
13-letter words containing m, e, d, r, i, n

  • nondemocratic — pertaining to or of the nature of democracy or a democracy.
  • nurse-midwife — a nurse skilled in assisting women in the prenatal period and in childbirth, especially at home or in another nonhospital setting.
  • old man river — a name for the Mississippi River
  • open-timbered — constructed so that the timbers are exposed.
  • overdemanding — excessively demanding
  • overdetermine — Determine, account for, or cause (something) in more than one way or with more conditions than are necessary.
  • overdominance — excessive dominance
  • overland mail — a government mail service, started in 1848, for sending mail from the Mississippi to the Far West.
  • panradiometer — an instrument used for measuring radiant heat independently of wavelength
  • pearl molding — a molding having the form of a row of pearls.
  • pedestrianism — the exercise or practice of walking.
  • perichondrium — the membrane of fibrous connective tissue covering the surface of cartilages except at the joints.
  • phrygian mode — an authentic church mode represented on the white keys of a keyboard instrument by an ascending scale from E to E.
  • postmodernism — (sometimes initial capital letter) any of a number of trends or movements in the arts and literature developing in the 1970s in reaction to or rejection of the dogma, principles, or practices of established modernism, especially a movement in architecture and the decorative arts running counter to the practice and influence of the International Style and encouraging the use of elements from historical vernacular styles and often playful illusion, decoration, and complexity.
  • postmodernist — relating to late 20th-century art movement
  • pre-mentioned — to refer briefly to; name, specify, or speak of: Don't forget to mention her contribution to the project.
  • preadmonition — a forewarning, premonition; the act of admonishing in advance
  • predetermined — to settle or decide in advance: He had predetermined his answer to the offer.
  • predeterminer — a member of a subclass of English adjectival words, often quantitative in meaning, that may be placed before an article or other determiner, as all in all the paintings or half in half her salary.
  • predicamental — of or relating to a predicament or situation
  • predominantly — having ascendancy, power, authority, or influence over others; preeminent.
  • predominately — to be the stronger or leading element or force.
  • predominating — to be the stronger or leading element or force.
  • premandibular — situated in front of the mandible
  • premedication — any drugs administered to sedate and otherwise prepare a patient for general anaesthesia
  • premeditation — an act or instance of premeditating.
  • premium bonds — (in Britain) bonds issued by the Treasury since 1956 for purchase by the public. No interest is paid but there is a monthly draw for cash prizes of various sums
  • promised land — Heaven.
  • prudentialism — a regard for prudential, rather than moral, considerations
  • quadrigeminal — Having four parts, or two pairs.
  • quartodeciman — one of a group of early Christians who observed Easter on the day of the Jewish Passover regardless of whether or not it was Sunday
  • re-admittance — permission or right to enter: admittance into the exhibit room.
  • re-indictment — an act of indicting.
  • reindeer moss — any of several lichens of the genus Cladonia, especially the gray, many-branched C. rangiferina, of arctic and subarctic regions, eaten by reindeer and caribou.
  • reminder call — an automated service which you can set up in advance to make a telephone call to you at a fixed time for the purpose of reminding you of something important
  • retransmitted — to send or forward, as to a recipient or destination; dispatch; convey.
  • rhadamanthine — Classical Mythology. a son of Zeus and Europa, rewarded for the justice he exemplified on earth by being made, after his death, a judge in the Underworld, where he served with his brothers Minos and Aeacus.
  • rhodesian man — an extinct Pleistocene human whose cranial remains were found at Kabwe, in Zambia: formerly in some classifications Homo rhodesiensis but now considered archaic Homo sapiens.
  • riding master — a person who teaches equitation.
  • romantic lead — a person who plays the main character in a romantic film or play
  • rose mandarin — (in the Chinese Empire) a member of any of the nine ranks of public officials, each distinguished by a particular kind of button worn on the cap.
  • rudimentarily — pertaining to rudiments or first principles; elementary: a rudimentary knowledge of geometry.
  • second empire — the empire established in France (1852–70) by Louis Napoleon: the successor to the Second Republic.
  • semi-darkness — partial darkness
  • semiconductor — a substance, as silicon or germanium, with electrical conductivity intermediate between that of an insulator and a conductor: a basic component of various kinds of electronic circuit element (semiconductor device) used in communications, control, and detection technology and in computers.
  • semifurnished — to supply (a house, room, etc.) with necessary furniture, carpets, appliances, etc.
  • semilegendary — having some historical basis, but legendary in part
  • semisedentary — partially or somewhat sedentary
  • sigmund freudAnna, 1895–1982, British psychoanalyst, born in Austria (daughter of Sigmund Freud).
  • signed number — Mathematics. a number preceded by a plus sign (+) to indicate a positive quantity or by a minus sign (−) to indicate a negative quantity.
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