
13-letter words containing m, i, a, s, p

  • semioviparous — bearing young in an incomplete state of development, as a marsupial.
  • semipalatinsk — a city in NE Kazakhstan, on the Irtysh River.
  • semipalmation — the state of being semipalmate
  • semiparasitic — Biology. commonly parasitic but also capable of living on dead or decaying animal matter.
  • semipermanent — not quite permanent.
  • semipermeable — permeable only to certain small molecules: a semipermeable membrane.
  • semipolitical — of a partially political nature; having some political features.
  • semiporcelain — any of several vitrified ceramic wares lacking the translucency or hardness of true porcelain but otherwise similar to it.
  • septempartite — separated into seven sections.
  • share premium — the excess of the amount actually subscribed for an issue of corporate capital over its par value
  • sheep farming — agriculture: sheep raising
  • shop chairman — a unionized employee elected to represent a shop, department, or the like, in dealings with an employer.
  • shopping mall — mall (def 1).
  • simplificator — a person who simplifies matters
  • sinumbra lamp — an unshaded sperm-oil lamp consisting of a translucent glass globe supported on a pedestal: a form of astral lamp.
  • slipstreaming — Aeronautics. the airstream pushed back by a revolving aircraft propeller. Compare backwash (def 2), wash (def 31).
  • small capital — a capital letter of a particular font, the same height as the x-high letters.
  • snap-brim hat — a hat brim that can be turned up or down.
  • somatopsychic — of or relating to the effects of the body on the mind.
  • space tourism — travel into space for recreational purposes
  • spanish broom — a spiny, often leafless shrub, Genista hispanica, of the legume family, native to southern Europe, having clustered, golden-yellow flowers and hairy pods.
  • spasmodically — given to or characterized by bursts of excitement.
  • spathiphyllum — any of various tropical plants of the genus Spathiphyllum, having a white or green spathe and a spike of fragrant flowers and often cultivated as an ornamental.
  • specific name — the second part in the name of a species, such as norvegicus in Rattus norvegicus
  • specimen page — a page regarded as typical of pages of its type, esp one produced by a typesetter or designer to show an example of the typesetting for a book
  • speech making — act of addressing the public formally
  • spenta mainyu — the good and creative spirit that is the offspring of Ahura Mazda.
  • sperm washing — a technique that separates sperm from the seminal fluid, used especially for isolating active sperm for artificial insemination.
  • spermatangium — the organ that produces spermatia in red algae.
  • spermatogenic — relating to the development of spermatozoa
  • spermatotoxic — spermotoxic.
  • spermatotoxin — spermotoxin.
  • spinal column — the series of vertebrae in a vertebrate animal forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord; spine; backbone.
  • splatter film — a film containing many scenes of violent and gruesome murders.
  • spokesmanship — the office or skilful use of the office of spokesman
  • sportsmanlike — a man who engages in sports, especially in some open-air sport, as hunting, fishing, racing, etc.
  • sportsmanship — the character, practice, or skill of a sportsman.
  • spurge family — the large plant family Euphorbiaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants, shrubs, and trees having milky juice, simple alternate leaves or no leaves, usually petalless flowers often with showy bracts, and capsular fruit, and including cassava, croton, crown-of-thorns, poinsettia, snow-on-the-mountain, spurge, and the plants that produce castor oil, rubber, and tung oil.
  • stamp machine — a machine used for stamping documents, as with the time, etc
  • standing jump — a jump performed from a stationary position without a run-up
  • statesmanship — the ability, qualifications, or practice of a statesman; wisdom and skill in the management of public affairs.
  • stoppage time — In soccer and some other sports, stoppage time is the period of time that is added to the end of a game because play was stopped during the game as a result of, for example, injuries to players.
  • striped maple — a maple, Acer pensylvanicum, of northeastern North America, having white-striped bark.
  • submarine pen — a bunker that prevents submarines from bombs
  • subprime loan — A subprime loan is a loan with a higher interest rate, to borrowers who are a high credit risk.
  • supercriminal — an extremely bad, powerful or successful criminal, a criminal working on a large scale or committing extreme crimes
  • superdiplomat — a highly skilled or powerful diplomat, a high-ranking diplomat
  • superdominant — submediant.
  • superhumanize — to make superhuman, or represent as such
  • supermajority — a majority that must represent some percentage more than a simple majority.
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