
17-letter words containing l, o, n, r, t

  • generalized other — an individual's internalized impression of societal norms and expectations.
  • genetic algorithm — (GA) An evolutionary algorithm which generates each individual from some encoded form known as a "chromosome" or "genome". Chromosomes are combined or mutated to breed new individuals. "Crossover", the kind of recombination of chromosomes found in sexual reproduction in nature, is often also used in GAs. Here, an offspring's chromosome is created by joining segments choosen alternately from each of two parents' chromosomes which are of fixed length. GAs are useful for multidimensional optimisation problems in which the chromosome can encode the values for the different variables being optimised.
  • geothermal energy — Geothermal energy is energy from temperature differences inside the earth's crust.
  • gigaelectron volt — one billion electron-volts. Abbreviation: GeV, Gev.
  • glastonbury chair — a folding chair having legs crossed front-to-back and having arms connected to the back and to the front seat rail.
  • glory-of-the-snow — any of several plants belonging to the genus Chionodoxa, of the lily family, native to the Old World, having showy, blue, white, or pink flowers that bloom early in the spring.
  • glove compartment — a compartment in the dashboard of an automobile for storing small items.
  • gold export point — an exchange rate at which it is as cheap to settle international accounts by exporting gold bullion as by buying bills of exchange
  • gold import point — an exchange rate at which it is as cheap to settle international accounts by importing gold bullion as by selling bills of exchange
  • goldbeater's skin — the prepared outside membrane of the large intestine of the ox, used by goldbeaters to lay between the leaves of the metal while they beat it into gold leaf.
  • golf ball printer — IBM 2741
  • grandfather clock — a pendulum floor clock having a case as tall as or taller than a person; tall-case clock; long-case clock.
  • grandmother clock — a pendulum clock similar to a grandfather's clock but shorter.
  • ground angle shot — a photograph or film shot in which the lens is near the ground, usually pointing up somewhat
  • haematocrystallin — Alternative form of hematocrystallin.
  • haemoglobinometer — an instrument used to determine the haemoglobin content of blood
  • harmonic interval — an intervening period of time: an interval of 50 years.
  • helicopter parent — a style of child rearing in which an overprotective mother or father discourages a child's independence by being too involved in the child's life: In typical helicopter parenting, a mother or father swoops in at any sign of challenge or discomfort.
  • henry cabot lodgeHenry Cabot, 1850–1924, U.S. public servant and author: senator 1893–1924.
  • henry of portugal — ("the Navigator") 1394–1460, prince of Portugal: sponsor of geographic explorations.
  • high-carbon steel — steel containing between 0.5 and 1.5 per cent carbon
  • histamine blocker — any of various substances that act at a specific receptor site to block certain actions of histamine.
  • ho chi minh trail — a network of jungle paths winding from North Vietnam through Laos and Cambodia into South Vietnam, used as a military route by North Vietnam to supply the Vietcong during the Vietnam War.
  • hold one's breath — If you say that someone is holding their breath, you mean that they are waiting anxiously or excitedly for something to happen.
  • hold sb to ransom — If you say that someone is holding you to ransom in British English, or holding you for ransom in American English, you mean that they are using their power to try to force you to do something which you do not want to do.
  • holding operation — a plan or procedure devised to prolong the existing situation
  • hole in the heart — a defect of the heart in which there is an abnormal opening in any of the walls dividing the four heart chambers
  • hollerith, herman — Herman Hollerith
  • homeland security — national defence
  • honorable mention — a citation conferred on a contestant, exhibit, etc., having exceptional merit though not winning a top honor or prize.
  • hornblende schist — a variety of schist containing needles of hornblende that lie in parallel planes.
  • horst wessel song — the official song of the Nazi party in Germany from 1933 to 1945.
  • hospital gangrene — Pathology. a contagious, often fatal gangrene, especially involving amputation stumps and war wounds, occurring usually in crowded, ill-kept hospitals, and caused by putrefactive bacteria.
  • hydrothermal vent — an opening on the floor of the sea from which hot, mineral-rich solutions issue. Compare vent1 (def 2).
  • hyperalimentation — overfeeding.
  • hyperbolic secant — a hyperbolic function that is the reciprocal of cosh; sech
  • hyperchlorination — Chemistry. to combine or treat with chlorine. to introduce chlorine atoms into an organic compound by an addition or substitution reaction.
  • hyperinflationary — (economics) Having very high levels of inflation.
  • hyperpolarisation — Alternative spelling of hyperpolarization.
  • hyperpolarization — The act or process of hyperpolarizing.
  • idiosyncratically — pertaining to the nature of idiosyncrasy, or something peculiar to an individual: The best minds are idiosyncratic and unpredictable as they follow the course of scientific discovery.
  • ignoratio elenchi — the fallacy of offering proof irrelevant to the proposition in question.
  • illinois waterway — a waterway system in N Illinois made up of canals and rivers connecting Lake Michigan in Chicago with the Mississippi River. 336 miles (541 km) long.
  • illocutionary act — an act performed by a speaker by virtue of uttering certain words, as for example the acts of promising or of threatening
  • immunofluorescent — Of, pertaining to, or using immunofluorescence.
  • impersonalization — to make impersonal: The dial system impersonalized the telephone.
  • implosion therapy — a form of behavior therapy involving intensive recollection and review of anxiety-producing situations or events in a patient's life in an attempt to develop more appropriate responses to similar situations in the future.
  • impressionability — easily impressed or influenced; susceptible: an impressionable youngster.
  • improper integral — Also called infinite integral. a definite integral in which one or both of the limits of integration is infinite.
  • improvisationally — In an improvisational way.
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