
8-letter words containing m, i, a, s, p

  • misparse — To parse incorrectly.
  • mispatch — to patch wrongly
  • misplace — to put in a wrong place.
  • misplant — to plant badly or wrongly
  • misplead — To plead amiss or in a wrong manner; err in pleading.
  • misshape — to shape badly or wrongly; deform.
  • misspace — to space out wrongly
  • misspeak — Express oneself insufficiently clearly or accurately.
  • misstamp — to stamp badly
  • mixtapes — Plural form of mixtape.
  • opsimath — (rare) A person who learns late in life.Oxford English Dictionary, 3rd ed., 2004.
  • pacifism — opposition to war or violence of any kind.
  • paeanism — the show of a paean
  • paganism — pagan spirit or attitude in religious or moral questions.
  • paludism — malaria.
  • panislam — all of Islam or the Muslim world
  • papalism — the papal system.
  • parosmia — a disorder of the sense of smell, especially the perception of odors that are not present.
  • partyism — adherence to a political party or organization.
  • pashmina — a fabric or garment made from pashm, especially a shawl, wrap, or scarf.
  • pastrami — a brisket of beef that has been cured in a mixture of garlic, peppercorns, sugar, coriander seeds, etc., then smoked before cooking.
  • pessimal — /pes'im-l/ (Latin-based antonym for "optimal") Maximally bad. "This is a pessimal situation." Also "pessimise" To make as bad as possible. These words are the obvious Latin-based antonyms for "optimal" and "optimise", but for some reason they do not appear in most English dictionaries, although "pessimise" is listed in the OED.
  • petalism — a form of expulsion that typically lasted for five years and was dealt to those who were seen to have treacherous aspirations and objectives and was carried out in Syracuse in Ancient Greece
  • plasmoid — a section of a plasma having a characteristic shape
  • priapism — Pathology. continuous, usually nonsexual erection of the penis, especially due to disease.
  • primates — Ecclesiastical. an archbishop or bishop ranking first among the bishops of a province or country.
  • prosaism — prosaic character or style.
  • psalmist — an author of psalms.
  • psammite — any sandstone.
  • ptyalism — excessive secretion of saliva.
  • pyramids — Architecture. (in ancient Egypt) a quadrilateral masonry mass having smooth, steeply sloping sides meeting at an apex, used as a tomb. (in ancient Egypt and pre-Columbian Central America) a quadrilateral masonry mass, stepped and sharply sloping, used as a tomb or a platform for a temple.
  • samphire — a European succulent plant, Crithmum maritimum, of the parsley family, having compound leaves and small, whitish flowers, growing in clefts of rock near the sea.
  • sampling — a small part of anything or one of a number, intended to show the quality, style, or nature of the whole; specimen.
  • sapphism — lesbianism.
  • sapremia — blood poisoning caused by the toxins produced by bacterial putrefaction, as in gangrene.
  • scamping — an unscrupulous and often mischievous person; rascal; rogue; scalawag.
  • scampish — an unscrupulous and often mischievous person; rascal; rogue; scalawag.
  • septimal — of or based on the number seven.
  • seraphim — a plural of seraph.
  • shipmate — a person who serves with another on the same vessel.
  • sinapism — mustard plaster.
  • site map — A site map is a plan of a website showing what is on it and providing links to the different sections.
  • spamming — (lowercase) Digital Technology. disruptive online messages, especially commercial messages posted on a computer network or sent as email (often used attributively): Install spam blocker software and keep your email spam filters updated to protect your accounts from unsolicited spam.
  • swamping — a tract of wet, spongy land, often having a growth of certain types of trees and other vegetation, but unfit for cultivation.
  • sympodia — an axis or stem that simulates a simple stem but is made up of the bases of a number of axes that arise successively as branches, one from another, as in the grapevine.
  • timepass — a way of passing the time
  • timespan — a span of time; time frame.
  • vampires — a preternatural being, commonly believed to be a reanimated corpse, that is said to suck the blood of sleeping persons at night.
  • vax mips — (benchmark)   (Or VAX Unit of Performance, VUP) The processing power normally attributed to a Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 11/780. Future VAX systems were rated according to this scale (e.g. VAX 8350's being 2.7 VUPs per CPU). A MicroVAX II is normally associated with 0.9 VUPs and at a later time the MicroVUP was coined to rate VAX workstations. The use of the VUP by Digital Equipment Corporation has been replaced with more standard benchmarks (SPECint and SPECfp) in the DEC Alpha processor systems.
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