
10-letter words containing l, y, t, e

  • not likely — improbable
  • not nearly — nowhere near
  • noticeably — attracting notice or attention; capable of being noticed: a noticeable lack of interest.
  • nyctophile — (zoology) Any of the Australian bats of the genus Nyctophilus.
  • nympholept — a person seized with nympholepsy.
  • o'flaherty — Liam [lee-uh m] /ˈli əm/ (Show IPA), 1896–1984, Irish novelist.
  • obdurately — In an obdurate manner; stubbornly, intractably or inflexibly.
  • obediently — obeying or willing to obey; complying with or submissive to authority: an obedient son.
  • obligately — In an obligate manner.
  • obsoletely — no longer in general use; fallen into disuse: an obsolete expression.
  • on liberty — a treatise (1859) by John Stuart Mill on the rights of the individual within the state.
  • on the fly — to move through the air using wings.
  • on the sly — cunning or wily: sly as a fox.
  • oppositely — situated, placed, or lying face to face with something else or each other, or in corresponding positions with relation to an intervening line, space, or thing: opposite ends of a room.
  • optatively — In an optative way.
  • ordinately — in an ordered manner
  • orientally — In an oriental manner.
  • orthostyle — (of columns) erected in a straight row.
  • ostensibly — outwardly appearing as such; professed; pretended: an ostensible cheerfulness concealing sadness.
  • osteolysis — The pathological destruction or disappearance of bone tissue.
  • otto cycle — an idealization of the thermodynamic cycle of the internal combustion engine with air as the working substance: intake of air at atmospheric pressure, then adiabatic compression, then ignition with an increase of pressure and temperature at constant volume, then adiabatic expansion and performance of work, then a drop to atmospheric pressure at constant volume and a rejection of heat to the environment, then the exhaust of air at constant pressure.
  • outdatedly — in an outdated manner
  • outmodedly — In an outmoded manner.
  • overcostly — Too costly. (from 16th c.).
  • overtimely — untimely
  • palaeotype — a system of Roman letters and symbols that represent spoken sounds
  • parentally — of or relating to a parent.
  • party line — the authorized, prescribed policies and practices of a group, especially of the Communist Party, usually followed by the members without deviation; official philosophy or credo.
  • paternally — characteristic of or befitting a father; fatherly: a kind and paternal reprimand.
  • pearl city — a city on S Oahu, in central Hawaii.
  • pelvimetry — measurement of the diameters of the female pelvis, especially the birth canal.
  • penitently — feeling or expressing sorrow for sin or wrongdoing and disposed to atonement and amendment; repentant; contrite.
  • pentastyle — having five columns.
  • peptolysis — causing the hydrolysis of peptides.
  • peptolytic — causing the hydrolysis of peptides.
  • perplexity — the state of being perplexed; confusion; uncertainty.
  • personalty — personal estate or property.
  • petroglyph — a drawing or carving on rock, made by a member of a prehistoric people.
  • phlebotomy — the act or practice of opening a vein for letting or drawing blood as a therapeutic or diagnostic measure; venesection; bleeding.
  • photolyses — the chemical decomposition of materials under the influence of light.
  • phylactery — Judaism. either of two small, black, leather cubes containing a piece of parchment inscribed with verses 4–9 of Deut. 6, 13–21 of Deut. 11, and 1–16 of Ex. 13: one is attached with straps to the left arm and the other to the forehead during weekday morning prayers by Orthodox and Conservative Jewish men.
  • pitilessly — feeling or showing no pity; merciless: pitiless criticism of his last novel.
  • planimetry — the measurement of plane areas.
  • plasmacyte — Anatomy. an antibody-secreting cell, derived from B cells, that plays a major role in antibody-mediated immunity.
  • plastotype — a casting of a type specimen, especially of a fossil.
  • platelayer — a workman who lays and maintains railway track
  • play agent — a broker representing a playwright in dealings with theater managers, producers, etc.
  • played out — a dramatic composition or piece; drama.
  • playstreet — an urban street closed to traffic during specified times and sometimes equipped with recreational facilities, for use by children as a play area.
  • pleasantly — pleasing, agreeable, or enjoyable; giving pleasure: pleasant news.
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