
13-letter words containing l, y, t, e

  • ugly customer — a hostile or dangerous person.
  • unassertively — in an unassertive manner
  • unbeautifully — in a unbeautiful or unattractive manner
  • unbenignantly — kind, especially to inferiors; gracious: a benignant sovereign.
  • understatedly — in an understated manner
  • undeviatingly — to turn aside, as from a route, way, course, etc.
  • undisturbedly — in an undisturbed manner
  • unemotionally — without the expression of strong feeling
  • unexpectantly — having expectations; expecting: an excited, expectant audience.
  • unexplanatory — serving to explain: an explanatory footnote.
  • unfalteringly — to hesitate or waver in action, purpose, intent, etc.; give way: Her courage did not falter at the prospect of hardship.
  • unforgettably — impossible to forget; indelibly impressed on the memory: scenes of unforgettable beauty.
  • unfortunately — suffering from bad luck: an unfortunate person.
  • ungentlemanly — not courteous or chivalrous
  • unilaterality — relating to, occurring on, or involving one side only: unilateral development; a unilateral approach.
  • uninhibitedly — in an uninhibited manner
  • unintrusively — tending or apt to intrude; coming without invitation or welcome: intrusive memories of a lost love.
  • unintuitively — perceiving directly by intuition without rational thought, as a person or the mind.
  • uniparentally — in a uniparental manner
  • unobtrusively — not obtrusive; inconspicuous, unassertive, or reticent.
  • unpredictably — not predictable; not to be foreseen or foretold: an unpredictable occurrence.
  • unregrettably — causing or deserving regret; unfortunate; deplorable.
  • unreliability — not reliable; not to be relied or depended on.
  • unreluctantly — unwilling; disinclined: a reluctant candidate.
  • unremittently — in an unremittent or persistent manner
  • unremittingly — not slackening or abating; incessant: unremitting noise; unremitting attention.
  • unrepentantly — repenting; penitent; experiencing repentance.
  • unrepentingly — in an unrepenting or impenitent manner
  • unresistingly — in an unresisting or unopposing manner
  • unreturningly — in an unreturning manner
  • unsaleability — inability to be sold
  • unselectively — in an unselective manner
  • unsteadfastly — in an unsteadfast manner
  • unsupportedly — in an unsupported fashion, without support
  • unsymmetrical — characterized by or exhibiting symmetry; well-proportioned, as a body or whole; regular in form or arrangement of corresponding parts.
  • untremblingly — not tremblingly; in an untrembling manner; without trembling
  • unwarrantedly — in an unwarranted manner
  • uprighteously — in an upright or moral manner
  • valley stream — a village on W Long Island, in SE New York.
  • vanity plates — a vehicle license plate bearing a combination of letters or numbers requested by the licensee, as a name or occupation.
  • variable type — type that can be varied to fit a page, screen, etc
  • velocity head — the velocity of a fluid expressed in terms of the head or static pressure required to produce that velocity. It equals ρν/2 where ρ is the density of the fluid and ν is the velocity. In hydrology the density of water can be written 1/G where G is the gravitational constant
  • venturesomely — in a venturesome manner
  • venus flytrap — firewall machine
  • verifiability — to prove the truth of, as by evidence or testimony; confirm; substantiate: Events verified his prediction.
  • vernacularity — the quality or state of being vernacular
  • victory medal — a round bronze medal awarded to all those who served in the armed forces of the U.S. during World War I.
  • vinyl acetate — a colorless, easily polymerized, water-insoluble liquid, C 4 H 6 O 2 , produced by the reaction of acetylene and acetic acid: used chiefly in the manufacture of plastics, films, paints, and adhesives.
  • vinylethylene — butadiene.
  • violet family — the plant family Violaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants and some tropical shrubs and trees having alternate, usually simple leaves, solitary flowers with five usually irregular petals, the lower petal often spurred, and a berry or many-seeded capsule, and including the Johnny-jump-up, pansy, and numerous species of violet.
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