
11-letter words containing m, e, a, n, d

  • remediation — the correction of something bad or defective.
  • remunerated — to pay, recompense, or reward for work, trouble, etc.
  • renumerated — to represent numbers by symbols.
  • rodomontade — vainglorious boasting or bragging; pretentious, blustering talk.
  • roman shade — a window shade that, when raised, is drawn up into a series of concertina folds.
  • rudimentary — pertaining to rudiments or first principles; elementary: a rudimentary knowledge of geometry.
  • sand myrtle — an evergreen shrub, Leiophyllum buxifolium, of the heath family, native to the eastern U.S., having simple, leathery leaves and clusters of white or pink flowers.
  • second mate — the officer of a merchant vessel next in command beneath the first mate.
  • second name — law: family name
  • sedimentary — of, relating to, or of the nature of sediment.
  • semidiurnal — pertaining to, consisting of, or accomplished in half a day.
  • seminomadic — belonging or relating to an ethnic group or people who migrate seasonally and cultivate crops during periods of settlement
  • sense datum — Also called sensum. Psychology. the basic unit of an experience resulting from the stimulation of a sense organ; a stimulus or an object of perception or sensation.
  • slumberland — an imaginary land described to children as the place they enter during sleep.
  • somatomedin — any of various liver hormones that enhance the activity of a variety of other hormones, as somatotropin.
  • statemented — assessed as having special educational needs
  • streamlined — streamlined.
  • succedaneum — a substitute.
  • sulfonamide — sulfa drug.
  • suppedaneum — a shelf affixed to a cross for supporting the feet of the crucified.
  • swan maiden — any of a class of folkloric maidens, in many Indo-European and Asian tales, capable of being transformed into swans, as by magic or sorcery.
  • tate modern — one of the two art galleries in London that make up the Tate Galleries; created in the former Bankside power station in 2000
  • telecommand — the remote control of electronic devices
  • telodynamic — pertaining to the transmission of mechanical power over considerable distances, as by means of endless cables on pulleys.
  • tradeswoman — a woman engaged in trade.
  • traducement — to speak maliciously and falsely of; slander; defame: to traduce someone's character.
  • transdermal — Also, transdermic. transcutaneous.
  • transformed — to change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose.
  • ultramodern — very advanced in ideas, design, or techniques.
  • un-enamored — to fill or inflame with love (usually used in the passive and followed by of or sometimes with): to be enamored of a certain lady; a brilliant woman with whom he became enamored.
  • unacclaimed — to welcome or salute with shouts or sounds of joy and approval; applaud: to acclaim the conquering heroes.
  • unamendable — to alter, modify, rephrase, or add to or subtract from (a motion, bill, constitution, etc.) by formal procedure: Congress may amend the proposed tax bill.
  • unamortized — Finance. to liquidate or extinguish (a mortgage, debt, or other obligation), especially by periodic payments to the creditor or to a sinking fund. to write off a cost of (an asset) gradually.
  • unamplified — not amplified, magnified, or enlarged
  • unashamedly — not ashamed; not restrained by embarrassment or consciousness of moral guilt: a liar unashamed even after public disgrace.
  • unassembled — noting an artificial gem formed of two or more parts, as a doublet or triplet, at least one of which is a true gemstone.
  • unattempted — not tried or undertaken
  • unaugmented — not increased or enlarged
  • unautomated — to apply the principles of automation to (a mechanical process, industry, office, etc.).
  • uncommanded — to direct with specific authority or prerogative; order: The captain commanded his men to attack.
  • uncompacted — not compacted
  • uncompanied — unaccompanied
  • undemanding — requiring or claiming more than is generally felt by others to be due: a demanding teacher.
  • underdamper — a piano damper that is found below the hammers
  • undermanned — lacking a normal or sufficient work force, complement of troops, or the like; understaffed; short-handed.
  • undermasted — having a mast of small proportions
  • unearmarked — not earmarked; not set aside or marked for a particular purpose
  • unformatted — Computers. pertaining to a disk that has not been electronically prepared to receive files or other text; blank: You cannot save files on an unformatted disk.
  • unimpeached — (of a desirable quality or status) not challenged or questioned
  • unmagnified — not magnified
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