnomusicology — The study of the music of different cultures, especially non-Western ones.
  • eudiometrically — By means of or in terms of eudiometry.
  • exemplification — The act of exemplifying; a showing or illustrating by example.
  • fantasmagorical — Alternative form of phantasmagorical.
  • fifth columnist — A fifth columnist is someone who secretly supports and helps the enemies of the country or organization they are in.
  • flavourdynamics — as in quantum flavour dynamics, a mathematical model used to describe the interaction of flavoured particles (weak force) through the exchange of intermediate vector bosons
  • fluorochemicals — Plural form of fluorochemical.
  • french marigold — a composite plant, Tagetes patula, of Mexico, having yellow flowers with red markings.
  • galvanomagnetic — of or relating to the creation of an electromagnetic field within a conductor, as a metal, or a semiconductor through which an electric current is passed.
  • gastronomically — the art or science of good eating.
  • geomagnetically — In a geomagnetic way; through geomagnetism.
  • glass harmonica — a musical instrument composed of a set of graduated, revolving glass bowls, the rims of which are moistened and set in vibration by friction from the fingertips.
  • gramophonically — in a gramophonic manner
  • guild socialism — a form of socialism developed in England in the 20th century, emphasizing decentralization of industry and services with control to be vested in autonomous guilds of workers.
  • haemoglobinuric — relating to the presence of haemoglobin in the urine
  • hamamelidaceous — belonging to the Hamamelidaceae, the witch hazel family of plants.
  • heliometrically — By means of, or in terms of, heliometry.
  • hemicolectomies — Plural form of hemicolectomy.
  • hemiglossectomy — (surgery) The surgical removal of a portion of the tongue.
  • hemodynamically — With regard to hemodynamics.
  • histochemically — In a histochemical manner.
  • holding company — a company that controls other companies through stock ownership but that usually does not engage directly in their productive operations (distinguished from parent company).
  • homeopathically — By means of homeopathy.
  • homeostatically — the tendency of a system, especially the physiological system of higher animals, to maintain internal stability, owing to the coordinated response of its parts to any situation or stimulus that would tend to disturb its normal condition or function.
  • hurdle champion — a hurdler who has defeated all others in a competition
  • hydraulic motor — a motor that converts the kinetic or potential energy of a fluid into mechanical energy.
  • hydromechanical — Of or pertaining to hydromechanics.
  • hypercatabolism — an abnormally high metabolic breakdown of a substance or tissue which leads to weight loss and physical deterioration
  • hypocortisolism — (medicine) A cortisol deficiency.
  • hypoinsulinemic — Having hypoinsulinemia.
  • immunologically — the branch of science dealing with the components of the immune system, immunity from disease, the immune response, and immunologic techniques of analysis.
  • implied consent — a manifestation of consent to something through conduct, including inaction or silence.
  • incommensurable — not commensurable; having no common basis, measure, or standard of comparison.
  • incommensurably — In an incommensurable manner; immeasurably.
  • incommutability — The quality or state of being incommutable.
  • incomparability — beyond comparison; matchless or unequaled: incomparable beauty.
  • incompatibilism — (philosophy) The doctrine that free will and determinism are incompatible, that one necessarily precludes the other.
  • incompatibility — not compatible; unable to exist together in harmony: She asked for a divorce because they were utterly incompatible.
  • intramyocardial — Into or within the myocardium.
  • irreconcilement — the quality or state of being unreconciled
  • isoamyl acetate — a colorless liquid, C 7 H 14 O 2 , used in flavorings, perfumery, and as a solvent. Compare banana oil (def 1).
  • isolated camera — a television camera used to isolate a subject, part of a sports play, etc., for instant replay.
  • isoperimetrical — having equal perimeters
  • jukebox musical — a musical play or film that is based around a series of well-known popular songs
  • laryngectomized — having had one's larynx surgically removed by undergoing a laryngectomy
  • latino-american — an American who is of Latin-American or Spanish origin
  • lemon socialism — the policy of a government in a nominally free-market country of bailing out large failing private companies with taxpayers’ money
  • levi-montalciniRita, 1909–2012, U.S. neurologist, born in Italy: Nobel Prize 1986.
  • limited company — a company in which the shareholders cannot be assessed for debts of the company beyond the sum they still have invested in the company.
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