
18-letter words containing m, a, s, e

  • atmospheric window — wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be transmitted through the earth's atmosphere. Atmospheric windows occur in the visible, infrared, and radio regions of the spectrum
  • autoimmune disease — a disease resulting from a disordered immune reaction in which antibodies are produced against one's own tissues, as systemic lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthritis.
  • automatic exposure — the automatic adjustment of the lens aperture and shutter speed of a camera by a control mechanism
  • autonomous phoneme — a phoneme that is defined or determined by its contrast in sound with other phonemes, without reference to its role in morphology or any other level of linguistic analysis beyond the phonetic level.
  • awnless bromegrass — Hungarian bromegrass.
  • ballistic pendulum — a device consisting of a large mass hung from a horizontal bar by two rods, used to measure the velocity of an object, as a bullet, by retaining the object upon impact, its velocity being a function of the displacement of the mass.
  • barium thiosulfate — a white, crystalline, water-insoluble, poisonous solid, BaS 2 O 3 ⋅H 2 O, used chiefly in the manufacture of explosives, matches, paints, and varnishes.
  • basal conglomerate — a conglomerate deposited on an erosion surface and constituting the bottom layer of a stratigraphic series.
  • basement apartment — an apartment below the ground floor of a building
  • be the image of sb — If you are the image of someone else, you look very much like them.
  • beefsteak mushroom — an edible bracket fungus, Fistulina hepatica, that grows on trees and can rot the heartwood of living oaks and chestnuts.
  • benchmark position — a public service job used for comparison with a similar position, such as a position in commerce, for wage settlements
  • bend someone's ear — to speak at length to an unwilling listener, esp to voice one's troubles
  • best-ball foursome — a match, scored by holes, between two pairs of players, in which the score of the lower scoring member of each pair is taken as their score for the hole.
  • bichromate process — any of several methods of photography in which the light-sensitive medium is alkaline bichromate associated with a colloid such as gum, albumen, or gelatin.
  • bilateral symmetry — the property of an organism or part of an organism such that, if cut in only one plane, the two cut halves are mirror images of each other
  • bioinstrumentation — the use of instruments, as sensors, to detect and measure certain body functions, as of persons in spaceflight, and transmit the data to a point where it is evaluated
  • black lives matter — a political and social movement originating among African Americans, emphasizing basic human rights and racial equality for black people and campaigning against various forms of racism. Abbreviations: BLM, B.L.M.
  • bloggs family, the — An imaginary family consisting of Fred and Mary Bloggs and their children. Used as a standard example in knowledge representation to show the difference between extensional and intensional objects. For example, every occurrence of "Fred Bloggs" is the same unique person, whereas occurrences of "person" may refer to different people. Members of the Bloggs family have been known to pop up in bizarre places such as the DEC Telephone Directory. Compare Mbogo, Dr. Fred.
  • board of examiners — a group of people who officially administer examinations
  • bounty-fed farmers — farmers who benefit from subsidies
  • breast enhancement — a surgical procedure to increase the size of a woman's breasts
  • breast enlargement — a surgical procedure to increase the size of a woman's breasts
  • brothers karamazov — a novel (1880) by Dostoevsky.
  • building materials — materials such as bricks, cement, timber, etc
  • burst at the seams — to break, break open, or fly apart with sudden violence: The bitter cold caused the pipes to burst.
  • calliper compasses — an instrument for measuring internal or external dimensions, consisting of two steel legs hinged together
  • camel's-hair brush — an artist's small brush, made of hair from a squirrel's tail
  • camembert (cheese) — a soft, rich, creamy partly ripened cheese
  • capital investment — the money that is invested in something
  • capital punishment — Capital punishment is punishment which involves the legal killing of a person who has committed a serious crime such as murder.
  • captain james cookFrederick Albert, 1865–1940, U.S. physician and polar explorer.
  • carcinoid syndrome — the systemic effects, including flushing, palpitations, diarrhea, and cramps, resulting from increased blood levels of serotonin secreted by a carcinoid.
  • carolina jessamine — a vine, Gelsemium sempervirens, of the southern U.S. and Central America, of the logania family, having glossy, lance-shaped leaves and fragrant yellow flowers: the state flower of South Carolina.
  • cas 8051 assembler — An experimental one-pass assembler for the 8051 with C-like syntax by Mark Hopkins. Most features of a modern assembler included except macros (soon to be added). Requires an ANSI-C compiler. Ported to MS-DOS, Ultrix, Sun-4. (July 1993). Version 1.2. Assembler/linker, disassembler, documentation, examples.
  • castration complex — an unconscious fear of having one's genitals removed, as a punishment for wishing to have sex with a parent
  • cat's cry syndrome — a complex of congenital malformations in human infants caused by a chromosomal aberration and in which the infant emits a mewing cry.
  • catalonian jasmine — a shrub, Jasminum grandiflorum, of India, having crimson-tinged, fragrant white flowers, grown as an ornamental and for perfume.
  • celestial marriage — the rite or state of marriage, performed in a Mormon temple by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and believed to continue beyond death.
  • centum call second — (unit)   (CCS) A unit used (in North America) to quantify the total traffic running in a network. 1 CCS is 100 call-seconds. That means 1 CCS could be 2 calls of 50 seconds duration or 20 calls of 5 seconds duration.
  • chamber of horrors — a room, for example in a waxworks, containing objects, images or representations of people or scenes that are believed likely to frighten or horrify visitors
  • chambered nautilus — nautilus (def 1).
  • chew someone's ear — to reprimand severely
  • chinese watermelon — a tropical Asian vine, Benincasa hispida, of the gourd family, having a brown, hairy stem, large, solitary, yellow flowers, and white, melonlike fruit.
  • christian democrat — a member or supporter of a Christian Democratic party
  • christian reformed — of or relating to a Protestant denomination (Christian Reformed Church) organized in the U.S. in 1857 by groups that had seceded from the Dutch Reformed Church.
  • chromatic semitone — the pitch difference between one note and its sharpened or flattened equivalent
  • circulatory system — the system concerned with the transport of blood and lymph, consisting of the heart, blood vessels, lymph vessels, etc
  • citizen journalism — the involvement of non-professionals in reporting news, esp in blogs and other websites
  • classical armenian — the oldest form of the Armenian language according to written sources, in use from the 5th to the 18th century.
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