
9-letter words containing l, o, n, r

  • stillborn — dead when born.
  • stornello — a type of short Italian rhyming poem or song which usually contains three lines
  • storyline — a secret plan or scheme to accomplish some purpose, especially a hostile, unlawful, or evil purpose: a plot to overthrow the government.
  • strolling — to walk leisurely as inclination directs; ramble; saunter; take a walk: to stroll along the beach.
  • strongyle — any nematode of the family Strongylidae, parasitic as an adult in the intestine of mammals, especially horses.
  • sturluson — Snorri Sturluson.
  • subnormal — below the normal; less than or inferior to the normal: a subnormal amount of rain.
  • sunflower — any of various composite plants of the genus Helianthus, as H. annuus, having showy, yellow-rayed flower heads often 12 inches (30 cm) wide, and edible seeds that yield an oil with a wide variety of uses: the state flower of Kansas.
  • superlong — extremely long
  • tailoring — a person whose occupation is the making, mending, or altering of clothes, especially suits, coats, and other outer garments.
  • tellurion — an apparatus for showing the manner in which the diurnal rotation and annual revolution of the earth and the obliquity of its axis produce the alternation of day and night and the changes of the seasons.
  • tentorial — Anatomy. an extension of one of the membranes covering the cerebrum which, with the transverse fissure, separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum.
  • terpineol — any of several unsaturated, cyclic, tertiary alcohols having the formula C 10 H 18 O, occurring in nature in many essential oils or prepared synthetically: used chiefly in the manufacture of perfumes.
  • thornbill — any of various South American hummingbirds of the genera Chalcostigma, Ramphomicron, etc, having a thornlike bill
  • thornhill — Sir James. 1675–1734, English baroque painter. He is best known for decorating the Painted Hall, Greenwich Hospital (1708–27) and the interior of the dome of St Paul's Cathedral (1715–17)
  • thornlike — resembling or having the characteristics of a thorn
  • throngful — crowded or packed with people
  • tolerance — a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, beliefs, practices, racial or ethnic origins, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry.
  • tonsillar — a prominent oval mass of lymphoid tissue on each side of the throat.
  • tonsorial — of or relating to a barber or barbering: the tonsorial shop.
  • top-liner — an entertainer who is important enough to be the star of a show
  • tormentil — a low European plant, Potentilla erecta, of the rose family, having small, bright-yellow flowers, and a strongly astringent root used in medicine and in tanning and dyeing.
  • torsional — the act of twisting.
  • tortillon — a stump made of paper twisted to a point, used in drawing.
  • train oil — oil obtained from the blubber of whales or from seals, walruses, or other marine animals.
  • trainload — the cargo or passenger capacity of a train.
  • tremolant — having a tremulous or vibrating tone, as certain pipes of an organ.
  • triathlon — an athletic contest comprising three consecutive events, usually swimming, bicycling, and distance running.
  • triclosan — a drug used to treat skin infections
  • trilithon — a prehistoric structure consisting of two upright stones supporting a horizontal stone.
  • trillions — an exceptionally large but unspecified number
  • trinomial — Algebra. consisting of or pertaining to three terms.
  • trionymal — having a name that consists of three separate parts
  • tripleton — (especially in bridge) a set of three cards of the same suit in a hand as dealt.
  • tropeolin — any of a number of orange or yellow azo dyes of complex molecular structure.
  • troubling — to disturb the mental calm and contentment of; worry; distress; agitate.
  • unbroiled — not broiled
  • unclogger — to free of an obstruction or impediment: to unclog a drain; to unclog rush-hour traffic.
  • uncordial — unfriendly
  • uncoupler — an agent responsible for the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation
  • uncourtly — not courtly; rude.
  • undercool — Chemistry. to cool less than necessary for a given process or purpose. to supercool.
  • underflow — to move along in a stream: The river flowed slowly to the sea.
  • underload — anything put in or on something for conveyance or transportation; freight; cargo: The truck carried a load of watermelons.
  • underplot — a plot subordinate to another plot, as in a novel.
  • undersoil — subsoil.
  • undersold — to sell more cheaply than.
  • underwool — underfur.
  • unfloored — without flooring
  • unicolour — having only one color.
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