
17-letter words containing m, i, a, s, p, r

  • premonstratensian — a member of a religious order founded at Prémontré in N France in 1120 by St Norbert (about 1080–1134)
  • presentationalism — a style of production in which the audience is addressed directly with songs, skits, exposition, etc., and no attempt is made at realism.
  • prima inter pares — (of a female) first among equals.
  • primary processes — the generally unorganized mental activity characteristic of the unconscious and occurring in dreams, fantasies, and related processes.
  • primary qualities — any of the qualities inherent in an object, namely quantity, extent, figure, solidity, and motion or rest.
  • primary structure — Biochemistry. the basic sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide or protein.
  • prime ministerial — of or relating to the head of a parliamentary government
  • primitive baptist — (especially in the Southern U.S.) one belonging to a highly conservative, loosely organized Baptist group, characterized by extreme fundamentalism and by opposition to missionary work, Sunday Schools, and the use of musical instruments in church.
  • prismatic compass — a hand compass equipped with sights and prisms to permit aiming the instrument at a point and at the same time reading the compass direction of the point.
  • professional army — an army of trained soldiers
  • pseudo-democratic — pertaining to or of the nature of democracy or a democracy.
  • pseudo-moralistic — a person who teaches or inculcates morality.
  • purely and simply — You use purely and simply to emphasize that the thing you are mentioning is the only thing involved.
  • quasiexperimental — (medicine) Describing a trial in which the assignment to a group is based upon an experimental condition.
  • recoil escapement — anchor escapement.
  • rhodope mountains — a mountain range in SE Europe, in the Balkan Peninsula extending along the border between Bulgaria and Greece. Highest peak: Golyam Perelik (Bulgaria), 2191 m (7188 ft)
  • scarlet pimpernel — a plant belonging to the genus Anagallis, of the primrose family, especially A. arvensis (scarlet pimpernel) having scarlet or white flowers that close at the approach of bad weather.
  • schematic capture — The process of entering the logical design of an electronic circuit into a CAE system by creating a schematic representation of components and interconnections.
  • seaman apprentice — a noncommissioned enlisted person ranking above seaman recruit and below seaman. Abbreviation: SA.
  • self-impregnating — to make pregnant; get with child or young.
  • semi-biographical — of or relating to a person's life: He's gathering biographical data for his book on Milton.
  • semi-experimental — pertaining to, derived from, or founded on experiment: an experimental science.
  • semi-permeability — permeable only to certain small molecules: a semipermeable membrane.
  • semi-professional — actively engaged in some field or sport for pay but on a part-time basis: semiprofessional baseball players.
  • seminal principle — a potential, latent within an imperfect object, for attaining full development.
  • sexual dimorphism — the condition in which the males and females in a species are morphologically different, as with many birds.
  • single-name paper — commercial paper bearing only the signature of the maker.
  • sodium propionate — a transparent, crystalline, water-soluble powder, C 3 H 5 NaO 2 , used in foodstuffs to prevent mold growth, and in medicine as a fungicide.
  • sodium pyroborate — borax1 .
  • sodium-vapor lamp — an electric lamp in which sodium vapor is activated by current passing between two electrodes, producing a yellow, glareless light: used on streets and highways.
  • sparc xterminal 1 — (computer)   Sun's lowest cost networked Unix desktop, it is board-upgradeable to a SPARC 4. It comes with a choice of frame buffers: 8-bit colour, Turbo GX, or Turbo GX plus. This product was expected to replace the SPARCclassic X. UK availability was planned for March 1995.
  • spark transmitter — a transmitting set that generates electromagnetic waves by the oscillatory discharge from a capacitor through an inductor and a spark gap.
  • special messenger — a postal worker who delivers mail by special delivery
  • spectroradiometer — an instrument for determining the radiant-energy distribution in a spectrum, combining the functions of a spectroscope with those of a radiometer.
  • spectrum analysis — the determination of the constitution or condition of bodies and substances by means of the spectra they produce.
  • sperrin mountains — a mountain range in NW Northern Ireland
  • spiny-headed worm — any of a small group of endoparasites of the phylum Acanthocephala, as larvae parasitic in insects and crustaceans and as adults in various vertebrates.
  • spring cankerworm — the striped, green caterpillar of any of several geometrid moths: a foliage pest of various fruit and shade trees, as Paleacrita vernata (spring cankerworm) and Alsophila pometaria (fall cankerworm)
  • steamboat springs — a town in NW Colorado: ski resort.
  • storm in a teacup — a violent fuss or disturbance over a trivial matter
  • stratified sample — a sample that is not drawn at random from the whole population, but separately from a number of disjoint strata of the population in order to ensure a more representative sample
  • stymphalian birds — a flock of predacious birds of Arcadia that were driven away and killed by Hercules as one of his labors.
  • super-nationalism — an extreme or fanatical loyalty or devotion to a nation.
  • superaerodynamics — the branch of aerodynamics that deals with gases at very low densities.
  • superalimentation — nourishment; nutrition.
  • supercolumniation — the placing of one order of columns above another.
  • supermassive star — Astronomy. a star with a mass more than fifty times the mass of the sun.
  • support mechanism — any formal system or method of providing support or assistance
  • supra-nationalism — outside or beyond the authority of one national government, as a project or policy that is planned and controlled by a group of nations.
  • supralapsarianism — the doctrine that the decree of election preceded human creation and the Fall (opposed to infralapsarianism).
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