
18-letter words containing m, i, a, s, p

  • presenile dementia — a form of dementia, of unknown cause, starting before a person is old
  • pressure altimeter — an aneroid barometer adapted for measuring altitude by converting the indicated atmospheric pressure to altitude according to a standard relationship.
  • presumption of law — a presumption based upon a policy of law or a general rule and not upon the facts or evidence in an individual case.
  • primus inter pares — (of males) first among equals.
  • prisoner's dilemma — (in game theory) a scenario in which the outcome of one person's decision is determined by the simultaneous decisions of the other participants, resulting in a bad outcome for all of them if all act in their own self-interest.
  • processionary moth — a moth of the family Thaumetopoeidae, esp the oak processionary moth (Thaumetopoea processionea), the larvae of which leave the communal shelter nightly for food in a V-shaped procession
  • programming skills — the skills required to write a program so that data may be processed by a computer
  • provision merchant — a person or company in the business of retailing food and other provisions
  • pseudo-symptomatic — pertaining to a symptom or symptoms.
  • ptomaine poisoning — (erroneously) food poisoning thought to be caused by ptomaine.
  • publishing company — a firm which publishes books
  • pulmonary embolism — the blockage of a pulmonary artery, often by a blood clot, that stops the flow of blood to the lungs and which can result in death if untreated
  • pulmonic airstream — a current of lung air set in motion by the respiratory muscles in the production of speech.
  • punishment beating — a form of corporal punishment carried out by a paramilitary organization on a member of another sectarian organization, usually in Northern Ireland
  • pygmy hippopotamus — a small hippopotamus, Choeropsis liberiensis, of forests and swamps in western Africa.
  • pyramus and thisbe — (in Greek legend) two lovers of Babylon: Pyramus, wrongly supposing Thisbe to be dead, killed himself and she, encountering him in his death throes, did the same
  • quasi-metaphysical — pertaining to or of the nature of metaphysics.
  • radical empiricism — (in the philosophy of William James) the doctrine that the only proper subject matter of philosophy is that which can be defined in terms of experience, and that relations are a part of experience.
  • recess appointment — a person appointed to an office by the President of the United States without approval from the Senate because the Senate is in recess
  • registered company — a company which has officially registered its business
  • resistance plasmid — any of a group of bacterial plasmids carrying genetic information that provide resistance to antibiotic drugs: some resistance plasmids are able to transfer themselves, and hence resistance, during conjugation
  • respiratory system — the system by which oxygen is taken into the body and an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place; in mammals the system includes the nasal passages, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs.
  • sampling equipment — Sampling equipment is equipment which is used to remove small amounts of something for analysis and monitoring.
  • sampling frequency — sample rate
  • sampling statistic — any function of observed data, esp one used to estimate the corresponding parameter of the underlying distribution, such as the sample mean, sample variance, etc
  • seasonal promotion — Seasonal promotions are items marketed to customers at the appropriate time of year, such as coats in the winter and bathing suits in the summer.
  • self-contemplation — the act or process of thinking about oneself or one's values, beliefs, behavior, etc.
  • self-disparagement — the act of disparaging.
  • september holidays — a period of time in September when people do not have to go to school, college or work
  • service department — a repair shop
  • simple enumeration — a procedure for arriving at empirical generalizations by haphazard accumulation of positive instances.
  • sleeping policeman — a bump built across roads, esp in housing estates, to deter motorists from speeding
  • slow-motion replay — a showing again in slow motion of a sequence of action, esp of part of a sporting contest immediately after it happens
  • soda-lime feldspar — plagioclase.
  • sodium-vapour lamp — a type of electric lamp consisting of a glass tube containing neon and sodium vapour at low pressure through which an electric current is passed to give an orange light. They are used in street lighting
  • something to spare — a surplus of something
  • southampton island — an island in N Canada, in the Northwest Territories at the entrance to Hudson Bay. 19,100 sq. mi. (49,470 sq. km).
  • spackling compound — spackle
  • special assessment — a tax levied by a local government on private property to pay the cost of local public improvements, as sidewalk construction or sewage disposal, that are of general benefit to the property taxed.
  • specimen signature — a signature to be compared to an original signature in order to verify someone's identity
  • spectropolarimeter — an instrument for determining the extent to which plane-polarized light of various wavelengths is rotated by certain solutions, consisting of a combination of a spectroscope and a polarimeter.
  • spherical geometry — the branch of geometry that deals with figures on spherical surfaces.
  • spirits of ammonia — a 10% solution of ammonia in alcohol
  • subatomic particle — physics:
  • subsidiary company — a company whose controlling interest is owned by another company.
  • summary proceeding — a mode of trial authorized by statute to be held before a judge without the usual full hearing.
  • super giant slalom — a slalom race in which the course is longer and has more widely spaced gates than in a giant slalom.
  • sustaining program — a radio or television program without a commercial sponsor.
  • sympathetic strike — sympathy strike.
  • sympathetic string — a thin wire string, as in various obsolete musical instruments, designed to vibrate sympathetically with the bowed or plucked strings to reinforce the sound.
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