
9-letter words containing l, y, o, p

  • polypnoea — rapid breathing; panting.
  • polyposis — the development of numerous polyps on a hollow internal organ, seen especially in the intestinal tract.
  • polyptych — a work of art composed of several connected panels.
  • polysemic — capable of having several possible meanings
  • polysomic — of, relating to, or designating a basically diploid chromosome complement, in which some but not all the chromosomes are represented more than twice
  • polystyle — having many columns.
  • polythene — polyethylene.
  • polytonal — marked by or using polytonality.
  • polytypic — having or involving many or several types.
  • polyvinyl — pertaining to or derived from a vinyl polymer.
  • polywater — a subtance mistakenly identified as a polymeric form of water, now known to be water containing ions from glass or quartz.
  • polyzoary — a colony of bryozoan animals
  • polyzonal — having many zones
  • polyzooid — composed of a colony of zooids
  • pompholyx — a type of eczema
  • pompously — characterized by an ostentatious display of dignity or importance: a pompous minor official.
  • pond lily — any of several water lilies, as the common water lily, Nymphaea odorata, or the spatterdock.
  • pontypool — a town in Torfaen, in SE Wales.
  • pony club — an international youth organization that educates young people about horses and horse riding
  • popularly — by the people as a whole; generally; widely: a fictitious story popularly accepted as true.
  • portrayal — the act of portraying.
  • pot belly — Someone who has a pot belly has a round, fat stomach which sticks out, either because they eat or drink too much, or because they have had very little to eat for some time.
  • pot-belly — a distended or protuberant belly.
  • pouringly — in a pouring fashion
  • powerplay — behaviour intended to maximise person's power
  • prelusory — introductory.
  • probingly — with a probing approach
  • profamily — favoring or supporting laws against abortion; antiabortion; pro-life.
  • profanely — characterized by irreverence or contempt for God or sacred principles or things; irreligious.
  • profusely — spending or giving freely and in large amount, often to excess; extravagant (often followed by in): profuse praise.
  • proletary — in ancient Rome, a member of the lowest class of citizens, who had no property
  • prolixity — extended to great, unnecessary, or tedious length; long and wordy.
  • prolusory — serving for prolusion.
  • propylene — containing the propylene group.
  • propylite — a hydrothermally altered andesite or allied rock containing secondary minerals, as calcite, chlorite, serpentine, or epidote.
  • proselyte — a person who has changed from one opinion, religious belief, sect, or the like, to another; convert.
  • prosopyle — (in sponges) a pore through which water is drawn from the outside into one of the saclike chambers formed by the evagination of the body wall.
  • ptolemy i — (surnamed Soter) 367?–280 b.c, ruler of Egypt 323–285: founder of Macedonian dynasty in Egypt.
  • pulmonary — of or relating to the lungs.
  • pulpotomy — the removal of infected portions of the pulp tissue in a tooth, used as a therapeutic measure to avoid pulpectomy.
  • pulsatory — pulsating or throbbing.
  • purposely — intentionally; deliberately: He tripped me purposely.
  • pyelogram — an x-ray produced by pyelography.
  • pygmalion — Classical Mythology. a sculptor and king of Cyprus who carved an ivory statue of a maiden and fell in love with it. It was brought to life, in response to his prayer, by Aphrodite.
  • pygmy owl — any of several small, diurnal owls of the genus Glaucidium, that feed chiefly on insects.
  • pygostyle — the bone at the posterior end of the spinal column in birds, formed by the fusion of several caudal vertebrae.
  • pyridoxal — a naturally occurring derivative of pyridoxine that is a precursor of a coenzyme (pyridoxal phosphate) involved in several enzymic reactions. Formula: (CH2OH)(CHO)C5HN(OH)(CH3)
  • pyroclast — a piece of lava ejected from a volcano
  • pyrolater — a worshipper of fire
  • pyrolatry — the worship of fire
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