
14-letter words containing m, i, a, s, p

  • symmetrophobia — an avoidance of symmetry, esp in Japanese art and Egyptian temples
  • synaposematism — the display of common warning colours between different organisms inhabiting the same region
  • the game is up — If you say the game is up, you mean that someone's secret plans or activities have been revealed and therefore must stop because they cannot succeed.
  • thermal spring — a spring whose temperature is higher than the mean temperature of ground water in the area.
  • thromboplastic — causing or accelerating blood-clot formation.
  • thromboplastin — Biochemistry. a lipoprotein in the blood that converts prothrombin to thrombin.
  • transempirical — beyond the range of experiential knowledge.
  • treponematosis — an infection caused by an organism of the genus Treponema, as syphilis, pinta, bejel, or yaws.
  • tripersonalism — the doctrine of three persons making up the Trinity
  • triple measure — time or rhythm characterized by three beats to the measure with an accent on the first beat.
  • tropical storm — a tropical cyclone of less than hurricane force.
  • unaccomplished — not accomplished; incomplete or not carried out: Many tasks remain unaccomplished.
  • underemphasize — to give less than sufficient emphasis to; minimize.
  • unmetaphysical — (of a statement or theory) not metaphysical or abstract
  • unparsimonious — characterized by or showing parsimony; frugal or stingy.
  • unsympathizing — not sympathizing; not offering sympathy; unsympathetic
  • vishakhapatnam — a seaport in Andhra Pradesh, in E India, on the Bay of Bengal.
  • white mariposa — a Mariposa lily, Calochortus venustus, having white or pale lilac flowers.
  • with open arms — the upper limb of the human body, especially the part extending from the shoulder to the wrist.
  • writer's cramp — spasmodic, painful contractions of the muscles of the thumb, forefinger, and forearm during writing.
  • xiphihumeralis — a long pectoral muscle found only in felines
  • zygosporangium — a sporangium that bears a zygospore.
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