
16-letter words containing m, i, a, s, p, r

  • overcompensation — a pronounced striving to neutralize and conceal a strong but unacceptable character trait by substituting for it an opposite trait.
  • paint-by-numbers — formulaic; showing no original thought or creativity
  • pairs tournament — an event in a sport such as tennis or darts open to pairs of competitors
  • palmer peninsula — former name of Antarctic Peninsula.
  • panoramic screen — a very wide screen, as of a television, etc
  • papillary muscle — one of the small bundles of muscles attached to the ventricle walls and to the chordae tendineae that tighten these tendons during ventricular contraction.
  • pearls of wisdom — good advice, wise words
  • pectoralis major — the larger of the two large chest muscles that assist in movements of the shoulder and upper arm
  • pectoralis minor — the smaller of the two large chest muscles that assist in movements of the shoulder and upper arm
  • pension mortgage — an arrangement whereby a person takes out a mortgage and pays the capital repayment instalments into a pension fund and the interest to the mortgagee. The loan is repaid out of the tax-free lump sum proceeds of the pension plan on the borrower's retirement
  • permaculturalist — a system of cultivation intended to maintain permanent agriculture or horticulture by relying on renewable resources and a self-sustaining ecosystem.
  • phalansterianism — a system by which society would be reorganized into units comprising their own social and industrial elements; Fourierism.
  • phantasmagorical — having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination.
  • pharmacodynamics — the branch of pharmacology dealing with the course of action, effect, and breakdown of drugs within the body.
  • pharmacogenetics — the branch of pharmacology that examines the relation of genetic factors to variations in response to drugs.
  • pharmacogenomics — the study of human genetic variability in relation to drug action and its application to medical treatment
  • pharmacokinetics — the branch of pharmacology that studies the fate of pharmacological substances in the body, as their absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination.
  • phase microscope — a microscope that utilizes the phase differences of light rays transmitted by different portions of an object to create an image in which the details of the object are distinct despite their near-uniformity of refractive index.
  • post-reformation — the act of reforming; state of being reformed.
  • post-romanticism — romantic spirit or tendency.
  • premillennialism — the doctrine or belief that the Second Coming of Christ will precede the millennium.
  • price comparison — Price comparison is comparing the price of the same product in different outlets.
  • prima facie case — a case in which the evidence produced is sufficient to enable a decision or verdict to be made unless the evidence is rebutted.
  • primary consumer — (in the food chain) an animal that feeds on plants; a herbivore.
  • primary industry — an industry, as agriculture, forestry, or fishing, that deals in obtaining natural materials.
  • primary meristem — primary tissue derived from an apical meristem.
  • primary syphilis — the first stage of syphilis, characterized by the formation of a chancre at the site of infection.
  • primrose jasmine — an evergreen shrub, Jasminum mesnyi, of China, having thick, shiny leaflets and yellow flowers with a darker eye.
  • print journalism — journalism as practiced in newspapers and magazines.
  • prismatic colors — the colors of the visible spectrum produced by passing white light through a prism; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet
  • professionalisms — professional character, spirit, or methods.
  • proxime accessit — the person coming next after the winner in a competitive examination or an academic prize giving; runner-up
  • pullorum disease — a highly contagious, frequently fatal disease of young poultry caused by the bacterium Salmonella gallinarum (pullorum), transmitted by the infected hen during egg production, and characterized by weakness, loss of appetite, and diarrhea.
  • quasi-compulsory — required; mandatory; obligatory: compulsory education.
  • ramsden eyepiece — an eyepiece consisting of two plano-convex crown-glass lenses of equal focal length, placed with the convex sides facing each other and with a separation between the lenses of about two-thirds of the focal length of each.
  • real-time pascal — (language)   A later name for Pascal-80 by RC International, Denmark.
  • repossession man — someone employed to take back or repossess property, esp due to nonpayment of money due under a hire-purchase agreement
  • sailmaker's palm — palm1 (def 4).
  • schaumburg-lippe — a former state in NW Germany.
  • self-proclaiming — to announce or declare in an official or formal manner: to proclaim war.
  • semiprivate room — a hospital room shared by two people, typically with a curtain dividing the room and providing some privacy
  • semiprofessional — actively engaged in some field or sport for pay but on a part-time basis: semiprofessional baseball players.
  • sharia-compliant — (of a product or service) produced or offered in accordance with the doctrines of the sharia
  • small/fine print — The small print or the fine print of something such as an advertisement or a contract consists of the technical details and legal conditions, which are often printed in much smaller letters than the rest of the text.
  • soapberry family — the plant family Sapindaceae, characterized by chiefly tropical trees, shrubs, or herbaceous vines having compound leaves, clustered flowers, and berrylike, fleshy, or capsular fruit, and including the balloon vine, golden rain tree, litchi, and soapberry.
  • sodium perborate — a white, crystalline, water-soluble solid, NaBO 2 ⋅3H 2 O or NaBO 3 ⋅4H 2 O, used chiefly as a bleaching agent and antiseptic.
  • solar prominence — prominence (def 3).
  • spanish mackerel — an American game fish, Scomberomorus maculatus, inhabiting the Atlantic Ocean.
  • spanish moroccan — of or relating to the former Spanish colony of Spanish Morocco (now part of Morocco) or its inhabitants
  • spanish-american — noting or pertaining to the parts of America where Spanish is the prevailing language.
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