
16-letter words containing l, y, t, e

  • prerevolutionary — of, pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of a revolution, or a sudden, complete, or marked change: a revolutionary junta.
  • primary election — primary (def 15a).
  • primary electron — in thermionics, any of the electrons falling on a body, distinguished from those emitted by it
  • process theology — a form of theology that emphasizes the close relation of human beings, nature, and God.
  • psychotechnology — the body of knowledge, theories, and techniques developed for understanding and influencing individual, group, and societal behavior in specified situations.
  • ptolemaic system — a system elaborated by Ptolemy and subsequently modified by others, according to which the earth was the fixed center of the universe, with the heavenly bodies moving about it.
  • publicity agency — an advertising agency; a firm that gets publicity for people or products
  • pulmonary artery — an artery conveying venous blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs.
  • pyloric stenosis — an abnormal narrowing of the valve at the outlet from the stomach, preventing normal passage of food into the small intestine.
  • queen anne style — a style of English architecture of the early 18th cent., characterized by construction in red brick, forms modified from classical architecture, and simple, elegant, and stately ornamentation
  • quintessentially — of the pure and essential essence of something: the quintessential Jewish delicatessen.
  • radiosymmetrical — radially symmetrical.
  • re-entry vehicle — the section of a spacecraft or ballistic missile designed to return to earth.
  • real-time system — a data-processing system in which a computer receives constantly changing data, such as information relating to air-traffic control, travel booking systems, etc, and processes it sufficiently rapidly to be able to control the source of the data
  • redemption yield — the yield produced by a redeemable gilt-edged security taking into account the annual interest it pays and an annualized amount to account for any profit or loss when it is redeemed
  • relative density — specific gravity.
  • relatively prime — (mathematics)   Having no common divisors (greater than 1). Two numbers are said to be relativey prime if there is no number greater than unity that divides both of them evenly. For example, 10 and 33 are relativly prime. 15 and 33 are not relatively prime, since 3 is a divisor of both.
  • relativistically — of or relating to relativity or relativism.
  • representatively — a person or thing that represents another or others.
  • republican party — one of the two major political parties in the U.S.: originated 1854–56.
  • restriction play — a limited number of opening moves that are predetermined by their chance selection from an accepted list.
  • retail analytics — Retail analytics is any information that allows retailers to make smarter decisions and manage their businesses more effectively.
  • rhythm and blues — a folk-based but urbanized form of black popular music that is marked by strong, repetitious rhythms and simple melodies and was developed, in a commercialized form, into rock-'n'-roll.
  • rhythm-and-blues — a folk-based but urbanized form of black popular music that is marked by strong, repetitious rhythms and simple melodies and was developed, in a commercialized form, into rock-'n'-roll.
  • room methodology — Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling
  • rotary lawnmower — a lawn mower with a single blade attached in the middle that rotates as the mower is moved
  • royal water lily — a water lily, Victoria amazonica (or V. regia), of the Amazon River and British Guiana, having floating leaves from three to six feet (0.9 to 1.8 meters) wide, the upturned margins from two to four inches (5 to 10 cm) high, and dull crimson flowers.
  • run-time library — (operating system, programming, library)   A file containing routines which are linked with a program at run time rather than at compile-time. The advantage of such dynamic linking is that only one copy of the library needs to be stored, rather than a copy being included with each executable that refers to it. This can greatly reduce the disk space occupied by programs. Furthermore, it means that all programs immediately benefit from changes (e.g. bug fixes) to the single copy of the library without requiring recompilation. Since the library code is normally classified as read-only to the memory management system, it is possible for a single copy of the library to be loaded into memory and shared by all active programs, thus reducing RAM and virtual memory requirements and program load time.
  • saint-barthelemy — (Saint Bartholomew; Saint Barts; Saint Barths) a resort island in the West Indies, in the Leeward Islands, part of the French department of Guadeloupe. 6900; 8 sq. mi. (21 sq. km).
  • sclerenchymatous — supporting or protective tissue composed of thickened, dry, and hardened cells.
  • sealyham terrier — one of a Welsh breed of small terriers having short legs, a docked tail, and a wiry, mostly white coat.
  • security analyst — a person who specializes in evaluating information regarding stocks and bonds.
  • security blanket — a blanket or other familiar item carried especially by a young child to provide reassurance and a feeling of psychological security.
  • security council — the division of the United Nations charged with maintaining international peace, composed of five permanent members (U.S., Russian Federation, France, United Kingdom, and the People's Republic of China) and ten temporary members, each serving for two years.
  • selective memory — an ability to remember some facts while apparently forgetting others, especially when they are inconvenient
  • self-deprecatory — belittling or undervaluing oneself; excessively modest.
  • self-exculpatory — intended to excuse oneself from blame or guilt
  • self-explanatory — explaining itself; needing no explanation; obvious.
  • self-sovereignty — the quality or state of being sovereign, or of having supreme power or authority.
  • shooting gallery — a place equipped with targets and used for practice in shooting.
  • shopping trolley — A shopping trolley is a large metal basket on wheels which is provided by shops such as supermarkets for customers to use while they are in the shop.
  • silky flycatcher — any of several passerine birds of the family Ptilogonatidae, of the southwestern U.S. to Panama, related to the waxwings.
  • simply-connected — (of a set or domain) having a connected complement.
  • social secretary — a personal secretary employed to make social appointments and handle personal correspondence.
  • sodium cyclamate — a white, crystalline, water-soluble powder, NaC 6 NH 1 2 SO 3 , that has been used as a sweetening agent: banned by the FDA in 1970.
  • sodium methylate — a white, free-flowing, flammable powder, CH 3 ONa, decomposed by water to sodium hydroxide and methyl alcohol: used chiefly in organic synthesis.
  • software library — a collection of programs that are used to develop software
  • southerly buster — a sudden violent cold wind on the SE coast of Australia causing a rapid drop in temperature
  • speech pathology — the scientific study and treatment of defects, disorders, and malfunctions of speech and voice, as stuttering, lisping, or lalling, and of language disturbances, as aphasia or delayed language acquisition.
  • sprinkler system — apparatus for automatically extinguishing fires in a building, consisting of a system of water pipes in or below the ceilings, with valves or sprinklers usually made to open automatically at a certain temperature.
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