
15-letter words containing m, e, r, a, n

  • sam browne belt — a sword belt having a supporting strap over the right shoulder, formerly worn by officers in the U.S. Army, now sometimes worn as part of the uniform by police officers, guards, and army officers in other nations.
  • sand-lime brick — a hard brick composed of silica sand and a lime of high calcium content, molded under high pressure and baked.
  • sarcenchymatous — relating to the connective tissue of some sponges
  • sarcoptic mange — mange caused by burrowing mites of the genus Sarcoptes.
  • schopenhauerism — the philosophy of Schopenhauer, who taught that only the cessation of desire can solve the problems arising from the universal impulse of the will to live.
  • second mortgage — a mortgage the lien of which is next in priority to a first mortgage.
  • secondary metal — metal derived wholly or in part from scrap.
  • secondary xylem — xylem derived from the cambium during secondary growth.
  • self-admiration — a feeling of wonder, pleasure, or approval.
  • semantic memory — the recollection of facts and concepts
  • semi-industrial — of, pertaining to, of the nature of, or resulting from industry: industrial production; industrial waste.
  • semi-vegetarian — a person who eats mostly plant foods, dairy products, and eggs, and occasionally chicken, fish, and red meat.
  • semiabstraction — a work of art whose subject matter is semi-abstract
  • semicrystalline — partly or imperfectly crystalline.
  • semicylindrical — of, relating to, or having the shape of a semicylinder
  • semidocumentary — a film or television programme that is fictional but includes many factual events or details
  • semilunar valve — either of two valves, one in the aorta and one in the pulmonary artery, consisting of a set of three crescent-shaped flaps of tissue and serving to prevent blood from flowing back into the heart after contraction.
  • semimanufacture — a product which forms an intermediate stage in the manufacture of another, often more complex product
  • semipornography — partial pornography; material that is almost pornographic
  • semitranslucent — imperfectly or almost translucent.
  • semitransparent — imperfectly or almost transparent.
  • september rains — rainy weather during the month of September
  • serial monogamy — a form of monogamy characterized by several successive, short-term marriages over the course of a lifetime.
  • serous membrane — any of various thin membranes, as the peritoneum, that line certain cavities of the body and exude a serous fluid.
  • servo-mechanism — A servo-mechanism is a system or device that provides increased power to operate a control.
  • shadow minister — a member of the main opposition party in Parliament who would hold ministerial office if their party were in power
  • shalmaneser iii — died 824? b.c, Assyrian ruler 859–824?.
  • sharing economy — a system in which people rent, borrow, or share commodities, services, and resources owned by individuals, usually with the aid of online technology, in an effort to save money, cut costs, and reduce waste.
  • shemini atseres — the festival which follows upon Sukkoth on Tishri 22 (and 23 outside Israel), and includes Simchat Torah
  • shock treatment — electroconvulsive therapy
  • shot in the arm — a discharge of a firearm, bow, etc.
  • silent majority — the U.S. citizens who supported President Nixon's policies but who were not politically vocal, outspoken, or active: considered by him to constitute a majority.
  • simple fraction — a ratio of two integers.
  • simple interval — an interval of an octave or less.
  • small cranberry — See under cranberry (def 1).
  • smoking-related — (of a disease, illness, etc) caused by smoking tobacco, etc
  • sodium arsenite — a white or grayish-white, water-soluble, poisonous powder, NaAsO 2 , used chiefly in arsenical soaps for hides, as an insecticide, and as a weed-killer.
  • somerset island — an island in the Arctic Ocean in Nunavut, Canada, NW of Baffin Island. 9594 sq. mi. (24,848 sq. km).
  • spanish america — the Spanish-speaking countries south of the U.S.: Mexico, Central America (with the exception of Belize), South America (with the exceptions of Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, and Suriname), and most of the West Indies.
  • spermatogenesis — the origin and development of spermatozoa.
  • spread sampling — the selection of a corpus for statistical analysis by selecting a number of short passages at random throughout the work and considering their aggregation
  • spring mattress — a mattress containing an arrangement of spiral springs
  • star-nosed mole — a North American mole, Condylura cristata, having a starlike ring of fleshy processes around the end of the snout.
  • start something — to cause a disturbance or trouble
  • steam generator — steam-producing power plant
  • steam reforming — a process in which methane from natural gas is heated, with steam, usually with a catalyst, to produce a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen used in organic synthesis and as a fuel
  • storm insurance — insurance cover against damage caused by windstorms
  • streamline flow — the flow of a fluid past an object such that the velocity at any fixed point in the fluid is constant or varies in a regular manner.
  • summary offence — an offence that is triable in a magistrates' court
  • summer triangle — a group of three first-magnitude stars (Deneb, Vega, and Altair) visible during the summer in the N skies
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