
13-letter words containing m, i, a, s, p

  • empiricalness — Quality of being empirical.
  • empyreumatise — to render empyreumatic
  • enantiomorphs — Plural form of enantiomorph.
  • epigrammatism — The use of epigrams; epigrammatical character.
  • epigrammatist — Someone who writes an epigram (any meanings).
  • epistemically — In a manner that pertains to knowledge.
  • ethnophaulism — An ethnic or racial slur, typically caricaturing some identifiable (often physical) feature of the group being derided. For example,
  • euphemistical — Archaic form of euphemistic.
  • exemplariness — The state or condition of being exemplary, serving as a shining example.
  • false vampire — any large, carnivorous bat of the families Megadermatidae and Phyllostomatidae, of Africa, Asia, and Australia, erroneously reputed to suck the blood of animals and humans.
  • filmographies — Plural form of filmography.
  • fosamprenavir — (pharmaceutical drug) An anti-retroviral prodrug of the protease inhibitor amprenavir. It is used to treat HIV infected patients.
  • gram-positive — (of bacteria) retaining the violet dye when stained by Gram's method.
  • grantsmanship — skill in securing grants, as for research, from federal agencies, foundations, or the like.
  • hematopoiesis — the formation of blood.
  • hematosalpinx — (medicine) A medical condition involving bleeding into the Fallopian tubes.
  • hemiparasitic — Semiparasitic.
  • hemispherical — having the form of a hemisphere.
  • hepatectomies — Plural form of hepatectomy.
  • hermaphrodism — the condition of being a hermaphrodite.
  • hopkinsianism — a modified Calvinism taught by Samuel Hopkins (1721–1803), that emphasized the sovereignty of God, the importance of His decrees, and the necessity of submitting to His will, accepting even damnation, if required, for His glory, and holding that ethics is merely disinterested benevolence.
  • hyper-realism — interest in or concern for the actual or real, as distinguished from the abstract, speculative, etc.
  • hyperurbanism — a pronunciation or grammatical form or usage produced by a speaker of one dialect according to an analogical rule formed by comparison of the speaker's own usage with that of another, more prestigious, dialect and often applied in an inappropriate context, especially in an effort to avoid sounding countrified, rural, or provincial, as in the pronunciation of the word two (to̅o̅) as (tyo̅o̅).
  • hypsometrical — Of or pertaining to hypsometry.
  • ibrahim pasha — 1789–1848, Egyptian general: governor of Syria 1833–40 (son of Mehemet Ali).
  • impactfulness — The quality of being impactful.
  • impartialness — The quality of being impartial.
  • impassability — The state or quality of being impassable.
  • impassibility — The state or condition of being impassible.
  • impassiveness — The state of being impassive.
  • impatientness — not patient; not accepting delay, opposition, pain, etc., with calm or patience.
  • imperialistic — the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.
  • imperseverant — lacking the power to perceive
  • impersonalise — to make impersonal: The dial system impersonalized the telephone.
  • impersonalism — the practice of maintaining impersonal relations with individuals or groups.
  • impersonality — absence of human character or of the traits associated with the human character: He feared the impersonality of a mechanized world.
  • impersonalize — to make impersonal: The dial system impersonalized the telephone.
  • impersonating — to assume the character or appearance of; pretend to be: He was arrested for impersonating a police officer.
  • impersonation — to assume the character or appearance of; pretend to be: He was arrested for impersonating a police officer.
  • impersonators — Plural form of impersonator.
  • implantations — Plural form of implantation.
  • imponderables — Plural form of imponderable.
  • impostumation — an abscess or swelling filled with pus
  • improvisation — the art or act of improvising, or of composing, uttering, executing, or arranging anything without previous preparation: Musical improvisation involves imagination and creativity.
  • improvisatore — An individual who recites impromptu verse, as from a song or poem.
  • improvisatori — Plural form of improvisatore.
  • improvisatory — of, relating to, or characteristic of an improvisation or improvisator.
  • inclusion map — a map of a set to itself in which each element of a given subset of the set is mapped to itself.
  • incompatibles — not compatible; unable to exist together in harmony: She asked for a divorce because they were utterly incompatible.
  • isoamyl group — the univalent group C 5 H 11 .
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