
22-letter words containing l, o, n, r, t

  • help a person off with — to assist a person in the removal of (clothes)
  • historical linguistics — the study of changes in a language or group of languages over a period of time.
  • hold the purse stringshold the purse strings, to have the power to determine how money shall be spent.
  • horizontal application — An application program common to different business processes, e.g. office automation. Compare vertical application.
  • horn-rimmed spectacles — spectacles with rims made of material resembling horn
  • horse of another color — an entirely different matter
  • hospital administrator — a person who works in the management team of a hospital
  • host control interface — (hardware, wireless)   (HCI) A network layer in the Bluetooth Core Protocol Stack, lying between the software and the hardware stacks and serving as the interface through which the software controls two of Bluetooth's four core protocols.
  • hue, saturation, value — (graphics)   (HSV) A colour model that describes colours in terms of hue (or "tint"), saturation (or "shade") and value (or "tone" or "luminance").
  • hybrid multiprocessing — (parallel)   (HMP) The kind of multitasking which OS/2 supports. HMP provides some elements of symmetric multiprocessing, using add-on IBM software called MP/2. OS/2 SMP was planned for release in late 1993.
  • hydrogen embrittlement — the weakening of metal by the sorption of hydrogen during a pickling process, such as that used in plating
  • in (all) fairness (to) — You use fairness in expressions such as in fairness to and in all fairness when you want to add a favourable comment about someone or something that you have just mentioned and to correct a false impression that you might have given.
  • in on the ground floor — in at the beginning (of a business, etc.) and thus in an especially advantageous position
  • in one's shirt sleeves — not wearing a coat or jacket over one's shirt
  • in one's shirt-sleeves — a long- or short-sleeved garment for the upper part of the body, usually lightweight and having a collar and a front opening.
  • in vitro fertilization — a specialized technique by which an ovum, especially a human one, is fertilized by sperm outside the body, with the resulting embryo later implanted in the uterus for gestation.
  • in your wildest dreams — If you say that you could not imagine a particular thing in your wildest dreams, you are emphasizing that you think it is extremely strange or unlikely.
  • incremental repetition — repetition, with variation, of a refrain or other part of a poem, especially a ballad.
  • industrial archaeology — the study of past industrial machines, works, etc
  • industrialized country — a country characterized by industry on an extensive scale
  • information technology — the development, implementation, and maintenance of computer hardware and software systems to organize and communicate information electronically. Abbreviation: IT.
  • initial program loader — (operating system)   (IPL) A bootstrap loader which loads the part of an operating system needed to load the remainder of the operating system.
  • instruction scheduling — The compiler phase that orders instructions on a pipelined, superscalar, or VLIW architecture so as to maximise the number of function units operating in parallel and to minimise the time they spend waiting for each other. Examples are filling a delay slot; interspersing floating-point instructions with integer instructions to keep both units operating; making adjacent instructions independent, e.g. one which writes a register and another which reads from it; separating memory writes to avoid filling the write buffer. Norman P. Jouppi and David W. Wall, "Available Instruction-Level Parallelism for Superscalar and Superpipelined Processors", Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, pp. 272--282, 1989.
  • interactive television — techniques that enable viewers to interact with what they are watching
  • intermetallic compound — a compound of two or more metals.
  • international air mile — a unit of distance at sea or in the air equal to 1.852 kilometers.
  • international standard — (standard)   The series of standards from ISO and its subcommitees.
  • international telegram — a telemessage sent from the UK to a foreign country
  • interoperable database — A database front-end which communicates with multiple heterogenous databases and makes them appear as a single homogenous entity with semantic calls. See ODBC.
  • it's london to a brick — it is certain
  • judge advocate general — the chief legal officer of an army, navy, or air force.
  • junior sales associate — A junior sales associate is an inexperienced member of the sales staff, usually receiving training or supervised by more experienced staff.
  • ketamine hydrochloride — a powerful anesthetic, C13H16ClNO·HCl, used in surgery
  • klinefelter's syndrome — an abnormal condition in which at least one extra X chromosome is present in a male: characterized by reduced or absent sperm production, small testicles, and in some cases enlarged breasts.
  • label switching router — (networking)   (LSR) A device that typically resides somewhere in the middle of a network and is capable of forwarding datagrams by label switching. In many cases, especially early versions of MPLS networks, a LSR will typically be a modified ATM switch that forwards datagrams based upon a label in the VPI/VCI field.
  • lady's not for burning — a verse play (1948) by Christopher Fry.
  • land of the rising sun — Japan.
  • law enforcement agency — an organization responsible for enforcing the law, such as a police or sheriff department
  • league of women voters — a nonpartisan organization that works toward improving the political process: created in 1920 to inform women on public issues. Abbreviation: LWV.
  • leather-stocking tales — a series of historical novels by James Fenimore Cooper, comprising The Pioneers, The Last of the Mohicans, The Prairie, The Pathfinder, and The Deerslayer.
  • lesser cornstalk borer — the larva of a widely distributed pyralid moth, Elasmopalpus lignosellus, that damages corn and some other crops by boring into the part of the stalk close to the soil.
  • letter of introduction — a letter given by one person to another, as an introduction to a third party
  • linear induction motor — an electric motor in which a movable part moves in a straight line, with power being supplied by a varying magnetic field set up by a fixed part of the system, as a metal rail on the ground.
  • little lord fauntleroy — (italics) a children's novel (1886) by Frances H. Burnett.
  • local standard of rest — a frame of reference for a portion of the universe in which the mean motion of nearby stars is zero.
  • lofoten and vesterålen — a group of islands off the NW coast of Norway, within the Arctic Circle. Largest island: Hinnøy. Pop: 54 589 (2004 est). Area: about 5130 sq km (1980 sq miles)
  • lorentz transformation — the mathematical transformation in the special theory of relativity that describes the way in which measurements of space, time, and other physical quantities differ for two observers in uniform relative motion.
  • love-hate relationship — If you have a love-hate relationship with someone or something, your feelings towards them change suddenly and often from love to hate.
  • lund software house ab — (company)   The company who produced Lund Simula. Address: Box 7056, S-22007 Lund, Sweden.
  • magnetic pole strength — Electricity. a measure of the force exerted by one face of a magnet on a face of another magnet when both magnets are represented by equal and opposite poles. Symbol: m.
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