
23-letter words containing l, y, t, e

  • polybrominated biphenyl — PBB.
  • polymethyl methacrylate — polymerized methyl methacrylate.
  • polytetrafluoroethylene — any polymer, plastic, or resin having the formula (C 2 F 4) n , prepared from tetrafluoroethylene, noted for its slippery, nonsticking properties, and used in the manufacture of gaskets, electrical insulation, tubing, candy molds, container linings, frying-pan coatings, etc.
  • praxis critical systems — (company)   The company that supplies SPARK.
  • precautionary principle — the precept that an action should not be taken if the consequences are uncertain and potentially dangerous
  • preclinical safety data — Preclinical safety data is information about the safety of a medication that is assessed before clinical trials.
  • print services facility — (printer)   (PSF) IBM's system software which generates native IBM printer language, IPDS and, depending on the version, PostScript and LaserJet PCL. See also: Advanced Function Presentation.
  • private limited company — a company whose shares can be bought by the public
  • public-key cryptography — public-key encryption
  • publicly-quoted company — a company whose shares are traded on a stock exchange
  • puerto rican royal palm — a feather palm, Roystonea borinquena, of Puerto Rico and St. Croix, having leaves about 10 feet (3 meters) long and egg-shaped, yellowish-brown fruit.
  • quantum electrodynamics — the quantum field theory that deals with the electromagnetic field and its interaction with electrons and positrons. Abbreviation: QED.
  • quay financial software — CSK Software
  • real simple syndication — (spelling)   Illiterate form of Really Simple Syndication.
  • refinery waste disposal — Refinery waste disposal is the system for dealing with waste materials, especially hazardous ones, in a refinery.
  • reincarnation, cycle of — cycle of reincarnation
  • relativity of knowledge — the theory that all knowledge is relative to the mind, or that things can be known only through their effects on the mind, and that consequently there can be no knowledge of reality as it is in itself
  • respectability politics — the set of beliefs holding that conformity to socially acceptable or mainstream standards of appearance and behavior will protect a member of a marginalized or minority group from prejudices and systemic injustices: Black respectability politics perpetuate the fiction of a meritocracy in public education.
  • revision control system — (software, tool)   (RCS) A version control system that automates the storing, retrieval, logging, identification, and merging of revisions. RCS is useful for text that is revised frequently, for example programs, documentation, graphics, papers, and form letters.
  • right circular cylinder — a cylinder generated by the revolution of a rectangle about one of its sides.
  • rocky mountain beeplant — a rank-smelling plant, Cleome serrulata, of the caper family, native to the western U.S., having showy, dense clusters of pink or white flowers, frequented by bees.
  • schematic type variable — generic type variable
  • schizotypal personality — a personality disorder characterized by a group of symptoms similar to but less severe than schizophrenia, as odd behavior, peculiar thinking, and social isolation.
  • site catchment analysis — the examination by survey, excavation, maps, and graphs of a contained area to evaluate the productivity of the resources customarily exploited by the inhabitants of a settlement, especially a prehistoric one.
  • social democratic party — History/Historical. a political party in Germany advocating a form of social organization based on the economic and political ideology of Karl Marx.
  • social security payment — a payment of social security made to an individual
  • sodium tripolyphosphate — a white powder, Na 5 P 3 O 1 0 , used as a water softener, sequestering agent, and food additive.
  • stereospecific catalyst — a catalyst for stereospecific chemical reactions
  • structural unemployment — unemployment caused by basic changes in the overall economy, as in demographics, technology, or industrial organization.
  • supplementary insurance — Supplementary insurance is insurance coverage that is purchased in addition to an insurance policy to provide additional benefits or coverage.
  • symbolic interactionism — a theory that human interaction and communication is facilitated by words, gestures, and other symbols that have acquired conventionalized meanings.
  • system control language — (language)   (SCL) The command language for the VME/B operating system on the ICL2900. SCL was block structured and supported strings, lists of strings ("superstrings"), integer, Boolean, and array types. You could trigger a block whenever a condition on a variable value occured. It supported macros and default arguments. Commands were treated like procedure calls.
  • text processing utility — (language)   (TPU) A DEC language for creation of text-processing interfaces, used to implement DEC's Extensible VAX Editor (EVE).
  • thank one's lucky stars — any of the heavenly bodies, except the moon, appearing as fixed luminous points in the sky at night.
  • the fright of your life — You can use expressions such as the fright of your life or the race of your life to emphasize, for example, that you have never been so frightened or that you never have run faster.
  • the library of congress — the official library of the United States in Washington, DC. It houses extensive collections in all subject areas and formats, important historical documents, and is also a depository for copyrighted materials.
  • the royal naval reserve — the volunteer reserve force of the Royal Navy in the United Kingdom
  • there'll be hell to pay — If you say there'll be hell to pay, you are emphasizing that there will be serious trouble.
  • throttle-body injection — a fuel-injection system in which an injector (throttle-body injector) delivers fuel to a central location within the intake manifold of the engine. Abbreviation: TBI.
  • to carry all before you — If a person or team carries all before them, they succeed very easily.
  • to clap eyes on someone — To clap eyes on someone or something, or set or lay eyes on them, means to see them.
  • to count your blessings — If you tell someone to count their blessings, you are saying that they should think about how lucky they are instead of complaining.
  • to have your hands full — If you have your hands full with something, you are very busy because of it.
  • to keep sth to yourself — If you keep something to yourself, you do not tell anyone else about it.
  • to keep your nose clean — If you keep your nose clean, you behave well and stay out of trouble.
  • to make your skin crawl — If something makes your skin crawl or makes your flesh crawl, it makes you feel shocked or disgusted.
  • to meet someone halfway — If you meet someone halfway, you accept some of the points they are making so that you can come to an agreement with them.
  • to outstay your welcome — If you say that someone outstays their welcome or overstays their welcome, you mean that they stay somewhere longer than they are wanted or expected to.
  • to play for high stakes — to gamble on something very important
  • to rest on your laurels — If someone is resting on their laurels, they appear to be satisfied with the things they have achieved and have stopped putting effort into what they are doing.
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