
16-letter words containing m, i, a, s, p

  • pullorum disease — a highly contagious, frequently fatal disease of young poultry caused by the bacterium Salmonella gallinarum (pullorum), transmitted by the infected hen during egg production, and characterized by weakness, loss of appetite, and diarrhea.
  • pulse modulation — a type of modulation in which a train of pulses is used as the carrier wave, one or more of its parameters, such as amplitude, being modulated or modified in order to carry information
  • punctuationalism — punctuated equilibrium.
  • punitive damages — law: penalty payment
  • put in mothballs — to postpone work on (a project, activity, etc)
  • quasi-compulsory — required; mandatory; obligatory: compulsory education.
  • quasi-diplomatic — of, relating to, or engaged in diplomacy: diplomatic officials.
  • queen's champion — a hereditary official at British coronations, representing the king (King's Champion) or the queen (Queen's Champion) who is being crowned, and having originally the function of challenging to mortal combat any person disputing the right of the new sovereign to rule.
  • ramsden eyepiece — an eyepiece consisting of two plano-convex crown-glass lenses of equal focal length, placed with the convex sides facing each other and with a separation between the lenses of about two-thirds of the focal length of each.
  • real-time pascal — (language)   A later name for Pascal-80 by RC International, Denmark.
  • repossession man — someone employed to take back or repossess property, esp due to nonpayment of money due under a hire-purchase agreement
  • sailmaker's palm — palm1 (def 4).
  • sapodilla family — the plant family Sapotaceae, characterized by chiefly tropical trees and shrubs having milky juice, simple leaves, small flowers, and fruit in the form of a berry, and including the buckthorn (genus Bumelia), sapodilla, star apple, and trees that are the source of gutta-percha and balata.
  • schaumburg-lippe — a former state in NW Germany.
  • self-proclaiming — to announce or declare in an official or formal manner: to proclaim war.
  • semiprivate room — a hospital room shared by two people, typically with a curtain dividing the room and providing some privacy
  • semiprofessional — actively engaged in some field or sport for pay but on a part-time basis: semiprofessional baseball players.
  • sharia-compliant — (of a product or service) produced or offered in accordance with the doctrines of the sharia
  • shipping company — business that sends goods overseas
  • smack one's lips — If you smack your lips, you open and close your mouth noisily, especially before or after eating, to show that you are eager to eat or enjoyed eating.
  • small/fine print — The small print or the fine print of something such as an advertisement or a contract consists of the technical details and legal conditions, which are often printed in much smaller letters than the rest of the text.
  • soapberry family — the plant family Sapindaceae, characterized by chiefly tropical trees, shrubs, or herbaceous vines having compound leaves, clustered flowers, and berrylike, fleshy, or capsular fruit, and including the balloon vine, golden rain tree, litchi, and soapberry.
  • sodium pentothal — the sodium salt of thiopental sodium.
  • sodium perborate — a white, crystalline, water-soluble solid, NaBO 2 ⋅3H 2 O or NaBO 3 ⋅4H 2 O, used chiefly as a bleaching agent and antiseptic.
  • sodium phosphate — Also called monobasic sodium phosphate. a white, crystalline, slightly hygroscopic, water-soluble powder, NaH 2 PO 4 , used chiefly in dyeing and in electroplating.
  • solar prominence — prominence (def 3).
  • spanish mackerel — an American game fish, Scomberomorus maculatus, inhabiting the Atlantic Ocean.
  • spanish moroccan — of or relating to the former Spanish colony of Spanish Morocco (now part of Morocco) or its inhabitants
  • spanish omelette — an omelette made by adding green peppers, onions, tomato, etc, to the eggs
  • spanish-american — noting or pertaining to the parts of America where Spanish is the prevailing language.
  • speak one's mind — give one's frank opinion
  • speaking trumpet — a trumpet-shaped instrument used to carry the voice a great distance or held to the ear by a deaf person to aid his hearing
  • spectroheliogram — a photograph of the sun made with a spectroheliograph.
  • spelling mistake — error in writing a word
  • spraying machine — a device for spraying large volumes of liquid, such as insecticide onto crops
  • spring ephemeral — any of various woodland wildflowers that appear above ground in early spring, flower and fruit, and die in a short two-month period.
  • spring mountains — a mountain range in S Nevada extending to the California border. Highest peak, Charleston Peak. 11,919 feet (3635 meters).
  • stamp collecting — Stamp collecting is the hobby of building up a collection of stamps.
  • stamp collection — the act of collecting postage stamps as a hobby
  • state capitalism — a form of capitalism in which the central government controls most of the capital, industry, natural resources, etc.
  • stomach stapling — Stomach stapling is an operation in which part of the stomach is removed in order to help a person to eat less and lose weight.
  • stonecrop family — the plant family Crassulaceae, characterized by succulent herbaceous plants and shrubs with simple, fleshy leaves, clusters of small flowers, and dry, dehiscent fruit, and including hen-and-chickens, houseleek, kalanchoe, live-forever, orpine, sedum, and stonecrop.
  • studio apartment — an apartment consisting of one main room, a kitchen or kitchenette, and a bathroom. Compare efficiency apartment.
  • sulfarsphenamine — a yellow, water-soluble, arsenic-containing powder, C 1 4 H 1 4 As 2 N 2 Na 2 O 8 S 2 , formerly used in the treatment of syphilis.
  • summer complaint — an acute condition of diarrhea, occurring during the hot summer months chiefly in infants and children, caused by bacterial contamination of food and associated with poor hygiene.
  • super-patriotism — a person who is patriotic to an extreme.
  • supernationalism — an extreme or fanatical loyalty or devotion to a nation.
  • supranationalism — outside or beyond the authority of one national government, as a project or policy that is planned and controlled by a group of nations.
  • system on a chip — A system on a chip combines most of a system's elements on a single integrated circuit or chip.
  • taimyr peninsula — a peninsula in the N Russian Federation in Asia, between the Kara and Laptev seas.
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