
13-letter words containing l, y, t, e

  • commerciality — commercial quality or character; ability to produce a profit: Distributors were concerned about the film's commerciality compared with last year's successful pictures.
  • commutatively — of or relating to commutation, exchange, substitution, or interchange.
  • comparatively — in a comparative manner
  • competitively — of, pertaining to, involving, or decided by competition: competitive sports; a competitive examination.
  • complementary — Complementary things are different from each other but make a good combination.
  • complexometry — a chemical technique using the formation of a colored complex to indicate the end of a titration.
  • complicatedly — composed of elaborately interconnected parts; complex: complicated apparatus for measuring brain functions.
  • complimentary — If you are complimentary about something, you express admiration for it.
  • conceptuality — a conceptualization
  • conjecturally — of, of the nature of, or involving conjecture; problematical: Theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are highly conjectural.
  • conjunctively — serving to connect; connective: conjunctive tissue.
  • connotatively — the associated or secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning: A possible connotation of “home” is “a place of warmth, comfort, and affection.”. the act of connoting; the suggesting of an additional meaning for a word or expression, apart from its explicit meaning.
  • consecutively — following one another in uninterrupted succession or order; successive: six consecutive numbers, such as 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
  • considerately — showing kindly awareness or regard for another's feelings, circumstances, etc.: a very considerate critic.
  • constellatory — Astronomy. any of various groups of stars to which definite names have been given, as Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Boötes, Cancer, Orion. the section of the heavens occupied by such a group.
  • constituently — serving to compose or make up a thing; component: the constituent parts of a motor.
  • constrainedly — forced, compelled, or obliged: a constrained confession.
  • consumptively — In a consumptive manner.
  • contentiously — tending to argument or strife; quarrelsome: a contentious crew.
  • contextuality — (uncountable) The condition of being contextual.
  • continentally — of or of the nature of a continent.
  • contrastively — tending to contrast; contrasting. contrastive colors.
  • conveyor belt — A conveyor belt or a conveyor is a continuously-moving strip of rubber or metal which is used in factories for moving objects along so that they can be dealt with as quickly as possible.
  • cooperatively — working or acting together willingly for a common purpose or benefit.
  • copy the mail — letters, packages, etc., that are sent or delivered by means of the postal system: Storms delayed delivery of the mail.
  • copyrightable — the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc.: works granted such right by law on or after January 1, 1978, are protected for the lifetime of the author or creator and for a period of 70 years after his or her death.
  • correlatively — so related that each implies or complements the other.
  • cotemporality — The state or characteristic of existing or occurring during the same period of time.
  • coterminously — having the same border or covering the same area.
  • counterfeitly — in a counterfeit manner
  • countermelody — a secondary melody that accompanies the primary melody
  • counterplayer — a person who makes a counterplay
  • country blues — acoustic folk blues with a guitar accompaniment
  • countrypeople — countryfolk.
  • county police — (in the US) the police of a particular county
  • courtesy call — a formal visit
  • coventry bell — a perennial garden plant, Campanula trachelium, of Eurasia, having coarsely toothed leaves and bluish-purple flowers.
  • cradle scythe — cradle (def 4b).
  • creditability — bringing or deserving credit, honor, reputation, or esteem.
  • crustaceology — The branch of zoology dealing with crustaceans.
  • cryptoclimate — the climate of a small area, as of confined spaces such as caves or houses (cryptoclimate) of plant communities, wooded areas, etc. (phytoclimate) or of urban communities, which may be different from that in the general region.
  • crystal clear — Water that is crystal clear is absolutely clear and transparent like glass.
  • crystal pleat — one of a series of fine, permanently pressed pleats of varying widths, usually in a sheer fabric
  • crystal-clear — absolutely clear; transparent; lucid.
  • curly bracket — a punctuation mark { }, also used as a symbol in maths
  • curly lettuce — a type of lettuce that has leaves with curled edges
  • current yield — the yield of a bond or similar asset, expressed as a ratio of the annual interest payment to the clean price
  • cyanoacrylate — a substance with an acrylate base, usually sold in the form of a quick-setting highly adhesive glue
  • cyanoethylate — to introduce a cyano-ethyl group into
  • cyberstalkers — Plural form of cyberstalker.
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