
17-letter words containing m, e, n, o, p

  • new expressionism — neo-expressionism.
  • non compos mentis — not of sound mind; mentally incapable of managing one's affairs.
  • non-comprehension — the act or process of comprehending.
  • non-thermoplastic — soft and pliable when heated, as some plastics, without any change of the inherent properties.
  • nonaccomplishment — Something that does not achieve the intended goal.
  • nonimpact printer — a printer that creates images without mechanically impacting the page, as an ink-jet or laser printer.
  • notebook computer — laptop, portable
  • noun pre-modifier — a noun that occurs before and modifies another noun, as toy in toy store or tour in tour group.
  • object complement — a word or a group of words used in the predicate following a factitive verb and referring to its direct object, as treasurer in We appointed him treasurer, white in They painted the house white, or an interesting speaker in They thought him an interesting speaker.
  • old contemptibles — the British expeditionary force to France in 1914
  • olympic peninsula — a large peninsula of W Washington
  • omphalomesenteric — (anatomy) Of or pertaining to the umbilicus and mesentery.
  • on speaking terms — the act, utterance, or discourse of a person who speaks.
  • one-parent family — A one-parent family is a family that consists of one parent and his or her children living together.
  • one-time password — (security)   (OTP) A security system that requires a new password every time a user authenticates themselves, thus protecting against an intruder replaying an intercepted password. OTP generates passwords using either the MD4 or MD5 hashing algorithms. The equivalent term "S/Key", developed by Bellcore, is a trademark of Telcordia Technologies, so the name OTP is used increasingly. See RFC 1760 - "The S/KEY One-Time Password System" and RFC 1938 - "A One-Time Password System".
  • onomatopoetically — the formation of a word, as cuckoo, meow, honk, or boom, by imitation of a sound made by or associated with its referent.
  • open-end mortgage — a mortgage agreement against which new sums of money may be borrowed under certain conditions.
  • opening arguments — the statements or arguments provided by lawyers at the beginning of a trial
  • over-compensation — a pronounced striving to neutralize and conceal a strong but unacceptable character trait by substituting for it an opposite trait.
  • palette of narmer — a king of Egypt identified by modern scholars as the Menes of tradition and depicted as the unifier of Upper and Lower Egypt on an ancient slate tablet (Narmer Palette or Palette of Narmer) c3200 b.c. with relief carvings on both sides.
  • pan potentiometer — a control on a stereo sound mixing desk by means of which the relative levels in right- and left-hand channels can be adjusted and hence the apparent position of the recorded or broadcast sound source within the stereo panorama can be controlled
  • panama canal zone — Canal Zone.
  • parents anonymous — (in Britain) an association of local voluntary self-help groups offering help through an anonymous telephone service to parents who fear they will injure their children, or who have other problems in managing their children
  • parts per million — the number of units (of a substance) present in a million units of another substance
  • pay someone's way — to pay someone's share of the expenses
  • per capita income — the total income of an area or country divided by the number of people in that area or country
  • per procurationem — by one acting as an agent; by proxy.
  • performance bonus — a monetary bonus paid to staff who have performed well in their job
  • performance drugs — the drugs that are taken illegally by athletes to enhance their sporting performance
  • permanent account — A permanent account is an account which carries its balance and is kept open from year to year.
  • permutation group — a mathematical group whose elements are permutations and in which the product of two permutations is the same permutation as is obtained by performing them in succession.
  • pernicious anemia — Pernicious anemia is a very severe blood disease.
  • persistent memory — non-volatile storage
  • personal computer — a compact computer that uses a microprocessor and is designed for individual use, as by a person in an office or at home or school, for such applications as word processing, data management, financial analysis, or computer games. Abbreviation: PC.
  • personnel manager — head of Human Resources department
  • phantom pregnancy — the occurrence of signs of pregnancy, such as enlarged abdomen and absence of menstruation, when no embryo is present, due to hormonal imbalance
  • phase of the moon — Used humorously as a random parameter on which something is said to depend. Sometimes implies unreliability of whatever is dependent, or that reliability seems to be dependent on conditions nobody has been able to determine. "This feature depends on having the channel open in mumble mode, having the foo switch set, and on the phase of the moon." See also heisenbug. True story: Once upon a time there was a bug that really did depend on the phase of the moon. There was a little subroutine that had traditionally been used in various programs at MIT to calculate an approximation to the moon's true phase. GLS incorporated this routine into a Lisp program that, when it wrote out a file, would print a timestamp line almost 80 characters long. Very occasionally the first line of the message would be too long and would overflow onto the next line, and when the file was later read back in the program would barf. The length of the first line depended on both the precise date and time and the length of the phase specification when the timestamp was printed, and so the bug literally depended on the phase of the moon! The first paper edition of the Jargon File (Steele-1983) included an example of one of the timestamp lines that exhibited this bug, but the typesetter "corrected" it. This has since been described as the phase-of-the-moon-bug bug.
  • phenylformic acid — benzoic acid.
  • photoluminescence — luminescence induced by the absorption of infrared radiation, visible light, or ultraviolet radiation.
  • phumiphon aduldet — (Phumiphon Aduldet; Bhumibol Adulyadej) born 1927, king of Thailand since 1946.
  • plymouth brethren — a religious sect founded c. 1827, strongly Puritanical in outlook and prohibiting many secular occupations for its members. It combines elements of Calvinism, Pietism, and millenarianism, and has no organized ministry
  • police department — A police department is an official organization which is responsible for making sure that people obey the law.
  • political economy — a social science dealing with political policies and economic processes, their interrelations, and their influence on social institutions.
  • polymorphonuclear — (of a leukocyte) having a lobulate nucleus.
  • poor man's orange — a grapefruit
  • portfolio manager — a person employed by others to make investments for them
  • portmanteau morph — a phonological unit of more than one morpheme, as French au to (him) from a to + le masculine article, which realizes a preposition and the definite article; a single morph that is analyzed as representing two underlying morphemes.
  • postimpressionism — a varied development of Impressionism by a group of painters chiefly between 1880 and 1900 stressing formal structure, as with Cézanne and Seurat, or the expressive possibilities of form and color, as with Van Gogh and Gauguin.
  • postmillennialism — the doctrine or belief that the second coming of Christ will follow the millennium.
  • potassium cyanide — a white, granular, water-soluble, poisonous powder, KCN, having a faint almondlike odor, used chiefly in metallurgy and photography.
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