
10-letter words containing m, i, a, s, p

  • opsomaniac — a person with an extreme enthusiasm for a particular food
  • pacificism — opposition to war or violence of any kind.
  • padma shri — (in India) an award for distinguished service in any field
  • palimpsest — a parchment or the like from which writing has been partially or completely erased to make room for another text.
  • palimscope — a hand instrument that produces concentrated ultraviolet light for reading palimpsests and other research materials.
  • panatheism — the belief that because there is no God, nothing can properly be termed sacred or holy.
  • pancosmism — the philosophical doctrine that the material universe is all that exists
  • panslavism — the idea or advocacy of a political union of all the Slavic peoples.
  • pansophism — a claim or pretension to pansophy.
  • panspermia — the theory that life exists and is distributed throughout the universe in the form of germs or spores that develop in the right environment.
  • panspermic — relating to panspermia
  • paralogism — argument violating principles of valid reasoning.
  • paramnesia — Psychiatry. a distortion of memory in which fact and fantasy are confused.
  • parasitism — Biology. a relation between organisms in which one lives as a parasite on another.
  • parasomnia — any of several sleep disorders characterized by abnormal or unusual behaviour of the nervous system during any of the stages of sleep
  • parmenides — flourished c450 b.c, Greek Eleatic philosopher.
  • paroxysmic — any sudden, violent outburst; a fit of violent action or emotion: paroxysms of rage.
  • part music — music, especially vocal music, with parts for two or more independent performers.
  • partialism — a theory or view that does not take into account all the facts
  • passimeter — a turnstile attached to a ticket booth or ticket machine
  • pasteurism — a method of securing immunity from rabies in a person who has been bitten by a rabid animal, by daily injections of progressively more virulent suspensions of the infected spinal cord of a rabbit that died of rabies
  • pastry mix — a product that can be mixed with water to make pastry
  • patrialism — (in Britain formerly) the policy regarding conferment of patrial status
  • patriotism — devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty.
  • pedagogism — the principles, manner, method, or characteristics of pedagogues.
  • penmanship — the art of handwriting; the use of the pen in writing.
  • pentaprism — a prism that has five faces, a pair of which are at 90° to each other; a ray entering one of the pair emerges from the other at an angle of 90° to its original direction: used especially in single-lens reflex cameras to reverse images laterally and reflect them to the viewfinder.
  • phallicism — worship of the phallus, especially as symbolic of power or of the generative principle of nature.
  • phantasime — a person who is extremely imaginative and fanciful
  • phantasmic — pertaining to or of the nature of a phantasm; unreal; illusory; spectral: phantasmal creatures of nightmare.
  • phantomish — resembling or reminiscent of a phantom
  • pharisaism — the principles and practices of the Pharisees.
  • pharmacist — a person licensed to prepare and dispense drugs and medicines; druggist; apothecary; pharmaceutical chemist.
  • phlegmasia — a condition characterized by swelling, pain, and redness
  • phragmites — any of several tall grasses of the genus Phragmites, having plumed heads, growing in marshy areas, especially the common reed P. australis (or P. communis).
  • pianissimo — very soft.
  • pismo clam — a large edible clam, Tivela stultorum, of sandy shores of California and Mexico.
  • pit sample — a sample of new steel taken for chemical analysis during teeming.
  • plagiarism — an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author: It is said that he plagiarized Thoreau's plagiarism of a line written by Montaigne. Synonyms: appropriation, infringement, piracy, counterfeiting; theft, borrowing, cribbing, passing off.
  • plasmodial — Biology. an ameboid, multinucleate mass or sheet of cytoplasm characteristic of some stages of organisms, as of myxomycetes or slime molds.
  • plasmodium — Biology. an ameboid, multinucleate mass or sheet of cytoplasm characteristic of some stages of organisms, as of myxomycetes or slime molds.
  • plumassier — a person who works with ornamental feathers
  • pneumatics — a pneumatic tire.
  • polygamist — a person who practices or favors polygamy.
  • polymastia — the condition of having more than the normal number of breasts
  • polymastic — a person with a polymastic condition
  • postatomic — existing since or subsequent to the explosion of the first atomic bomb or the invention of atomic weapons: the political tensions of the postatomic world.
  • postimpact — occurring after an impact
  • postmating — of or designating the period after mating
  • pragmatics — pragmatic sanction.
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