
16-letter words containing m, a, l, s

  • papillary muscle — one of the small bundles of muscles attached to the ventricle walls and to the chordae tendineae that tighten these tendons during ventricular contraction.
  • parasol mushroom — a common edible field mushroom, Macrolepiota (Lepiota) procera, having a light-brown, scaly cap.
  • pascal's limacon — limaçon.
  • pascal's theorem — the theorem that the lines joining adjacent vertices of a hexagon intersect the same straight line if alternate vertices lie on two intersecting straight lines.
  • pearls of wisdom — good advice, wise words
  • pectoralis major — the larger of the two large chest muscles that assist in movements of the shoulder and upper arm
  • pectoralis minor — the smaller of the two large chest muscles that assist in movements of the shoulder and upper arm
  • pentothal sodium — thiopental sodium
  • permaculturalist — a system of cultivation intended to maintain permanent agriculture or horticulture by relying on renewable resources and a self-sustaining ecosystem.
  • permafrost table — the variable surface constituting the upper limit of permafrost. Compare frostline (def 2).
  • phalansterianism — a system by which society would be reorganized into units comprising their own social and industrial elements; Fourierism.
  • phantasmagorical — having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination.
  • phase modulation — radio transmission in which the carrier wave is modulated by changing its phase to transmit the amplitude and pitch of the signal.
  • physiognomically — the face or countenance, especially when considered as an index to the character: a fierce physiognomy.
  • plainclothes man — a detective or police officer who wears civilian clothes while on duty
  • pleasure steamer — a boat powered by steam, used for recreational purposes
  • policy statement — a declaration of the plans and intentions of an organization or government
  • political asylum — asylum provided by one nation to refugees, especially political refugees, from another nation.
  • political system — a coordinated set of principles, laws, ideas, and procedures relating to a particular form of government, or the form of government itself: Democracy is a political system in which citizens govern themselves.
  • premillennialism — the doctrine or belief that the Second Coming of Christ will precede the millennium.
  • primary syphilis — the first stage of syphilis, characterized by the formation of a chancre at the site of infection.
  • print journalism — journalism as practiced in newspapers and magazines.
  • prismatic colors — the colors of the visible spectrum produced by passing white light through a prism; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet
  • professionalisms — professional character, spirit, or methods.
  • programme seller — someone who sells written or printed lists of the events, performers, etc, in a theatre performance
  • proslambanomenos — the lowest note of the scale in ancient Greek music
  • pseudohemophilia — a clotting disorder caused by abnormal factor VIII activity, and characterized by a prolonged bleeding time but without the delayed coagulation time of hemophilia.
  • ptolemaic system — a system elaborated by Ptolemy and subsequently modified by others, according to which the earth was the fixed center of the universe, with the heavenly bodies moving about it.
  • pullorum disease — a highly contagious, frequently fatal disease of young poultry caused by the bacterium Salmonella gallinarum (pullorum), transmitted by the infected hen during egg production, and characterized by weakness, loss of appetite, and diarrhea.
  • pulse modulation — a type of modulation in which a train of pulses is used as the carrier wave, one or more of its parameters, such as amplitude, being modulated or modified in order to carry information
  • punctuationalism — punctuated equilibrium.
  • put in mothballs — to postpone work on (a project, activity, etc)
  • quasi-commercial — of, relating to, or characteristic of commerce.
  • quasi-compulsory — required; mandatory; obligatory: compulsory education.
  • quasi-diplomatic — of, relating to, or engaged in diplomacy: diplomatic officials.
  • quasi-legitimate — according to law; lawful: the property's legitimate owner.
  • quasi-managerial — pertaining to management or a manager: managerial functions; the managerial class of society.
  • radial (arm) saw — a circular saw suspended from a pivoted horizontal arm along which it can be moved
  • radiosymmetrical — radially symmetrical.
  • re-establishment — the act or an instance of establishing.
  • real-time pascal — (language)   A later name for Pascal-80 by RC International, Denmark.
  • real-time system — a data-processing system in which a computer receives constantly changing data, such as information relating to air-traffic control, travel booking systems, etc, and processes it sufficiently rapidly to be able to control the source of the data
  • replacement cost — fee to obtain new version of sth
  • residential home — a home with social-work supervision for people who need more than just housing accommodation, such as esp the elderly, and also children in care or mentally handicapped adults
  • rhythm and blues — a folk-based but urbanized form of black popular music that is marked by strong, repetitious rhythms and simple melodies and was developed, in a commercialized form, into rock-'n'-roll.
  • rhythm-and-blues — a folk-based but urbanized form of black popular music that is marked by strong, repetitious rhythms and simple melodies and was developed, in a commercialized form, into rock-'n'-roll.
  • richard stallman — (person)   Richard M. Stallman. Founder of the GNU project. He resigned from the AI lab at MIT so he would be free to produce free software which he could then distribute on his own terms. He went on to establish the Free Software Foundation to support the production of free software and ensure its free distribution. E-mail: <[email protected]>.
  • royal commission — (in Britain) a body set up by the monarch on the recommendation of the prime minister to gather information about the operation of existing laws or to investigate any social, educational, or other matter. The commission has prescribed terms of reference and reports to the government on how any change might be achieved
  • sacrificial lamb — If you refer to someone as a sacrificial lamb, you mean that they have been blamed unfairly for something they did not do, usually in order to protect another more powerful person or group.
  • sailmaker's palm — palm1 (def 4).
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