
Words containing l, u, e, n

6 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • blunge — to mix (clay or a similar substance) with water in order to form a suspension for use in ceramics
  • brunel — Isambard Kingdom (ˈɪzəmˌbɑːd). 1806–59, English engineer: designer of the Clifton Suspension Bridge (1828), many railway lines, tunnels, bridges, etc, and the steamships Great Western (1838), Great Britain (1845), and Great Eastern (1858)
  • bundle — A bundle of things is a number of them that are tied together or wrapped in a cloth or bag so that they can be carried or stored.
  • bungle — If you bungle something, you fail to do it properly, because you make mistakes or are clumsy.
  • bunuel — Luis (lwis). 1900–83, Spanish film director. He collaborated with Salvador Dali on the first surrealist films, Un Chien andalou (1929) and L'Age d'or (1930). His later films include Viridiana (1961), Belle de jour (1966), and The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972)

7 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • abluent — a substance used for cleansing
  • albumen — Albumen is the same as albumin.
  • alesund — a port and market town in W Norway, on an island between Bergen and Trondheim: fishing and sealing fleets. Pop: 40 001 (2004 est)
  • aliunde — from a source extrinsic to the matter, document, or instrument under consideration
  • alumnae — a woman who is a graduate or former student of a specific school, college, or university.

8 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • aalesund — a seaport in W Norway.
  • acauline — having no stem
  • aesculin — a chemical found in the bark of horse-chestnut trees
  • affluent — If you are affluent, you have a lot of money.
  • alchuine — (Ealhwine Flaccus) a.d. 735–804, English theologian and scholar: teacher and adviser of Charlemagne.

9 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • accentual — of, relating to, or having accents; rhythmic
  • acheulean — designating or of a Lower Paleolithic culture characterized by skillfully made bifacial flint hand axes
  • acheulian — (in Europe) the period in the Lower Palaeolithic following the Abbevillian, represented by the use of soft hammerstones in hand axe production made of chipped stone, bone, antler, or wood. The Acheulian dates from the Riss glaciation
  • acidulent — an acidulating substance.
  • affluence — Affluence is the state of having a lot of money or a high standard of living.

10 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • adulterant — a substance or ingredient that adulterates
  • adulterine — of or made by adulteration; fake
  • affluently — in an abundant or wealthy manner
  • albumenize — to coat with a solution containing albumen or albumin
  • albuminate — any of several substances formed from albumin by the action of acid or alkali

11 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • acaulescent — having no visible stem or a very short one
  • accentually — of or relating to accent or stress.
  • accountable — If you are accountable to someone for something that you do, you are responsible for it and must be prepared to justify your actions to that person.
  • adultescent — an adult who is still actively interested in youth culture
  • aesculapian — of or relating to Aesculapius or to the art of medicine

12 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • absoluteness — the quality of being absolute
  • accouplement — a timber joist or beam that serves as a tie or support
  • adjunctively — in an adjunctive manner
  • adularescent — (of minerals, such as moonstone) having or emitting a milky or bluish iridescence
  • adulteration — an adulterating or being adulterated

13 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • acne-vulgaris — an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands, characterized by comedones and pimples, especially on the face, back, and chest, and, in severe cases, by cysts and nodules resulting in scarring.
  • acquiescently — disposed to acquiesce or consent tacitly.
  • adularescence — (of certain gemstones, especially adularia) having a milky, bluish luster.
  • adultolescent — a young adult or middle-aged person who has interests, traits, etc., that are usually associated with teenagers.
  • adventurously — inclined or willing to engage in adventures; enjoying adventures.

14 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • advantageously — providing an advantage; furnishing convenience or opportunity; favorable; profitable; useful; beneficial: an advantageous position; an advantageous treaty.
  • adventitiously — associated with something by chance rather than as an integral part; extrinsic.
  • aguascalientes — a state in central Mexico. Pop: 943 506 (2000). Area: 5471 sq km (2112 sq miles)
  • alain-fournier — real name Henri-Alban Fournier. 1886–1914, French novelist; author of Le Grand Meaulnes (1913; translated as The Lost Domain, 1959)
  • album-oriented — of or designating a format featuring rock songs from LPs and CDs rather than singles, especially mainstream rock music.

15 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • alexandroupolis — a port in NE Greece, in W Thrace. Pop: 52 720 (2001 est)
  • aluminosilicate — a silicate in which some of the silicon in the tetrahedral unit SiO4 has been replaced by aluminium
  • angel's-trumpet — any of several plants belonging to the genera Brugmansia and Datura, of the nightshade family, having large, trumpet-shaped flowers in a variety of colors.
  • antepenultimate — third from last
  • anti-republican — of, relating to, or of the nature of a republic.

16 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • accountabilities — the state of being accountable, liable, or answerable.
  • around-the-clock — all day and all night
  • atrioventricular — of, relating to, or affecting both the atria and the ventricles of the heart
  • benzotrifluoride — a colorless, flammable liquid, C 7 H 5 F 3 , used chiefly as an intermediate in the manufacture of dyes and pharmaceuticals, and as a solvent.
  • chemonucleolysis — treatment for a herniated spinal disk in which chymopapain is injected into the disk to dissolve tissue.

17 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • acoustoelectronic — denoting a device in which electronic signals are converted into acoustic waves, esp in delay lines, etc
  • aminoglutethimide — a hormone antagonist, C 13 H 16 N 2 O 2 , used in the treatment of Cushing's syndrome and breast cancer.
  • anti-intellectual — hostile to or opposed to intellectual persons or matters, ideas, activities, etc.
  • ashton-under-lyne — a town in NW England, in Tameside unitary authority, Greater Manchester. Pop: 43 236 (2001)
  • australopithecine — any of various extinct apelike primates of the genus Australopithecus and related genera, remains of which have been discovered in southern and E Africa. Some species are estimated to be over 4.5 million years old

18 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • agammaglobulinemia — a condition of the blood, either congenital or acquired, in which there is near or complete absence of gamma globulin and a failure of the body to form antibodies, resulting in a frequent occurrence of infectious disease.
  • agro-industrialize — to industrialize the agriculture of: to agro-industrialize a developing nation.
  • anti-revolutionary — of, pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of a revolution, or a sudden, complete, or marked change: a revolutionary junta.
  • auxiliary-equation — Mathematics. the characteristic polynomial of a given matrix, equated to zero. Also called auxiliary equation. an equation with one variable and equated to zero, which is derived from a given linear differential equation and in which the coefficient and power of the variable in each term correspond to the coefficient and order of a derivative in the original equation.
  • bachelor's-buttons — any of various plants of the daisy family with button-like flower heads

19 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • anti-fundamentalism — (sometimes initial capital letter) a religious movement characterized by a strict belief in the literal interpretation of religious texts, especially within American Protestantism and Islam.
  • anti-fundamentalist — (sometimes initial capital letter) a religious movement characterized by a strict belief in the literal interpretation of religious texts, especially within American Protestantism and Islam.
  • auricular-appendage — Anatomy. the projecting outer portion of the ear; pinna. Also called auricular appendage. an ear-shaped appendage projecting from each atrium of the heart. (loosely) the atrium.
  • auriculoventricular — atrioventricular.
  • castelnuovo-tedesco — Mario [mah-ryaw] /ˈmɑ ryɔ/ (Show IPA), 1895–1968, U.S. composer, born in Italy.

20 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • anti-intellectualism — a feeling of hostility and dislike towards intellectuals and intellectual activities
  • anti-supernaturalism — supernatural character or agency.
  • balled-and-burlapped — of or relating to a tree, shrub, or other plant prepared for transplanting by allowing the roots to remain covered by a ball of soil around which canvas or burlap is tied.
  • boulogne-billancourt — an industrial suburb of SW Paris. Pop: 106 367 (1999)
  • buckminsterfullerene — a form of carbon that contains molecules having 60 carbon atoms arranged at the vertices of a polyhedron with hexagonal and pentagonal faces. It is produced in carbon arcs and occurs naturally in small amounts in certain minerals

21 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • choledochojejunostomy — (medicine) The surgical formation of an opening between the common bile duct and the jejunum.
  • counter-revolutionary — Counter-revolutionary activities are activities intended to reverse the effects of a previous revolution.
  • differential-quotient — something that has been derived.
  • ecological-succession — the coming of one person or thing after another in order, sequence, or in the course of events: many troubles in succession.

22 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • alpha-naphthylthiourea — ANTU.
  • chlorotrifluoromethane — a colorless gas, CClF 3 , used chiefly as a refrigerant, in the hardening of metals, and in pharmaceutical processing.
  • deinstitutionalization — to release (a person with mental or physical disabilities) from a hospital, asylum, home, or other institution with the intention of providing treatment, support, or rehabilitation primarily through community resources under the supervision of health-care professionals or facilities.
  • deoxyribonucleoprotein — any of a class of nucleoproteins that yield DNA upon partial hydrolysis.

23 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • alpes-de-haute-provence — a department of SE France in Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur region. Capital: Digne. Pop: 144 508 (2003 est). Area: 6988 sq km (2725 sq miles)
  • chlorotrifluoroethylene — a colorless, flammable gas, C 2 H 2 ClF, that polymerizes to form oils, greases, and waxes.
  • communist-international — an international organization (1919–43), founded in Moscow, uniting Communist groups of various countries and advocating the attainment of their ends by violent revolution. Also called Comintern, Communist International. Compare international (def 6).
  • dichlorodifluoromethane — a colourless nonflammable gas easily liquefied by pressure: used as a propellant in aerosols and fire extinguishers and as a refrigerant. Formula: CCl2F2

24 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • black-english-vernacular — Also called African American Vernacular English, African American English, Afro-American English, Black English Vernacular, Black Vernacular English.a dialect of American English characterized by pronunciations, syntactic structures, and vocabulary associated with and used by some North American black people and exhibiting a wide variety and range of forms varying in the extent to which they differ from standard English.

32 letter words containing l, u, e, n

  • democratic-republic-of-the-congo — People's Republic of the, a republic in central Africa, W of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: formerly an overseas territory in French Equatorial Africa; now an independent member of the French Community. 132,046 sq. mi. (341,999 sq. km). Capital: Brazzaville. Formerly French Congo, Middle Congo.

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